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Game Ranked Skyrim Mafia

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Somewhat conflicted, not scummy per se, but off. Need to see why that might be.
What makes these questions, or anything I'm doing, weak sauce?
But that isn't the goal of this at all?
would be much easier if alco was here

if he doesnt come by end of day we rekt him


he moved to alco long ago i belived...

u r the only one tunneling me without a second main direction

and ur timeline is fked
You said pushing not voting lol.

My second main direction would be whicker.

And no it definitely isn't.

The X

your RNG thing means nothing.
make a vote that we can judge you on.
read the thread then just drop a vote.....

I chose BPD cuz to me it seemed like there was immediate pushback to that wagon.
people just pilled on kekko for no reason.
When was there a wagon on me and who pushed back on it?


I suppose this is fair, but correct me if I'm wrong, you're just now establishing your desire for a Whicker wagon, yeah? I don't have a meta read on Whicker, I've played one game with him, it's just that I think there's a contrast on how he opened last game to this game. Now, I am incorrect on him being town last game, he was indie, but I do stand by the idea it's easier to come off and play like town as indie as opposed to wolf.

Are you reading me and Magic town?
Well, my playstyle when I join a group of complete strangers it to generally sit back for most of D1 to get a general feel for everyone. I've done exactly that in all 3 of my Champs games and I'm doing it again here. I generally don't like town reading anyone on D1, I prefer to actively look for things that feel scummy to me, but I'm usually not confident enough of that read to place a vote (not a fan of random votes D1 either) until I see something that confirms to me that what I feel regarding a player is echoed by others as well. Doesn't mean that I'm sheeping or trying to hide on a wagon, just that I'm more careful with my voting and don't generally do it lightly. I correctly read Whicker as town in our game together last time and my first substantive post of this game was to point out that I found his play in this game to be strikingly different to what I had seen in the past. To see both you and Magic sort of agree with me is what gave me the confidence to trust that what I was seeing could in fact be true so that's what led me to be comfortable with starting a wagon there (or joining you in voting for him). So while it's true I'm just now coming to the point of being comfortable with said wagon, I have been saying all day today (irl) that I found his play to be off.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
What makes these questions, or anything I'm doing, weak sauce?
questions/comments to me are complete weaksauce and waste of posts. the good guying with cp, the telling us to not mock lethal, the read of me questioning tpein

i cant off top of my head recall any of ur position outside of the alco one, so i hedge ur read based on what he comes back with as u put all ur eggs in the alco basket.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
i dont think wicker is as scummy as u guys make him seem to be tbh


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
You said you remember the first twenty pages of the last game, yeah? How do you compare Whicker's entrance there to here?
i barely remember his posts there, i thought he was scummy cuz he was pushing people i town read. he isnt doing that here

i think he is null/town for me rn for the arguments he chose to pick with players, he had posts where i thought he isnt aligned with my main scum reads and sounded uninformed in general
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