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Ranked Baki Mafia

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No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I literally have no idea how someone can hand wave Magic in past games as scum going along with or actively engaging in bussing teammates.

He went along with pushing and getting T-Pein lynched with Ultra. There is something strange about your stance to not entertain this angle.
He literally saved Pein D1 and got caught over it.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
It‘s like you‘re just making up this false narrative now to distract from the fact Magic literally suicided to protect you lol.


It‘s like you‘re just making up this false narrative now to distract from the fact Magic literally suicided to protect you lol.
Then vote me you coward. You cried about the bussing and getting called out by your own team for trying to hide in scum chat, false narrative? Magic was lynched the second to last phase of the game before Ultra.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Then vote me you coward. You cried about the bussing and getting called out by your own team for trying to hide in scum chat, false narrative? Magic was lynched the second to last phase of the game before Ultra.
Again, I was mad at Ultra. Not. Magic.

God you‘re infuriating.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
vote sky

im not against the frinckles wagon or anything but i feel like there's a lot of pressure there and almost no defense and if he has a team i think there would be at least some push back or an alternative wagon. bachi could be the alternative wagon but tweet is the one mostly pushing that and i dont think tweet is scum. sky is also pushing that and it could be a distance between the two as tweet mentioned earlier but overall bachi appears rather antagonistic. i still havent had the time to cross compare to the previous game but i dont want to keep refraining from voting.

although i do want clarification on their read on me and what a soul read is.

im not huge on jinri's resulting reads from the read back and honestly dont really see retro as town right now either but ive never seen her scum game. overall she appears lacking.

Maybe sky is the alternative wagon :mjpls

If you think scum would push an alternate wagon and that Sky vs Bachi could be distancing, why don't you vote Bachi or push a case against Bachi?

Bachi - 3
Sky - 2
Gram - 1
Aurelian - 1
Frinckles - 4
Nibel - 1

Frinckles is the alternate wagon if you look at it from that perspective you're talking about. And it sounds like you might scum read them more than Frinckles.

Depends if Frinc is from the same site as Hayumi really. If this is the case it could be a case of trusting a top player for now (I tend to do that D1 tbh)

Where's the suggestion that Frinc instantly backed off though? Could it not have been just a case of finding different more interesting directions? Gonna need you to tell me where Frinc said "I suspect Magic is scum" and then later said "I think Magic is town"

Really not a fan of being led into a read either. Not just because it's slimy, but because it's disrespectful

i wasn't leading you into a read. i found it strange you didnt comment on that yourself as it's something id expect you to find scummy/to call someone out for(walking back on a read just cause someone else called the person town).

the fact you are unaware doesn't really bode well for me either.

i wasn't on frinckles.

sky it is impossible to read your motivations like a normal person. im genuinely baffled by your play as you make it so clear youre playing out of almost solely your own best interests. you had frinckles as town earlier and now youre advocating me to vote for him and asking im not. you had said nothing of grammaton but as it's clear he's not for your wagon like myself or craig was earlier you declare him town leader.

this shit is outwardly scummy and yet there's a chance you're just doing this as town, which is just fucking stupid.

It's all in my posts during the readback. Magic is one of the initial votes on the Frinckles wagon (distance), but goes off when it's got steam behind it (after Gram voted it, notably). Also the spec about "Frinckles might not be scum as no one is defending" when he could... just tell his scum mates not to defend too hard? Magic's definitely got the capacity and leadership to do so
there's more, but I'm lazy

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
(Scum indeed had a motive to kill tweet as I'm reading back, he was not under any illusion and was a threat to thread control early on - same with Craig)


Again, I was mad at Ultra. Not. Magic.

God you‘re infuriating.
Again, you got called out by Magic as well for lurking in scum chat for large portions of the game. And again the false narrative you claim completely ignores Magic wasn't lynched until the second to last day of the game, Ultra and Magic got knee capped when I remembered you guys late in the game slipped but knowing Alco was SK after Rem was killed and Ekko worked from there to get Magic lynched.

Magic is perfectly capable of bussing teammates. Ignoring this is your problem, not mine.
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