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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Kek. I'm the only guy on this site that actually likes Issei, and even the most wanked version of him doesn't have a chance against an enemy on that scale. Supposing you decide to ignore the "I can blow up the universe" shit Zeus is still at least star system level. Issei caps at planet level.

Remember that Star System level can be either Solar System... or Galaxy level.
Google primarily goes for Galaxy... so Issei should be reduced to nothing, either by Quirinus bullshit power... or through Hades/Pluto's Authority Quirinus has :skully


V.I.P. Member
Remember that Star System level can be either Solar System... or Galaxy level.
Google primarily goes for Galaxy... so Issei should be reduced to nothing, either by Quirinus bullshit power... or through Hades/Pluto's Authority Quirinus has :skully

Eh, Issei has run into and dealt with pretty much every hax Zeus has access to, including the straight up "you just don't exist forever now" type shit.

If for some bizzare reason you chose to do a "power equal" version I could bring shit up for Issei in response to most everything Zeus can do
Eh, Issei has run into and dealt with pretty much every hax Zeus has access to, including the straight up "you just don't exist forever now" type shit.

If for some bizzare reason you chose to do a "power equal" version I could bring shit up for Issei in response to most everything Zeus can do

Mmm, Power Equal is too boring though and gives the character too much leeway so...


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Power Equal is stupid anyway since it's basically "okay so I know this guy loses in any reasonable fight, but what if I arbitrarily decided that didn't happen?"
Really, if you're going to equalize ANYTHING, speed should be the only thing.
Or at the least you could do two rounds, one with equal speed and the other with unequal speed.

For the sake of at least letting there be a discussion rather than just "lolblitz" if the match-up has the potential for it.

But that's just my opinion on it.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

Sorry Nero... but you're deadweight.
RUN Nero, that nigga has Excalibur, he'll straight nuke your ass. Use that time slow devil breaker and get the fuck out of there. 😱

Seriously why they gotta do Nero dirty like this? :maybe


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

The Invisible Thing DOESN'T fluctuate in power, it's explicitly been getting stronger throughout the series.


That was filler
All the content in the DBS anime is canon, there is no filler like in the DBZ anime.
That doesn't even begin to make sense. Radiation is not the same as a Hydra Venom even from the start(Not to mention DB HAS things like that with the Magical Poison Water he used to get a boost against DK Piccolo and Lavender's poison). Radiation melts your cells, poison breaks down your insides through various means. Space is full of Radiation yet Frieza at his weakest survived that too no problem.
Unless the Radiation itself is special(Which Garou's isn't), then it works like any type of Radiation.
Freeza is specifically noted to be capable of surviving a lot of stuff that other beings can't, such as being sliced into pieces. There's no reason to assume that other characters could survive radiation based on Freeza being able to survive in outer space. Not to mention the amount and kind of radiation that Garou emits is different and greater than just being in outer space without being near to any stars.
So we are going to ignore that Ki Blasts have been infused with Heat plenty of times? How you think that Planets be reducd to nothing? Or Piccolo and the Moon?
No one is denying that ki blasts are hot, I'm asking for evidence that they're as hot as the sun. As for how planets are reduced to nothing, I'll chalk that up to fictional energy having weird destructive capabilities.
The Ginyu Force are literally aliens themselves, why would they be anymore affected by Radiation than the Saiyans they see as inferior?
Why would they be resistant to radiation just from being aliens?
DB Goku survived Magical Poison Water which would kill him if he was too weak...
A poison of unknown strength.
Roshi's Electrical attack says otherwise as it still does what it did in DB and it gets stronger as he did.
Electricity of unknown power.
Goku has Kaioken which would further amp his stats... that's not close to a fair comparison there...
No, Goku defeated Recoome without using Kaioken, and even without using his full power at base state. Not to mention Goku and no one as strong as him is in that thread.
@GaRbS Listen, I'm not going to go over this again and instead, I'll point you to @Thegoldenboy2188 's post awhile back on radiation:

Radiation is just energy, too much of one bit of energy with other types being more dangerous than others. This is why you can get skinburn and cancer from too much sunlight hitting you in a bad way and why other types of radiation can also be too dangerous for humans due to that extremely off amount of energy.

It's ultimately from heat and cold burns and DBZ fighters have suffered through those without a scratch at all.
Unless you have specific proof that Garou's "Cosmic Radiation" is far worse than a synthetic plague that the Galactic Police uses to wipe out an entire population of a planet that doesn't affect Saiyans even as babies, then this conversation is over.


Man of Atom
Freeza is specifically noted to be capable of surviving a lot of stuff that other beings can't, such as being sliced into pieces. There's no reason to assume that other characters could survive radiation based on Freeza being able to survive in outer space.
Being able to survive in space already means you can survive radiation pretty damn well. Space is filled with 3 different kinds of radiation for fucks sake man.

Not to mention the amount and kind of radiation that Garou emits is different and greater than just being in outer space without being near to any stars.
You have evidence that his radiation is greater or different than just being in outer space. The chapter just shows us that regular humans get absolutely fucked by the radiation he emits
@Xhominid The Fool :mjlol

King Hassan alone would solo... hell, he wouldn't be the only one...
But I'm putting that list out so you can specifically see how horrifically Akame Ga Kill gets stomped even if you remove him.


V.I.P. Member
@Xhominid The Fool :mjlol

..........there's a Grand Servant and Two Beasts in that class :geg

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Don't know where you got these numbers from.
Certainly not from my ass, where you got your information from.
Luffy has lost to

1. Buggy
No he didn't

Being caught off guard and put in the gallows, is not a fight dipshit.
2. Smoker
Dude holds him down once before the fight is interrupted, that's not a loss.

And the fact you have to try and count that to make Luffy look worse speaks volumes.

Then again your name is Captain Quincy so I shouldn't be surprised. :hestonpls

This BTW is the same dipshit who tried to blame Orihime hate on the ANIME for those wondering.
3. Miss Goldenweek
If you mean the mind control girl, just fucking stop.

There was NO fight there at all, her powers worked on him and she was promptly beat by weaker characters.
Whoop de fucking do.
4. Crocodile
5. Crocodile again
Oh look there's two actual losses.
He never lost to Enel.
7. Aokiji
8. Lucci
Four actual losses.
He never lost to Moria, he in fact defeated him outright.
10. Kuma
11. Magellan
There's six
12. Marineford
You mean where he isn't even actually fighting them, he's just trying to run passed them and people are hitting him as a result.

Do you want me to bring up EoS Ichigo getting humiliated by Nazis due to the same exact thing.
13. Ceaser Clown
Luffy beat Ceaser.
14. Doflamingo
Luffy beat Doflamingo.
15. BM army
16. Katakuri
17. Kaido
19. Kaido again
20. Kaido once more

Oh look the count was right and you're full of shit, fancy that. :mjpls
And this is with bundling all MF losses into one and excluding some odd ones, both of which would really bloat that number.
Again he wasn't FIGHTING anyone in Marineford so counting that shit is disingenuous at best. Notice how you admit that it BLOATS the number, because that's all you're doing.

Trying to artifiially make Luffy seem worse by misrepresenting shit like you do all the time, although usually it's in favor of making something in bleach seem better than it is.
In comparison, Ichigo is second at 12 losses and Naruto is third at 9.
Except if you were applying the same standards for them, you're using for Luffy, their numbers would be a lot higher than that and you fucking know it. :breh
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