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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
He'd have to do that before he turns to ash the moment he drinks the blood though


V.I.P. Member
He’s a one trick pony, he’s nothing special outside JoJo without it. Remove the reality warping punches and TWOH is just back to being regular The World

I don’t know which character you’re talking about, but Heaven Dio can be beaten by plenty characters who avoid his fists just fine


Man of Atom
He'd have to do that before he turns to ash the moment he drinks the blood though

Im sorry but no, fuck you, we aren't doing this fucking song and dance a second fucking time.

I'm gonna start treating yall niggas like Kenshin in a minute. Thats how badly yall have gotten.

I know someones gonna reply to my post with some absolute hornswoggle and I'm not even gonna read it.

Yall have gotten to the level of 40ft Tall Escanor and thats how I'mma start dealing with yall.


V.I.P. Member
I’m not even taking about Himegami: just how bad the DIO wank got for both that thread and outside it


V.I.P. Member
I’m not even taking about Himegami: just how bad the DIO wank got for both that thread and outside it
Jotaro was even more wanked

Star Platinum Over Heaven lost to The World Over Heaven and his control over Rewrite was nowhere near as good as Dio’s

Jotaro needed to disable The World Over Heaven’s hands to win after he lost the actual fight


V.I.P. Member
I know all this already and argued the same thing


Man of Atom
if you take away Over Heaven then he goes back to being just the world
if you avoid his fist then he can be beaten by plenty

Gordo this is the biggest, braniest take ive seen in a while.
Your telling me if you remove what makes TWoH, Over Heaven he just goes back to being the world?
If you avoid his fists you can win?

I never would have thought. Truly this is some sage knowledge your bestowing upon us


V.I.P. Member
@Gordo Stop trying to be a retarded contrarian for the sake of it, you are making Paxton believe he can do similar.
I don’t know what beef you and Paxton have, but nothing I said was wrong

I’m saying he’s no different than regular TW if you remove it. You claimed he was very powerful, when really it’s just those punches and nothing else

Yes, you can blitz him just fine. Jotaro literally did that when they first met, did you forget? Honest question if you did, EoH wasn’t a very good game


Man of Atom

"If you remove one of the things that makes him powerful then hes not that powerful"