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Game Ranked EastEnders Mafia

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Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Bad shots? How? You weren't even around for D1.
this was discussed like last phase, there have been some complaints

anyway, I hold no weight this game and I don't intend to, you don't need to try to appeal to me or discuss how I'm wrong etc etc
Unless someone wants input and it's relevant and not a side tangent then ig I'll tryhard zzzz

U and xeno need 2 go sometime
If I am wrong about you and you end of being a positive force for town using your abilities after the game ends, ill admit to that


I don't really know why you keep employing this angleshooting here. No matter what his alignment is, he has been given a pass, he's not any more likely to be given a pass if he's town over scum - in fact, it would be the opposite, because a modkill on scum is more damaging from a strictly numbers perspective than one on town. It's not the first time you've invoked this either.

Beyond that, I noticed you mentioned me bringing up Phen0m as a shot target. Frankly, you're assuming I haven't given it due consideration without really qualifying it - of course I've noted it was Rugrat pushing it. I've also noted he only started pushing it when the PoE is closing in on him, which lends itself to plausibly bussing.

Lastly, I really need you to qualify your Lethal read - not sure if you have after the post I'm responding to. "Feels townie" is not good, and shouldn't be good enough for a player who claims to be a promoter of logical analysis. For what it's worth, I've found that claim of yours questionable in the past, so I'm not holdo g you to it, but if you are relying on third party meta then you should just say so, there is no shame in it. Otherwise I have no idea how you read his interaction with me and come away with the conclusion that it reads townie. It was flagrantly scummy, arguably too scummy to be scum, but the Ekko kill at least warrants a further look here. Lastly, you using his Hated claim as a point in his favour is pretty silly - it actively dissuades building a wagon on him, particularly in LyLo (which we are probably a phase or two away from), so the scum motivation should be pretty evident.

The X

wtf is this post, left titty?? How can you say you hold no weight but at the same time try to discredit me? This just adds a distraction to town.

The X

Well that confirms the jailkeep then at least. Have you tried igniting anyway or do you know he didn't receive the key?
I know he didn't receive the key. I slipped the key into Fang and Poyser's pockets so they wouldn't be notified. But I chose to hand the key to xenos so he would be notified.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
wtf is this post, left titty?? How can you say you hold no weight but at the same time try to discredit me? This just adds a distraction to town.
Im not

I'm giving an opinion that no one, other than you, has paid attention to

fucks sake it's an opinion that isn't even widely shared lmao


where does my vote need to go to. Have we reached a consensus
You need to vote Phenom

We have 16 players left

the split I’m guessing is 10/5/1

If we mislynch it’s 9/5/1

If the SK doesn’t hit right it’s 7/5/1 in day
With 13 players left potentially including a town Lethal and scum Phenom they will have the required votes to lynch Lethal and its game




Why would he "plausibly bus" a double voter team mate? That's the opposite of plausible, if he's bussing he chooses to focus on probably anyone else. Dismissive of you.

As for Lethal, I actually have no idea what you mean by him being too scummy to be scum. Perhaps scummy, but you explicitly denied even needing to case him, to his face. I think his response is frankly reasonable. And I think his wider play doesn't really quite elicit suspicion or motive. He is strikingly confident while flying by the seat of his pants as opposed to strikingly unconfident while having all the info. I'd expect him to go for softer targets than you/Ekko and to give more focus on easy PoE dunks. This might be colored by other player's meta but I think this is a big contrast just by my own personal observation of his play in WWE. Woof.

Vote Ultra

Absolutely horrid lol

The X

its strange you get the choice to let them know or not - does a key to the vic present with any other benefits?
Yeah I was kind of thrown off by that as well. Not sure why I'd want to let my targets know I was dousing them. The key has no other benefits. Only reason I wanted to notify xenos was to be fair to him.
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