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Game Ranked EastEnders Mafia

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The Nexus

this is such a sus post...
what the.


Leprous Monarch
feel the same about ultra's case, didn't mind any of the flower stuff but not totally buying the switch on BPD


Question here is do we waste a day phase on an SK that is potentially lynchproof (tho unlikely) or do we just let mafia/vigs deal with them?

I’m probably leaning towards the latter

Woof woof!

(If we keep him alive, it's only after we have made an explicit contract with him telling him exactly what to do following a full claim on his end, and even then, that's just a possible consideration. Don't be sloppy about this)


The Nexus
Btw scum "Role Tracked" Me last night so they have my whole role.
IDK why they would choose me.
kinda cringe...

Hans Tweetenberg

The thing you fail to realize is that saying that somebodys lynch is a foregone conclusion doesn't mean that that lynch therefore has to take place immediately and no other discussion is to take place that day. We knew one of the two indy claims was gonna get offed some 8 hours into the phase, but there's no need to rush it through especially on d1.

Though if I knew most of d1 was gonna be an endless back and forth of what I believe to be two townies I woulda ended it asap.


But what’s the TMI supposed to be? That she’s not mafia? Because I thought it was very obvious she was not mafia and the only person that it wasn’t obvious to was seemingly BPD lol. I don’t think TMI was required there at all

I take your point about not being bothered to lynch her, but at the end of the day mafia wouldn’t know whether or not she was lying about being survivor so they’d have almost the same amount of info as us at that point

Hans Tweetenberg

What I meant by it at the time is that her thoughts looked genuine to me so I was going to lean town, but that was while catching up. They'd already been outed by that time but I hadn't noticed.


The Nexus

I did not know she wasn't mafia.
And she technically was a mini mafia lowkey.


Leprous Monarch
can you explain why you were sus of BPD and why you changed your mind
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