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Game Ranked EastEnders Mafia

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well aside from the fact I can't follow his thought process at all which admittedly is probably NAI, the numerous times he's echo'd poyser feels a bit sus and then the way he challenged my reasonable assumption that all kills were stopped last night felt like forced aggro scum. not really confident on him though just wanted to see if I got an EDIBLE reaction after applying some pressure but hasn't been the case
I don't agree on certain things your saying about me here. For one, I had all of one time a coincidental thought process shared with Poyser, that was it. I spent all of day 1 going back and forth with BPD non-stop, and I'm not going to repeat ad naseum over and over why I had my issues with his actions. None of that echoes his interactions with Poyser or anyone else. I'm fine with you not trusting me fully or anything but you really didn't put any pressure on me that would make me sweat or feel worried then or now, same with T-Pein.

Right now though its patent bullshit to say I had "numerous times" I echoed Poyser.
It happen once and only once.

And that was today.

Feels more like you are fishing and want to use that to potentially angle a lynch at me for an easy day 2. At least you were clear about this in subtext.


Yeah this is indeed pointless because I just told you about ONE THING I liked about CP and you keep saying that I can't say that for reasons of "because I said so woof". I got no read on him beyond that because he's barely played the game.

By the by, do you think there's any way that I'd be viewing CPs suspicions of Gram favorably if I had any sort of favorable read on Gram?

Dawg, you had him on the list of players you'd like to press at the beginning of today, I presume you would have a read on him.

I wouldn't assume you'd be viewing CP favorably for your favorable read on Fang, but lo and behold. Feel free to, you know, elaborate instead of asking leading questions


Objectionable Objection
V.I.P. Member
Why the fuck would you assume this is true? We have word from the player that is tasked with insuring Xenos lives to the end of the game.

Flower was actually bulletproof just like she said, wasn't she? If we were going to lie it would've been smarter to switch our defenses.

Hans Tweetenberg

Dawg, you had him on the list of players you'd like to press at the beginning of today, I presume you would have a read on him.

I wouldn't assume you'd be viewing CP favorably for your favorable read on Fang, but lo and behold. Feel free to, you know, elaborate instead of asking leading questions
I wanted to push him precisely because I had no read on him

And regarding Aurelian I can at least see where CP is coming from though now that I think of it, by now he should know not to expect picture perfect play out of that slot so point taken

The X

I'm also going to assume @Imposter is town here because him going after Flower looked like legit wolf hunting to me. Would love some reads and activity from this slot to help town.

The X

Den Watts

Am I town now?
That's not a full claim!

Tired Good Night GIF
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