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Game Unranked Archived Fairy Tail Mafia - The Dawn of Fiore [Main Game Thread] (Game Ended - Zeref Dragneel and Acnologia have won the game)

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Love to see scum dropping like flies. Seems to be some fun action claiming going on, time to catch all the way up fr



If he's scum he would probably be bussing his mate there. Really will need to see a Xadlin flip first before working out the minutae of his vote switch. On the surface of it, voting for a town read, even if it's soft, over a null read is a bad look.
I have reason to believe I was shot last night, and I have further reason to believe it was either August, Irene, Mard Geer or Zeref who did so. Outside chance of Acnologia, too, but Zeref appears to be an Indie that is filling the role I'd expect Acnologia to fill. I don't want any claims if someone knows who visited me, but if you do know, try and scrutinise the people you know did so.

For those who don't know flavour:

August = Red Scum
Irene = Red Scum (probably Godmother)
Mard Geer (probably Godfather)
Zeref (Serial)

So here is my issue. Night 1 I investigated you, and received that you were Sting (I get alignment, and if I win a GMG the previous phase I get the role). I also took another action that I know landed on my target, so I can rule out being redirected completely.

Obviously, Aurelian flipped Sting. This means that you were busdriven Night 1 with a townie. Now I'll give some time for a townie to claim this, because it's not impossible that town swapped you two around, but I think it leans towards being less likely given both the choice of targets, and that neither you nor Aurelian were responsible for the busdrive.

The reason I know when I'm shot is that I lose several aspects of my role when I do so - it's because I'm very very hard to kill. It comes back after a cycle, but I couldn't investigate anyone N2, and I won't be able to N3 either.

To summarize what Ratchet has said so far:

- Targeted Prof in N1 and got Aurelian as result. (Claimed in D3)
- Targeted Melkor in N1 with another ability (doesn't claim what it is) and based on the result doesn't think he was redirected that night (Claimed in D3)
- Says he was shot in N1 and survived the shot and gave a list of Red Mafia + Zeref/Acnologia for potential candidates who might have shot him (Claimed in D2)
- Says he was shot again in N2 and survived the shot (Claimed D3)

@Black Pegged Dragon


I don't believe you can evidence the first line, and any further information I have to give does nothing to resolve the information on the table. I think this is going in circles at this stage - I'm pretty satisfied my point stands.
The evidence is in the thread. You continue to dodge the points which can clear you, and you ask me to read you innocent based on what you provided. This is nothing different than "Trust me" when you haven't yet provided any reason for why we should give you the benefit of doubt.


Shouldn't he have a list of names from his second shot?
He says he targeted Lord Melkor with his second shot in N1, but doesn't say what. Melkor is dead in N1 and he is giving out that information now.

Apparently, he can't investigate again in the next night phase when he is shot so *conveniently* we also shouldn't expect any invest actions from him from N2 or N3.


The evidence is in the thread. You continue to dodge the points which can clear you, and you ask me to read you innocent based on what you provided. This is nothing different than "Trust me" when you haven't yet provided any reason for why we should give you the benefit of doubt.
Which points can "clear" me? Let me give you a hypothetical. If I claimed to have used an investigative ability on Melkor to learn one of his abilities, received those results, and then saw his flip, with that ability in there, then I would know I wasn't redirected (which is what I've said). Nothing about that clears anything up - you will say I'm lying anyway, as will anyone else who shares your inclination.

I'm not asking you to read me anything by the way, I am pointing out that your priorities appear to be scum-sided.

The X

He says he targeted Lord Melkor with his second shot in N1, but doesn't say what. Melkor is dead in N1 and he is giving out that information now.

Apparently, he can't investigate again in the next night phase when he is shot so *conveniently* we also shouldn't expect any invest actions from him from N2 or N3.
Sounds like a very complicated role. You think his claim his bullshit and he's wolf not indie?


Sounds like a very complicated role. You think his claim his bullshit and he's wolf not indie?
He is insisting on being town-aligned indie. I don't buy that with the ability to use two shots in N1, having bulletproof passive, being aware of getting shot. None of this makes sense for town-aligned indie.

He is either hostile indie which we cannot vig if he is indeed BP, or straight up scum lying about being BP.


He is insisting on being town-aligned indie. I don't buy that with the ability to use two shots in N1, having bulletproof passive, being aware of getting shot. None of this makes sense for town-aligned indie.

He is either hostile indie which we cannot vig if he is indeed BP, or straight up scum lying about being BP.
I haven't claimed Indie at all, though.


So it looks like I failed 3 out of 3 Magic Games.
Guess I won't be able to use my ability to help town this game.
With my luck, I'll be forever generic.

Felt this

IIRC Mango got on some wagon d1 with reasons I perceived to be very very thin, but I can't remember which wagon that was, TAT or Xadlin

The reasoning struck me as scummy at the time so ima say he's not teamed with whichever guy he voted at the time, but fairly likely to be teamed with the other now that we've seen those flips

Idk, maybe dueling someone who has equity to be on both scum teams is a better idea.
Last day phase I had just read how Mango was saying he thought you and Xadlin could be of opposing scum factions.


The X

So you lose investigate abilities when you are shot? And the shot also protects you? What sort of role is that? Here is the fact that requires your spot to resolve today: If you win in the magic games, you will become a 10-year mage - at least - if you are not already there. It is possible that you surviving today will unlock your ultimate ability.

I think you are full of shit, Ratchet.
When explained like this, my savage survivor Mr
House role had similar kill protection where I got role crushed for a cycle instead of dying.


How can I be "insisting" on something when I haven't even claimed it?

I rest my case. I feel like Kobe is probably scum that is upset his kill(s) have failed, and is seeking to use the lynch instead. He has yet to establish why a supposed Indie needs to be removed today, either, but moreover his accusation shifts depending on what is convenient, and throughout our interaction he has been concerned about one thing - extracting role information. He is otherwise engaging in bad faith.

@Hans Tweetenberg For what it's worth, I think Kobe is a good target.


When explained like this, my savage survivor Mr
House role had similar kill protection where I got role crushed for a cycle instead of dying.
He could claim or hint it from D2. He did not do that. In fact, his post was "I have reason to believe I was shot last night, and I have further reason to believe it was either August, Irene, Mard Geer or Zeref who did so. Outside chance of Acnologia, too, but Zeref appears to be an Indie that is filling the role I'd expect Acnologia to fill." That is way too much TMI for a survivor role.


^Case in point - he earlier conceded the TMI angle as something anyone with flavour knowledge could deduce, now that the conversation has shifted he moves back to it, presumably hoping no one will read the interaction in isolation.


So here is my issue. Night 1 I investigated you, and received that you were Sting (I get alignment, and if I win a GMG the previous phase I get the role). I also took another action that I know landed on my target, so I can rule out being redirected completely.

Obviously, Aurelian flipped Sting. This means that you were busdriven Night 1 with a townie. Now I'll give some time for a townie to claim this, because it's not impossible that town swapped you two around, but I think it leans towards being less likely given both the choice of targets, and that neither you nor Aurelian were responsible for the busdrive.
Why is it less likely a potential town bus drive move “given the choice of targets”? Meaning you think both seemed very town-like based off d1 play, thus a weird choice?
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