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Game Unranked Archived Fairy Tail Mafia - The Dawn of Fiore [Main Game Thread] (Game Ended - Zeref Dragneel and Acnologia have won the game)

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Seems naive and honestly if I was forming a streak like that it would be so that I could eventually burn town

This game is about LIES and DECEIT after all
It's not about being naive, I don't think she would burn it for this game of all games, given it's more meme'y than others on this site. I agree with everything you're saying on principle but again, I can't just ignore what I believe either.


It's not about being naive, I don't think she would burn it for this game of all games, given it's more meme'y than others on this site. I agree with everything you're saying on principle but again, I can't just ignore what I believe either.
Isn't this her last game lol?


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
For what exact reasons would you lean indie over town or scum
He voted to meet the activity requirements, basically. This looks like self pres in a way which I associate with players who have more to lose, and he doesn't look very guided. If you have sth to lose and aren't very guided you are more Indie than scum in my book.


He voted to meet the activity requirements, basically. This looks like self pres in a way which I associate with players who have more to lose, and he doesn't look very guided. If you have sth to lose and aren't very guided you are more Indie than scum in my book.
Do you mean guided as in like focused or guided as in manipulated by teammates?


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Do you mean guided as in like focused or guided as in manipulated by teammates?
Guided as in having a direction/following a plan. I don't think any of his team mates if he has a team would approve of anything he's doing in the game so far and would put him on a leash. Because his posts are just mad sus.


Guided as in having a direction/following a plan. I don't think any of his team mates if he has a team would approve of anything he's doing in the game so far and would put him on a leash. Because his posts are just mad sus.

having a team doesn't make those players are around to put him a leash or that he would actually listen tho. it's a fallacy people use.


Guided as in having a direction/following a plan. I don't think any of his team mates if he has a team would approve of anything he's doing in the game so far and would put him on a leash. Because his posts are just mad sus.
I wouldn't really say he's done much tbh but his posts are sus yeah


having a team doesn't make those players are around to put him a leash or that he would actually listen tho. it's a fallacy people use.
This is a point too, barely ever seen people be shackled by their teammates


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
having a team doesn't make those players are around to put him a leash or that he would actually listen tho. it's a fallacy people use.
Maybe, but he's not the type of guy who wouldn't listen to his team if they really opposed his play I think. I just think he's a bit too scummy to be part of a team here. Ofc I can be wrong, but that's my take and you don't have to agree.


Ok so what I’m getting from you Nat is I can fake comfortability well and my behavior has been coming across as a bit too try harding or self aware for you. I’m gonna need specific posts and examples.


[Vote Lynch Kobe]

Still not seeing any notable content since I left hours ago. One vague read on Magic is all you can give us at this point?


you believe this? that i'll come out in a wash because i have content that you can gather a mistake from? why is it then if we play with all regulars that are far more aware of my tactics, meta, as well as town play that my mistakes in play don't just come out in a wash and i end up being incredibly difficult to lynch. you believe it will be easier for me to come out in a wash in a game where relatively no one knows me and has no expectations of my town play nor knows anything about my scum play?

that doesn't really make sense, TAT.

@TAT comfortability is often something that can't be faked. people crumble under pressure as scum when they don't like being scum or are awkward as scum. it's often one of the easiest indicators in weaker players and often a tell in a lot of people. so no, i don't agree that my reasoning was weak nor is it something easy to fake.

@Lord Melkor Some voted him for basically not engaging with the thread except for fluff even while discussion was happening(ratchet and i believe that was aurelian's reason as well).

I voted him because he basically went through a whole reaction test and was aware of it only to then vote someone for non-game related reasons(because that person called them a weak slot) rather than voting for someone that had provided content. it seemed off

It does make sense, I see you've watched South Park and have taken up Johnny Cochrane's Cheebacca defence! One way or another scum will have to push a scum agenda sometime through out the game. What that is, it is up to Town to find out! Through the use of flips, wagon analysis and ISOing posts.

You may not see any holes when you're scum, the rest of Town may not, but they are there!
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