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Game Unranked Archived Fairy Tail Mafia - The Dawn of Fiore [Main Game Thread] (Game Ended - Zeref Dragneel and Acnologia have won the game)

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what did you think of lord melkor and john's entrances?
Melkor, null so far. JW gun to my head slight scum lean, only because I typically think of his town meta to be the epitome of not giving af and usually doesn’t commit hard on someone, give strong reads early on. I see he apparently openly scum reads Ratchet already so that’s already a step away from his norm. Not going to discredit that read tho assuming he’s serious because they are very familiar with each other. I can’t ever read Ratchet for shit, Imo he’s the best player here regardless of alignment.


Very baby face post but idk if I buy it hmmm

John Wayne


Actually I'm not giving af as both alignments when i find the gmestate to be boring.


John Wayne I need to know who you are as a matter of urgency, I like your posts I promise


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member

Day 1 - Vote Count 4 (Up to post #730)

Kobe ->
Magic -> Kobe > Sworder > Prof
BPD -> Flower > Sworder > Flower
Ratchet -> Sworder > Xadlin
Sworder -> BPD
Aurelian -> Sworder
Tpein -> Sworder
OLU -> Flower > Unvote
Flower -> Prof > Unvote > Voldemort
Mango -> Sworder
Xadlin -> Sworder > Unvote
Hayumi -> Prof > Kobe
TAT -> Sworder
RDK -> Xadlin
JW -> Sworder > Ratchet

Sworder = 4
(Aurelian, Tpein, Mango, TAT)
Xadlin = 2 (Ratchet, RDK)
Ratchet = 1 (JW)
Kobe = 1 (Hayumi)
Prof = 1 (Magic)
Flower = 1 (BPD)
BPD = 1 (Sworder)

Not Voting: Kobe, OLU, Xadlin, Flower, Prof, Psychic, Gad, Tweet, RAEM, Ruffles, Poison, Melkor, Juliet, Natalija, Hime

Please let me know if I made any mistakes.
Votes displayed may not reflect the actual vote count in play.

A little less than 20 hours are left for Day 1.
Day 1 ends in - Countdown

A little less than 45 minutes are left for Game 1 (Part 1).
Game 1 (Part 1) ends in - Countdown

An extension can be granted for Day 1 and Part 2 due to the ~4 hours missed before the game start.
An extension will not be granted for Part 1 as that is currently a full 24 hours as intended.

Message me in role PM if you want to vote for a 4 hr extension for Day 1 and Game 1 - Part 2.

does the tags even work?


Excellent, @Juliet is a historically a tough read of mine so I'm happy to call her wolf!

Why is she a tough read? What has she done to shake you in the past?


@Magic what about this post indicated comfortability to you?

Use magic to answer your curiosity

Or this? they look like just standard blending in posts

Not convinced with allowing large amounts of fluff being accepted as comfortability, no town read for you!

Not a fan of this, feels like performative overanalyzing

I didn't think the initial post was

But this was lmao, adding words for the sake of it, nulled himself out of a Town read


Sure tat but the risk I'm not found out is relatively high. You're acting like that risk is inconsequential. You're more likely to feel that way if you're one of the scum alignments and know you can just shoot me at some point.

Basically you're hedging when you shouldn't be and it doesn't really track logically.


Fluff can indicate comfortable in a game state as even if it it might make you look bad you're more worried about having fun than working long term to protect yourself or look good



Would you say he tried harder scum to give a fuck? Would his go to move then be to go after the best player here? Sounds like a far departure from his normal play.

I mean maybe you're right and him enjoying multiball is because he's scum and can try to survive as scum while still hunting for the other team!

John Wayne

Is it him being dismissive or what exactly about his tone?

Word vomit posts... I feel like town Ratchet trues to make his points a bit more concise and comprehensible... as scum he tends to dig into overall more irrelevant details.



You've basically answered your own question so what solving do you think you're going to get done with a post like this?

tsworder, do you think he could be scum trying to make your nothingness come across as scummy to set you up for a lynch down the line?

Wow that's awfully leading

Dragonnn, hey friend. How you feeling about Ratchet and T’s little interaction so far?

Ratchet has said somethings that I agree and some I haven't, Tsworder seems a weaker player and Ratchet taking advantage by being more aggressive but I agree with this direction
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