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Game Ranked Hades Mafia - Game Thread

Hans Tweetenberg

pein's almost sole contribution was doing nothing then voting ekko. if they were scummates i dont see that as something he'd bother to do.

which arguments? my argument with fang was less than a page and hardly prolonged. i didnt say my argument with him would help me get a better read on him, i said my argument with him would make him more readable. he does better in interactions. i actually said the opposite about it helping me read him as it tends to, or has recently at least, caused me to be prone to error in how i read people(flower in 2 games, ekko/tpein in melkor's game off the top of my head).

also who are your town reads?
IIRC wasn't Pein asked to vote Ekko and he refused and later jumped on? If so I don't see why that should imply they"re unteamed

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
If Dofla was the vig shot there's nothing much wrong with it imo, shooting VTs has a very acceptable fail state
Yes but I'm trying to understand this from Luka's POV because I can rule out the other scenario(s)

The guy claimed VT so from Lu's POV:
-He thought it was a bluff
-He had felt Scumfla would target him due to him being consistently on his ass so he self-protected in order to survive during night

So I suppose he just thought wrongly


No I mean do you have any thoughts on Ekko flipping scum, you seem to be offering commentary absent from that
yes I had him as scum in my chat with Gram pre-rep and have told him to factor this into my MVP award later


u r claiming kill, protect, and knowing u were shot all in one night?
that sounds like sk who lost their bpv
not to mention u said u r not the vig

its not making sense
why do you think non-town would come forward this information in the way that they did.

what are your thoughts on retro now and what are your town thoughts?


Orca doesn't look great from yesterday. Declared to town clear Ekko, did his best to get the wagon away from him (like trying to "get Ratchet up to Ekko", whatever that means, and going for Watson at the end).

Goes after Ratchet again today, which is a bit uninspired and ultimately "trusts the birthday girl" on Luka, despite not really taking a stance on Luka at all the previous phase (unless I missed that, then kindly point me towards it).


the thread feels chaotic, moreso than it should after a scum flip.

btw, unless im wrong, ekko was essentially pleading with luca to go after alco which if he was a scum teammate i dont think he would do. i might be misremembering this, but that works in both of their favours.


going to note i skipped both games gad was scum in so i'll leave him to you guys
Don't like this far as GAD is concerned because last scum game I played with Ekko he completely ignored me and at one point I told him we need to start interacting with each other. Basically makes me uneasy if he's flat out saying he won't be touching a slot


the thread feels chaotic, moreso than it should after a scum flip.

btw, unless im wrong, ekko was essentially pleading with luca to go after alco which if he was a scum teammate i dont think he would do. i might be misremembering this, but that works in both of their favours.

You are misremembering


the thread feels chaotic, moreso than it should after a scum flip.

btw, unless im wrong, ekko was essentially pleading with luca to go after alco which if he was a scum teammate i dont think he would do. i might be misremembering this, but that works in both of their favours.
I don't think he did that at all lmao

Or else I missed it when I read back just now