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Game Ranked Hades Mafia - Game Thread


u r claiming kill, protect, and knowing u were shot all in one night?
that sounds like sk who lost their bpv
not to mention u said u r not the vig

its not making sense
Well the issue here is how would he even know he lost his Iron? Convention is the target is not informed.


primary scum reads:
ekko (performative posting that lacks his special brand of town strategic thinking, throwing a lot at the wall, self-revolving reads)
retro (struggled to generate content on slots besides her own, uncharacteristically shallow and pointed posts when not talking about herself, ekko MQ felt rushed and a response to building suspicion on her slot, potential play for credit)
gad (can't back up any direction he's endorsed or reads he's given)

secondary scum reads:
t-pein (hesitation to vote ekko fits scum meta, complained about 48hr day but dragged his feet when presented an opportunity to accelerate things)
dofla (seemed enthused to play in sign ups but has brought zero energy or content)

feeling good about FOR NOW:
ultra (ekko direction)
ratchet (ekko direction)
tweet (general thoughts)
alco (retro direction and general thoughts)
luka (idk feels obvtown, have liked their post-spam phase posts)
nibel (idr why I had an early town lean here)
xadlin (doesn't seem as paralyzed this game)
magic (I don't see the aurelian angle for scum magic or much positional play going on at all)

on the fence:
poyser (didn't get in early enough on ekko for me, magic vote may have been performative, didn't stick, keeps liking all of my posts)
aurelian (was thinking town but magic has me second guessing this slot)
orca (was thinking town but ultra has me second guessing)

no opinion:

this is where I'm at on everyone. been procrastinating work too much today so gotta go heads down. bbl. fine with coming back to an ekko lynch.

Ok fellas

Let's honor bald cuck and get a claim from Gad today

Throw in Orca sushi and T-Pein

The Orca

is this a pocket attempt? idk 😭
Nah, we dancing into the night though


Polarized Noob
Dr. Watson

Polar Bear

The Orca

Lord Melkor


Hime and Ratchet are both town. This made me about 30x more confident on that.
I don't love Orca sheeping me but hedging on TWTBAW for that.
Alco's thread approach today gives me gut pings of town. Still fine with killing it.
If anybody ever goes into the top 6 then I will murder you.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Lu, I'm confused by your action

Please break your process down for me and the exact moment(s) you came to your conclusions

I know you find it difficult on phone and it's annoying, but this needs clarification because even I'm confused


Polarized Noob
Am I Lu? And don't worry, I'm on PC.
I'll assume I am.
I see a town flip, I know wolf wouldn't kill them since they're LHF, I expected myself to get attacked, therefor I protected myself with tricking all kills to them. When I wake up, see they're dead, I assume my action works. Basically.
I'm partly claiming for protection, partly to see thread reaction. Ultra and Hime both had townie reactions.


Reading over Ekko's last posts, the focus on Watson is either actually a genuine attempt to escape the lynch or it's hard distancing due to him being 1 away from hammer at the time.

Earlier posts have Watson also going quite emotionally in on Ekko. If this is a coordinated effort, then it's a good looking one at that.


Polarized Noob
Reading over Ekko's last posts, the focus on Watson is either actually a genuine attempt to escape the lynch or it's hard distancing due to him being 1 away from hammer at the time.

Earlier posts have Watson also going quite emotionally in on Ekko. If this is a coordinated effort, then it's a good looking one at that.
Townie post by Alco, given I agree with it.