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Game Ranked Hades Mafia - Game Thread


Don't you think it's better if we get Retro out today then we lynch Lethal tomorrow if Retro turns to be town?

I'm going to do the same thing that Ultra is doing. We will lynch Retro AND Lethal!

Vote Lynch Lethal

how could you had a position and then backed out of that position to just follow what ultra was doing?

there is no progression from your first post to this post and from isoing your posts youve defaulted into much more fluff this phase than doing anything of not reads wise.


Not fully caught up but I’m confused… gad claimed Zagreus and the OP pretty much puts him as indy..?


Casing me for what? I already answered him about Dofla and why I didn't vote for Ekko. I'm not going to repeat myself again.

@Magic Baby, what's the problem? Sit on my knees.
im aware.

outside of that dofla read and not going at ekko and since dropping your reads from day 1 youve established no new leads or directions.

this phase you defended yourself and fluffed with nothing else.

you were much more involved on day 1.

why would you drop off after a scum flip.


or she's still scum and zeus isn't on their team?

if that's the case they might have something to gain from him being outed, hence the inclusion of him in her claim.
They would be screwed over if the accidentally faction kill him then


You aren't even scum reading Watson so this sudden frustration at not having this random claim is ???

What are you getting your panties in a twist for here when she's not even a hangup and that wouldn't prove her claim anyway
I am scum reading her??


Day 2 Vote Count 1
Nibel 21 - Magic
Alco 1 - Luka
Luka 1 - Hime
Orca 3 - Ratchet, Alco, Gad
Watson 1 - Tpein
Ratchet 2 - Orca, Polar
Lethal - RDK, Ultra

Since Poyser asked for reads

It's re-evaluation time considering the events that are unfolding

Strong town leans
Aurelian (Literally self-explanatory)

Soft town leans
Ultra (he's a potential deep wolf but he's nearly town locked by this point)
hime (was wrong on her despite tremendously stupid amount of overconfidence, but seeing as she's posting similarly like she does as town)
Luka (soft claim but bizarre play)
RDK (within town meta, extremely cooperative, I don't believe his style as scum is pocketing)
Tweet (only reason he's so low rather than null is the questions he's posing and contributing along with a townie mindset, I'm warming up to just placing him in the strong town mean category once I see more)

Null or 50/50 (The Coinflip Boys TM)
Lethal (NAI for duelists apparently; this slot is being pressured right now - I'll see how he reacts)
GAD (Captain Coinflip! Again, potential deep wolf but not quite "oh my god I'm going to shit my pants I can't trust this man" tier this game)
Polar (?? This PR is throwing me off, I think it's less of a mind game he's playing now tho)

I'd out these closer to the scum pile despite being null at this moment

Incredibly difficult to read that needs future reassessment/potential deep wolf (if further detail is needed I can go into the nitty gritty)
Nibel (Impossible to read, LHF when town; strong ability to survive as scum)
Orca (These clapbacks make it harder for me to see whether he's attempting to stir the pot or just confident personally)
Magic (Shit my pants tier)

Soft scum leans
Alco (Need more content)

Strong scum leans
T (Strong equity with Ekko imo)
Ignore if these questions are already answered but why do you have me as strong town?

And didn’t you have lethal as scum before the claim?


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
Can you go over your reasons for your suspects off the top of your head
Just saw this part, fml

Magic, I just explained above this quoted message.

I shouldn't have to explain Orca but his entrance was some dumb tracker something? Early game was him calling you scummy but bringing nothing to the table regarding that. His vote on Luka, for example was just opportunistic, using Hime as a convenient scapegoat there

RDK, or rather Melkor, spent early game fluffing and talking about other games. RDK hasn't done much to change that. I saw him at what I think was gonna be a push on me. It was shit, and I think you called him out on it too. Not to mention Melkor's soft defense of Ekko and his vote on lolDupla for, if I'm not mistaken, no fucking reason.


I'll say it again, I concede on this

You pull up more games he's played so there's a reference point to work off of

Not really hard

im catching up.

i asked if anyone else knew off the top of their head, if i wanted to do it myself i would have done so. you answered. you did busy work with no point which you conceded. so what you did, as you seem aware, was pointless lol.


vote gad


also the fact youre a messenger doesn't exactly help your situation as that can easily be a perk.