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Game Ranked OLF Members Mafia

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No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
How is it "blind lynching"? We're on day 3, we have his full claim, I've established why I think he's scum, like what more are you expecting from that slot info wise?

The only issue I have is why would he be RP‘ing a Mafia flavour and out himself? I doubt he has a PR if scum, so this is just weird.


I'm absolutely HURT that you're not willing to provide a live explanation. You're probs full of panic having to reload wolf chat to see the answers again.


@Flower idk what you really expected here but this comes off very poor from you

I'm catching up with the game and town read gram

flower quotes a post where I have given a read and am clearly still catching up as I just quoted a post from like page 10, asking for my reads (reeee)

I finish my catch up and give my reads

she asks again. not reading my posts at all

now she points out that of the 5 reads I gave, she wasn't one of them

she asserts that I don't find her hard to read, offering nothing to back this up. it's not true, I don't usually have an early read on her and I've mislynched her and lost to scum flower before. she is not someone I would say I have ever consistently found to be an easy read. would like to see her try to back this up

I ask wtf she's talking about

completely dodges it and moves the goalposts. again, no reason given for this expectation, she has just conjured it out of thin air

jumps on ultra's vote

this is awful flower
ngl but this seems like a fake fight


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I'm absolutely HURT that you're not willing to provide a live explanation. You're probs full of panic having to reload wolf chat to see the answers again.
Nah, I‘m doing Senkaimon in Bleach Brave Souls rn to farm orbs for the mid month banner. Don‘t have time to repeat stuff already in the thread.


So unreliable.
All we have on Evans/Alco is "lady character = def scum" tbh

Why would Poyser give scum a PR that would readily identify their real character?

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Read on orca?
Difficult to read

What's his scum game like?

The fact he's sticking out like a sore thumb by sticking to his gut on Sky makes me think he could be town because he tends to do this
He's less collaborative this game for sure

Am fine with putting him in null, either which way we want to go is fine too if an Alco lynch won't happen, not gonna fight tooth and fail over this slot (not that I have much before)
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