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Game Ranked OLF Members Mafia

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Difficult to read

What's his scum game like?

The fact he's sticking out like a sore thumb by sticking to his gut on Sky makes me think he could be town because he tends to do this
He's less collaborative this game for sure

Am fine with putting him in null, either which way we want to go is fine too if an Alco lynch won't happen, not gonna fight tooth and fail over this slot (not that I have much before)
This is my view point on him too


You, Haza, Flower are all town fwiw (I know you disagree with the latter probably)

Can't see this dynamic coming from scum at all, infighting like this is too disconnected from the overall game
Nah I can town her cos I have trust in those who read her with confidence.


1) Retro
2) RDK
3) Ekko
5) Nibel
7) The Orca
8) Tweet
11) Hime
14) Flower
15) Grammaton
16) Sky
17) T-Pein
18) Xadlin
19) Lethal
20) Evans Alco
21) Rej Rugrat
22) Psychic The X
23) Ratchet
24) Luka
25) Lord Melkor

Gonna do some ISOs on the nulls.


Second lynch vote Orca

Flower on 0 votes? rip. Would rather not NL tho so I'll do this, Orca has bothered me a while so that works for me

Ah, should have read closer

I def don't like Orca tho, would prefer him over blind lynching Alco which is the secondary option so there my vote stays until something better comes up
Why orca?


Ah shit yeah Sky has claimed seraph of a wolf player. Based claim if she's a wolf seraph so I'm happy to town her. (she'll probably be shocked to see that lol)

The Orca

Day 3 Vote Count

X (10) - Gram, Melkor, Nibel, Luka, Sky, Tweet, Hime, Ekko, Alco, Flower

Alco (4) - Ratchet, T-Pein, Rugrat, Melkor
The Orca (7) - Xadlin, Gram, Hime, Alco, Ekko, Nibel, Flower
Sky (2) - The Orca, X
Hime (3) - The Orca, T-Pein, Rugrat
Luka (1) - RDK

With 19 alive, it's 10 to lynch. You have 3 hours remaining.

Second lynch vote Orca

Flower on 0 votes? rip. Would rather not NL tho so I'll do this, Orca has bothered me a while so that works for me

With that being said I agree with Tweet that retros d1 performance isn't out of her scum wheelhouse and I think she has played this a lot like she played the last game where she was scum.

vote lynch: retro

Vote Alco.

Meh. Maybe Evans was just drunk.

Vote lynch Alco
Vote Alco
Vote Hime

I was going to post, tag me if Alco votes me, cause not really fair to vote someone I think is indy when they aren't voting me...but apparently he voted me when I was asleep so yeah lol
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