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Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia

Final vote count day 4

Lord Melkor


Day 4 Vote Count 1

Yoho - Magic
Watson - Lethal > Unvote > Flower > Unvote
Gram - Lethal
Orca - Lethal
Flower - Watson > Unvote
Rugrat - T-Pein > Lethal
T-Pein - Lethal
Tweet - Lethal

Lethal - 5
Magic - 1

With 12 players remaining it takes 7 to lynch

vote lethal

Let's just end it

vote Lynch: Lethal

Hammer was reached here

Day 4 Vote Count Fina

Yoho - Magic-Lethal
Watson - Lethal > Unvote > Flower > Unvote
Gram - Lethal
Orca - Lethal
Flower - Watson > Unvote
Rugrat - T-Pein > Lethal
T-Pein - Lethal
Tweet - Lethal

Lethal - 7

With 12 players remaining it takes 7 to lynch

Lord Melkor

The trickster could not save himself this time - maybe if he kept his lies in check...

@Lethal was lynched, his role:

Congrats @RDK, you are Usopp, Strawhat Mafia Aligned, 3-shot rolewatcher

Once a helpless liar, you took a long journey as part of the Strawhat Crew. In time, you have learned to utilize your sniping skills and cunning to fight alongside your Nakama, even risking your life (which is not an easy feat as it requires you to overcome your natural cowardly nature).

3 shot rolewatcher- during the night visit the target to see which players targetted him during the night and to see its role.


Fake role: Absalom

Congrats @RDK , you are Absalom, Thriller Bark Aligned. 3-shot watcher

One of the Thriller’s Bark Mysterious Four, together with Moria, Perona and Hogback, you are the commander in chief of General Zombies. You are definitely not a chivalrous warrior, using the powers of your invisibility fruit not only to cheat during battles, but also to spy on ladies like the disgusting creep you are.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town

3-shot watcher - during the night visit the target to see which players targetted him during the night.


Night 3 has started! You guys have 23 hours to send me actions, I can start quicked if I get them earlier.

1. @T-Pein™
5. @Flower
6. @Polar Bear
9. @The Orca
11. @Aurelian
13. @Grammaton
14. @yohoho1996
16. @Rugrat
17. @Magic
18. @Hans Tweetenberg
20. @Dr. Watson
Day 5 start

Lord Melkor

The brave bear warrior stood defiant against the enemy- this night he did not survive, how "uncute".

@Polar Bear has died, his role:

Congrats @Polar Bear , you are Kumashi, Thriller Bark Aligned, 3-shot bodyguard

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town

The leader of wild zombies, you use your great strength to loyally serve your Mistress, Ghost Princess Perona. Even though she is a harsh mistress and does not allow you to speak in her presence, deeming you as “uncute”.

3-shot bodyguard - during a night choose a target that you will protect from kills tonight.


1. @T-Pein™
5. @Flower
9. @The Orca
11. @Aurelian
13. @Grammaton
14. @yohoho1996
16. @Rugrat
17. @Magic
18. @Hans Tweetenberg
20. @Dr. Watson

You have 36 hours, with 10 alive majority is 6: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/vote?iso=20240202T11&p0=262&msg=Day+5+end&font=cursive
Last edited:


@Flower how did you know that polar bear was the bodyguard before he claimed bodyguard?

@Rugrat why did you think luka had his usage wron and were trying to work it out with him opposed to thinking he was lying scum or lethal was lying like everyone else? you kept asking him if he got the nights wrong.


ngl i was actually getting sus of flower looking through day 2/day 3 due to some of her play around lethal and how hard she made it out to be that luka was the go to lynch and it couldn't be lethal/sussing cp when he claimed info on lethal, etc.

but she just played monster mash and said she finally broke free of her scum meta of not hiding in the thread and being active. she had 250 posts in that game at the end of day 3 in a 15k post game.

she has 1k+ already in this game. so ya while this is nothing new to most(outside of aurelian/tpein), there's not a chance she's ever scum and i wasted my time.


PSA we shouldn't be placing votes recklessly in case the scum team had an execute they decide to hold onto for late game.


ngl i was actually getting sus of flower looking through day 2/day 3 due to some of her play around lethal and how hard she made it out to be that luka was the go to lynch and it couldn't be lethal/sussing cp when he claimed info on lethal, etc.

but she just played monster mash and said she finally broke free of her scum meta of not hiding in the thread and being active. she had 250 posts in that game at the end of day 3 in a 15k post game.

she has 1k+ already in this game. so ya while this is nothing new to most(outside of aurelian/tpein), there's not a chance she's ever scum and i wasted my time.
Is this a long winded way of you saying your not afraid to get your feet wet to lynch her?


literally the opposite.

this is a long winded of saying there's no chance she's scum with this activity.
Maybe but you've gone literally 180 on almost all of your reads since after day 1, I can't remember the last game you were this afraid to make a choice and gamble on it, also why are you asking about me vs Lethal? You think my fight with him was entirely performative? Faked? And where are others? Last I checked you kept widening the PoE instead of tightening it.


her most active scum game was avatar mafia where she had 700 posts and that game was much longer and had more posts.

as a note ability destroyer was in that game too and was used on her apparently lol.


And Flower has kept claiming she's improved her scum meta, so I don't see why this is super relevant tbdean. She'll alternate between fake claims, role use, her alignment, etc...when its convenient or suits her. Even when T-Pein was widely town read including by you off the back of his day 1 performance, she tried to tunnel and push him into PoE for a mislynch. And seeing how she has somewhat buckled up in the past few games as scum, I don't rule her out of PoE.

Of course there's Watson, Yoho, Rugrat, Orca, and you as well as me.


Maybe but you've gone literally 180 on almost all of your reads since after day 1, I can't remember the last game you were this afraid to make a choice and gamble on it, also why are you asking about me vs Lethal? You think my fight with him was entirely performative? Faked? And where are others? Last I checked you kept widening the PoE instead of tightening it.

it was christmas mafia, my literal previous game!

i haven't really 180'd on that many reads as much as said some players can still be scum. no one has been exactly super cleared from anything.

i asked gram because i wanted his thoughts on it, obviously. i thought it reflected well on you, but i want a second take.

not really widening POE as much as making sure the POE makes sense and is accurate!


And Flower has kept claiming she's improved her scum meta, so I don't see why this is super relevant tbdean. She'll alternate between fake claims, role use, her alignment, etc...when its convenient or suits her. Even when T-Pein was widely town read including by you off the back of his day 1 performance, she tried to tunnel and push him into PoE for a mislynch. And seeing how she has somewhat buckled up in the past few games as scum, I don't rule her out of PoE.

Of course there's Watson, Yoho, Rugrat, Orca, and you as well as me.
yes she said she improved her scum meta and referenced this mash game. And then I went and looked and she literally had 250 posts out of 15000k by the end of day 3.

flower was equally or more town read than pein and yet was similarly pushed by pein for a lynch.

she has buckled in her past few games as scum so you think she's scum here with 1100 posts? like this pointless.

Is tweet no longer in your POE?


it was christmas mafia, my literal previous game!

i haven't really 180'd on that many reads as much as said some players can still be scum. no one has been exactly super cleared from anything.

i asked gram because i wanted his thoughts on it, obviously. i thought it reflected well on you, but i want a second take.

not really widening POE as much as making sure the POE makes sense and is accurate!
I don't really see you making any convincing hard sticking town reads though, something a few others have commented on as well which I'm sure your aware of course.

yes she said she improved her scum meta and referenced this mash game. And then I went and looked and she literally had 250 posts out of 15000k by the end of day 3.

flower was equally or more town read than pein and yet was similarly pushed by pein for a lynch.

she has buckled in her past few games as scum so you think she's scum here with 1100 posts? like this pointless.

Is tweet no longer in your POE?
If Flower is scum then I would flip him/push his lynch yes; he's in the periphery to me based on Flower.


Actually come to think of it if Flower flips indie I'd be also fine with offing Tweet, I still think she could be one.