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Game Ranked Skyrim Mafia

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
btw @T-Pein™ thoughts on lethal's town read of dalton? think it makes lethal a bit townie no? its an original read that he didnt need to give i think


The Best Dog
we kinda need more from u so we can read u better, if u could help us out wud be appreicated

only scum - are going to give false information to try and be town read in this situation you are putting me in. I've said wat I said. Going to take a few more pages of content for me to have a different view point



magic thinks its scummy i changed my playstyle to my elden ring playstyle when the easiest thing to do is afk day 1 and just make a read list at the end of it like ive been doing recently when busy :whathekong
mate this isn't it and id appreciate you not answering for me when ive repeatedly brought up it's multiple points.

obviously a return to playstyle will catch my eye when you were doing better with the other playstyle.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
mate this isn't it and id appreciate you not answering for me when ive repeatedly brought up it's multiple points.

obviously a return to playstyle will catch my eye when you were doing better with the other playstyle.
its a mix of both styles

best of both worlds

the brain and the brawn



Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
anyway my point is its not scummy and u havent identified how it is so


The Nexus
btw @T-Pein™ thoughts on lethal's town read of dalton? think it makes lethal a bit townie no? its an original read that he didnt need to give i think

I think the opposite.
Wolfs have all the answers and it's quite easy for them to give village reads.
Dalton usually pushes Lethal and this could be a potential pocket attempt at work.
Ace gave a villager lean to Whicker in this post #285 here because they think they are solving in a matter that a novice villager would.
And they give a scum read on magic in this post here #287 based on a meta read.
Ace looks genuine to me.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
only scum - are going to give false information to try and be town read in this situation you are putting me in. I've said wat I said. Going to take a few more pages of content for me to have a different view point
are u not fully caught up? u can have gut scum reads from 5 pages or less imo. we arent asking for an elaborate read, just a feel


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I think the opposite.
Wolfs have all the answers and it's quite easy for them to give village reads.
Dalton usually pushes Lethal and this could be a potential pocket attempt at work.
Ace gave a villager lean to Whicker in this post #285 here because they think they are solving in a matter that a novice villager would.
And they give a scum read on magic in this post here #287 based on a meta read.
Ace looks genuine to me.


The Nexus
Vinegars posts read like fake spaz bullshit to me tbh

what seems fake?
Are you implying you can properly solve the whole game d1?
Are you implying all the wagons formed in these 48 hours are not going to randomly turn into something else in the last 2 hours or so?
Did you not read the last game?
I was saying it over and over and then it happened just like that.
random CFD on HAZA for no reason.


what seems fake?
Are you implying you can properly solve the whole game d1?
Are you implying all the wagons formed in these 48 hours are not going to randomly turn into something else in the last 2 hours or so?
Did you not read the last game?
I was saying it over and over and then it happened just like that.
random CFD on HAZA for no reason.

I’m not going to engage with any of your bad faith bullshit
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