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Game Ranked Skyrim Mafia

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will wait for alco's response b4 i pick this up, but ur not going to get me to read u as town by pointing out the easy/obvious stuff, these posts are all null at best
The problem is you disqualify everything I am doing and then say the absence of anything else not only means I'm Scum, but I'm also your best lead. It's a very difficult position to reconcile.


First off, these comments are made all the time in mafia games. "He was scum last game and did this" is said in basically every mafia game.
Second, I'm not making a push, I'm explaining my thought process behind one post. A meta based push off of one game doesn't mean anything, but one post is one post.
yes but i didn't even necessarily do what you accused me of and as cp pointed out not enough time had even elapsed for what you accused me of to play out. i went at melkor until he was lynched. i went at aurelian for like 2 pages.

You are definitely going way out of bounds of the conversation.

Craig said my read on you felt genuine and then you said "eh, not it's not," and he flipped. Nothing what I said had changed by the time he flipped his stance
he flipped because he didn't like your follow up posts and progression. it's not like it was a sudden shift.

Sure, here are a couple:

My experience of town Magic would be no-selling a lot of the early speculation about your alignment, whereas here you seem more focused than usual on actually explaining yourself and convincing others that they're wrong about you.

Your town game usually infuriates me because you play in such an aloof way as if you're better than everyone else. Your hubris is notably missing in posts like these, which makes me suspicious of you.
i was responding to aurelian about bpd because he kept asking questions. it wasn't cause he was sus of me, but i wanted to see his answers. then it became obvious he was town and i didn't want to be entrenched in a forever argument with aurelian.

in regards to whicker, his accusation didn't make sense. i no sell shit if i dont think it's worth the time. whicker's accusations fell flat in something that actually made sense to push me with.

this is also just cherry picking as there was other suspicion on me that i just flat out ignored which im sure you saw.

and i am better than everyone else.


I've considered this and came away with the impression that it actually lines up with you being an indie of some sort - the lack of reading suggests a lack of motivation, and the argument you made contains neither the positional care you'd have as scum, and the tendency you have as town to hold your cards closer to your chest to make a more measured read afterwards.

i dont understand the indy accusation as gramm in the first half of the game just ignored ekko, then voted me, then voted you.

if his objective is survival until the end, he'd be picking weird battles to do so. i also dont think going after you shows a lack of motivation.


I gave up reading just to post some observations at this point. I'll finish reading throughout the day.

I do have a few game/forum mechanic questions:

Did I overlook a list of the roles in this game or is it just a gigantic mystery how many scum there are and what power roles are among us?

How do I ISO someone here?

Pretty sure I've got these nicknames correct but just want to verify so that I'm not falsely assuming anything - is Ekko = X and Aurelian = Fang?

I've only ever played with 1 person who's actually in this game (as I stated earlier I played in MU Champs with Ultra) but Whicker was also in our game. So he's the only person I have any meta on at all. My initial read on him tends towards the scummier side of things simply because his gameplay seems much different in this game than it did in our Champs game. Much less active (although the same is definitely true of me) and his play seems more 'reactionary' than 'solving'. Not a solid bit of evidence to point towards scum, but enough to make me go hmmm.

Next up is this:
Most of the posts won't be half as substantial as you'll be used to - you'll just have to skim over them. Given your experience though, I'm sure I don't need to tell you that your entrance being to say you won't be around straight away an be fairly wolfy in it's own right.

In my first Champs game 3 years ago there was someone whose intro post mentioned the fact that they'd be absent for a good portion of D1, someone else took the opportunity to point out how bad that looked, and I voted for the person who raised the sus issue - because it's a tactic that I've frequently used when I'm scum. (ie grab every small straw that I can twist and cast sus on anyone that I can). It wasn't anything solid, but I was right - they were scum. Got the same vibe from this post.

Other than those 2 minimal reads, I really need to start my normal routine of keeping a notebook and taking tons of notes on how I feel about everyone as I'm reading the thread. Will get that process started tonight when I get home.


I gave up reading just to post some observations at this point. I'll finish reading throughout the day.

I do have a few game/forum mechanic questions:

Did I overlook a list of the roles in this game or is it just a gigantic mystery how many scum there are and what power roles are among us?

How do I ISO someone here?

Pretty sure I've got these nicknames correct but just want to verify so that I'm not falsely assuming anything - is Ekko = X and Aurelian = Fang?

I've only ever played with 1 person who's actually in this game (as I stated earlier I played in MU Champs with Ultra) but Whicker was also in our game. So he's the only person I have any meta on at all. My initial read on him tends towards the scummier side of things simply because his gameplay seems much different in this game than it did in our Champs game. Much less active (although the same is definitely true of me) and his play seems more 'reactionary' than 'solving'. Not a solid bit of evidence to point towards scum, but enough to make me go hmmm.

Next up is this:

In my first Champs game 3 years ago there was someone whose intro post mentioned the fact that they'd be absent for a good portion of D1, someone else took the opportunity to point out how bad that looked, and I voted for the person who raised the sus issue - because it's a tactic that I've frequently used when I'm scum. (ie grab every small straw that I can twist and cast sus on anyone that I can). It wasn't anything solid, but I was right - they were scum. Got the same vibe from this post.

Other than those 2 minimal reads, I really need to start my normal routine of keeping a notebook and taking tons of notes on how I feel about everyone as I'm reading the thread. Will get that process started tonight when I get home.

It’s a closed setup so yes, we’ll need to deduce the numbers. Prob assume 5 mafia and an indy

Ekko is ekkologix
X is black pegged dragon
Fang is Aurelian
You may see me referred to as Odo also

Welcome btw!


In my first Champs game 3 years ago there was someone whose intro post mentioned the fact that they'd be absent for a good portion of D1, someone else took the opportunity to point out how bad that looked, and I voted for the person who raised the sus issue - because it's a tactic that I've frequently used when I'm scum. (ie grab every small straw that I can twist and cast sus on anyone that I can). It wasn't anything solid, but I was right - they were scum. Got the same vibe from this post.
I'll withhold further comment on this until you're fully caught up.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
@CraigPelton it was this sequence. in his first post he said he had identified aurelian and if bpd is town to drop it because he doesn't want TvT dragging down the thread. so in that post it was an 'if you're town', which is fair enough.

in the subsequent posts bpd continues arguing with aurelian/slight pushing him and yet it doesn't actually change ekko's thoughts whatsoever and he grows more adamant it's TvT. he's not even saying why he finds bpd town for any of this(until i asked) just repeatedly calling it TvT and saying it's bad. the progression for the read isn't there at all, there was nothing there that would make him think bpd is town nor does he mention anything yet he's stuck calling it TvT. from a town perspective id imagine there would be some progression there or at least a comment about why bpd looks town in the back and forth but he was just stuck on repeat.

then there's the leadership style he's inserted himself in. he's done better lately in games. on page 1 i asked him not to clog the thread. he said he hadn't been doing that in recent games. he then starts doing it, trying to take control and the reins, and being in the forefront saying he's going back to elden ring/GOT style(btw both of which weren't exactly great games by him from all accounts and i remember him and tpein just tunneling the fuck out of me as town in that game because i claimed a purple faction). as scum it makes sense for him to be more at the forefront to try to dictate the way day goes.

also just looking over his posts again i dont like how he just said gramm can go if he doesnt cooperate with him. he did the same with you and ratchet touched on this too. he knows that neither of you will cooperate with him and it isn't alignment indicative but it gives him an excuse to push you down the line for shit that doesn't actually give your alignment.

if anyone wants me to explain the whicker case i can do so as well.

i'll read back from like halfway through the thread from where i was, but i didn't find ratchet scummy and thought he looked town from where i was. his play here isn't really similar to what i saw from him in jkk.
BPD doesnt have fang as town yet back then so it was fair for him to keep going, i tried to get him to see fang as town and he stopped afterward

i dont expect a player to drop their push immediately just cuz i tell him so. and BPD's stocks are dropping now given he has no other content to go for

and i told u why i thought BPD was not scummy, cuz taking his time to respond is a townie thing to do, u ignored this like 3 times already. i said this to fang here as i disagreed with fang's case on BPD:
i would refrain from this type of solving. there was no reason for BPD to hide lol. if anything as scum its better he responds asap, so taking his time is a more towny thing


elden ring wasnt a great game cuz i didnt know ppl's meta, GOT was a pretty good game for me. the leadership style has nothing to do with it. by ur admission u dont remember it anyway but me and tpein rekted scum that game, with help of prof broki and pot etc..

if players dont want to cooperate they can be disposed of, this isnt a point im going concede, and it isnt going to be what tells u i am scum


Ratchet Gramma sounds t/t tbh.

I've liked his entrance to so agreed. What makes you think it's going to be unpopular? Ekko aside.
you answered why you town read him, but what does couching a town read mean?

Would you consider this exercise a waste of time, or is this just you going through the motions to appear that you're doing something when your heart isn't really in it?
i dont consider the exercise a waste of time because it generated content. it's just the drivel i didn't really want to read at the time as i was busy and i didn't want to be the only thing going on in the thread after i thought aurelian was town but it(the thread) moved past it.

Magic stalling for ? reasons. Wolf column.
it was a pointless endeavor and no reason to give nothing reads.
same as above.
Interesting that you start these once called out on it. What changed since it was "too early?"
i didn't say it's too early for reads, i said it was too early to give a reads list on numerous people for no apparent reason.

i responded because youre putting in effort lethal and i appreciate it so please do continue. let me know your thoughts on whicker/my case on ekko as well.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
The problem is you disqualify everything I am doing and then say the absence of anything else not only means I'm Scum, but I'm also your best lead. It's a very difficult position to reconcile.
i have multiple leads actually but can only vote one at a time

u havent done anything note worthy, feel free to dispute
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