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Game Ranked Skyrim Mafia

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I have to think Dalton is villager cuz I don't like what Magic is doing.
I have lethal in wolf pile till he flips a wolf as I said before.
I currently have no idea who he is pushing as wolf
Do you?
i think they are pushing magic as wolf from this Post #398


The Nexus
Yes I was scum

We pushed the CFD

it takes more than what was it 5 of you to hammer it.
it was a failure by town.
then the next day yall just lynched the dude you were supposed to lynch d1.
*rolls eyes

who are you trying to eliminate this day?


The Best Dog
We wasted a lot of Day 1 being so sure about reads. And I made the point that I don't see the point of that again today.


The Nexus
I will say a few of Ekko's posts have looked as if he's checking his blindspot with T Pein, I.e. he's genuinely trying to read him.

You know how this works.
Imma follow them till they do something that is very obviously and blatantly wolfy.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
@Ekkologix Why are you eye-rolling this? Am I supposed to be thinking that your questions towards T-Pein are *not* in an attempt to gauge him?
i think its a very easy thing to point out and feeds right into u struggling for content / looking for easy content to talk about

alco holds the last nail on ur coffin, he has to hammer it in. if he wiffs we will devour him


Leprous Monarch
I don't have you both as scum. I have him town due to you being scum, otherwise I can see him being scum, hence why I have him Null (as that's on play alone).

Middle paragraph is inflammatory silliness.

Null on Magic, haven't given him much of a read so far.
Any chance ekko and I can both be town here?


i think its a very easy thing to point out and feeds right into u struggling for content / looking for easy content to talk about

alco holds the last nail on ur coffin, he has to hammer it in. if he wiffs we will devour him
Okay I'll just say nothing then.

Ekko I think there are some issues with your process here - you're tunnelling and not even really giving me a fair shake. If you're town you're making it very hard for me to see.


Any chance ekko and I can both be town here?
Yes of course. It's Day 1 and there is nothing I have that would so strongly prevent two players from being town together. I just don't think you're scum together (though I'd say even that isn't an absolute 0% chance thing, just rather unlikely).


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Okay I'll just say nothing then.

Ekko I think there are some issues with your process here - you're tunnelling and not even really giving me a fair shake. If you're town you're making it very hard for me to see.
will wait for alco's response b4 i pick this up, but ur not going to get me to read u as town by pointing out the easy/obvious stuff, these posts are all null at best


BPD pls lets make this a productive game, no town vs town

i identified fang as town, if you are town please let him go for now

we need to not get hung up on silly stuff

unite together, lynch scum

town read each other right now

he approached u directly. as scum he will just comment on u like hes a 3rd party viewer of the thread, then deflect u elsewhere or tell u why did u only sus him instead of the others etc... u can take a look at how he handled suspicion in radiance and JJK for reference

if its a joke vote he will respond with a joke and dismiss. hes not going this far in for a vote as scum, its not going to serve him well, specially that he knows u tend to get hung up on stuff like this and might end up tunneling him for it

im telling u this cuz we need to avoid the same pitfalls that makes us lose these games. the amount of silly town vs town

u have other content on the thread, anything else pique ur interest?

i identified him as town via a read

we win the game when we dispose of every single town v town in thread

i had him more toward null, hence why addressed him with "if you are town please let him go for now"

i dont think BPD is scummy for the reasons fang is calling him strange for. BPD probably has more incentive to stay and clear his names as scum than town, so him taking his time to respond to weak accusations is generally townie

u had similar question to evans, i feel like my sentence was pretty clear

i dont want town v town. if BPD is town i suggested him to leave fang

it doesnt say i know BPD is town

evans get no town read for that question
@CraigPelton it was this sequence. in his first post he said he had identified aurelian and if bpd is town to drop it because he doesn't want TvT dragging down the thread. so in that post it was an 'if you're town', which is fair enough.

in the subsequent posts bpd continues arguing with aurelian/slight pushing him and yet it doesn't actually change ekko's thoughts whatsoever and he grows more adamant it's TvT. he's not even saying why he finds bpd town for any of this(until i asked) just repeatedly calling it TvT and saying it's bad. the progression for the read isn't there at all, there was nothing there that would make him think bpd is town nor does he mention anything yet he's stuck calling it TvT. from a town perspective id imagine there would be some progression there or at least a comment about why bpd looks town in the back and forth but he was just stuck on repeat.

then there's the leadership style he's inserted himself in. he's done better lately in games. on page 1 i asked him not to clog the thread. he said he hadn't been doing that in recent games. he then starts doing it, trying to take control and the reins, and being in the forefront saying he's going back to elden ring/GOT style(btw both of which weren't exactly great games by him from all accounts and i remember him and tpein just tunneling the fuck out of me as town in that game because i claimed a purple faction). as scum it makes sense for him to be more at the forefront to try to dictate the way day goes.

also just looking over his posts again i dont like how he just said gramm can go if he doesnt cooperate with him. he did the same with you and ratchet touched on this too. he knows that neither of you will cooperate with him and it isn't alignment indicative but it gives him an excuse to push you down the line for shit that doesn't actually give your alignment.

if anyone wants me to explain the whicker case i can do so as well.

i'll read back from like halfway through the thread from where i was, but i didn't find ratchet scummy and thought he looked town from where i was. his play here isn't really similar to what i saw from him in jkk.
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