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Game Ranked Skyrim Mafia

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Well, first and foremost, this isn't the last game.

So yes, irrespective of alignment, I wouldn't want to play exactly the same, no?
hmm not necessarily, do u intend not to play the same?

Either way, my last game was a shit performance anyways, wouldn't want to have that as a gold standard to be compared to
well u arent really upgrading ur play here so far. i.e how do u suggest to win the game here. from what i saw last game u were easier to read town there


Because for it to actually be a slip, you need to be his partner?

This was a tpein thought process , I hope you’re proud
No, you don't get to mock any thought process after apparently misreading veiled suspicion as a scum chat message. If you think it was meant for scum chat then lynching Magic is better because by association you can flip me whenever - Magic otherwise has plausible deniability, wherein he can argue it was what it came across to me as.

This is not hard.
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