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Game Ranked The Traitors Mafia

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Nat, you know I love unconditional devotion, and will usually gleefully accept a pocket in return for your eternal servitude, but even I can't overlook how phoned in this read of me is

I hope nat answers this whenever she's caught up

anyway i just had time to speed read this morning and catch up without much else - will be back before the end of day


man i dont think both poyser and magic scum together otherwise wtf they r doing

so by default if lean magic on scum im gna give poyser a weak town read. i mean his posts by themselves arent that bad just didnt like him dismissing some stuff i thought is important (like magic's post to him) which well.. he called stupid but still dont feel the need to scum read magic. he called another post of magic also stupid but dont wanna do much with it too.. wonder how many stupid posts will it take
I don’t town read magic either tho, but I’m not gonna push him on D1 unless I have active reasons to suspect him and I in fact have pushed him before for making posts I think are too stupid to come from town him or reading me not how I expect him to as town and he was town. I came to accept that at some point he went from being super strong on D1 to being less aggressive and throwing shit out to see what happens. He’s not out of his scum range by any means but the stuff your saying isn’t really resonating with anybody that’s played with him and obviously there’s a reason for that lol


This was it...

Like it kind of struck me as her wanting town derp points but the item she responded to wasn't the same as the one she went "oh I just realized this!" to lol

Cp: there are lots of spiders in australia

Psychic: youre right it's hot in australia!
You’ve played with psychic before though?


Looking like my initials thoughts were right because he seems all over the place still looking for anything beaides himself

He sus magic the most yet is asking him for reads now etc?

You’ve played with Ekko before though? How you calling it bizarre when he does that in literally every single game?


Yeah I’m submitting my vote on RAEM, if scum then I’ll be pretty gobsmacked if Ultra isn’t his mate. Didn’t speak up on defence of raem until after half a dozen other people have, and his explanation was incredibly unconvincing and also convenient!


RAEM’s read on Ekko is just a load of shit. I’m not buying it at all. Literally said “Ekko is suffocating discussion/creating chaos as usual” and then scum read him for it as if he doesn’t always do it lmao? Calls something he does every game bizarre? Scum reads him for being try hard? It’s all nonsense


Not to mention the initial 180 to vote alongside Ekko was Ekko telling him to re-read something he’d already read and him going “oh yeah you’ve got a good point” lmao


Also I don’t want everyone to lump on Nat either because it seems like that’s where it’s going and it’s looking like an easy lynch. Counterwagon ftw


RAEM’s read on Ekko is just a load of shit. I’m not buying it at all. Literally said “Ekko is suffocating discussion/creating chaos as usual” and then scum read him for it as if he doesn’t always do it lmao? Calls something he does every game bizarre? Scum reads him for being try hard? It’s all nonsense
So are you voting me? Seem very fixated on me.


Yeah I’m submitting my vote on RAEM, if scum then I’ll be pretty gobsmacked if Ultra isn’t his mate. Didn’t speak up on defence of raem until after half a dozen other people have, and his explanation was incredibly unconvincing and also convenient!
Alright nice to see you are scum and active.


If I die tonight or get lynched

Please finish
Ekko and poyser.
Both fishy

Poy is hard defending Ekko right now. Day 1


RAEM’s read on Ekko is just a load of shit. I’m not buying it at all. Literally said “Ekko is suffocating discussion/creating chaos as usual” and then scum read him for it as if he doesn’t always do it lmao? Calls something he does every game bizarre? Scum reads him for being try hard? It’s all nonsense
And I want to see other opinions and discussions branch out. One person shouldn't suffocate and monopolize discussion. It's stupid.

If he's town he should be more concise with his talking points and suspects. Give others a chance to talk.

Legit annoying for those who want to analyze posts and habits for 1 loud person to suck the air out of the room. Distraction.
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