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Game Ranked Tower of God Mafia Thread

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Wasn't really on my radar for as little attention I'm giving this game. I don't quite understand what you mean by "hedging where scum can't believe their luck", but if you're talking about this post:

The last line is bad, but the chances of him actually getting traction on it are slim to none. He'd get almost no supporters to his "Ratchet is making us look like fools" claim, so I'm not sure why he'd make that statement as scum. Reloaded isn't one to push a slot as scum, and I don't think his mates wouldn't sign off on that train of thought either.

Frankly, if he's scum, and regardless of Ratchet's alignment, him supporting Ratchet and lynching Melkor is the optimal route. Doubting both slots there sabotages his own position for no reason. Don't think he'd be that careless. I'm willing to give him a pass.

You prob shouldn’t cite unlikelihood of carelessness as a reason to not suspect this fellow lol - appreciate you’ve played more games with him but his last 2 here have been botchamania


Oh, I'm not calling the solving good. I disagree with the entire idea behind it, I'm saying that I think that Psychic believes it. Subbing 105 pages into game on D2 I don't think a scum tends to be super pushy without reading the thread or at least giving a TLDR.

Fair enough



Just a departure from his last two games as scum, which gram himself stated day 1 so idk why he suddenly feel likes it's a good direction.

I'm going to be largely AFk today but I'll try to pop in. I'd still like an ultra claim btw.

Ratchet is either indy or town. Not going to be mafia. Not sure why he felt compelled to shoot rugrat but a bunch of people that were town that had me as town are dying which is always the fun build up to some bullshit!


Just a departure from his last two games as scum, which gram himself stated day 1 so idk why he suddenly feel likes it's a good direction.

I'm going to be largely AFk today but I'll try to pop in. I'd still like an ultra claim btw.

Ratchet is either indy or town. Not going to be mafia. Not sure why he felt compelled to shoot rugrat but a bunch of people that were town that had me as town are dying which is always the fun build up to some bullshit!

I’ve literally explained in thread, are you claiming ignorance?


I like this post, feels like genuine solving when you're behind. Can I ask who did you sub into?
So why was it a good question? (I wasn’t even asking a question lol, just scoffing at the apparent set up)
I mean, it was a question in the back of my head, like I agree, seems pretty op for town to have two vigs.

Save your brain cells (and everyone else’s)

He’s also claimed vig
So you think Ratchet is scum?

@Ratchet Why did you claim vig when LM was clearly vig?



I mean, it was a question in the back of my head, like I agree, seems pretty op for town to have two vigs.

So you think Ratchet is scum?

@Ratchet Why did you claim vig when LM was clearly vig?

I don’t know what to think yet. Just as it makes no sense for Melkor to have claimed big if he wasn’t (and obviously he was), it doesn’t make sense for ratchet to counterclaim him if it isn’t legit.

Sadly that runs contrary to designing a good game as having duplicate town roles is just a trap and usually guarantees at least one mislynch

In short, I wouldn’t be surprised if ratchet were some variety of Indy with a non standard win condition, as that’s probably the neatest explanation. Also think some parts of his play day 1 make a bit more sense through that lens. I’d have expected him to be a lot more condescending toward my standpoint on him vs magic if he were town for example. Nothing ironclad, but I find it implausible he’s also a standard vigilante, and that’s probably the most solid piece of evidence I have


Rugrat was my kill. I was mostly between him and Reloaded, but he avoided giving any actual position on Melkor before suggesting a 2 for 1, also saw he was mentioned as a lynch candidate so that was my thinking. Didn't want to do a superhero shot on Magic because with Melkor flipping town I felt that would be too greedy and he didn't leave enough of a legacy for me to be comfortable enough to gamble on.

For transparency sake I'm also 3-shot. Well, now 2-shots. I have no special conditions regarding who I shoot.

@Mr. Reloaded @Jaguark101 Big days for you two today. Reloaded - I noticed that you made a comment about "Ratchet fooling everyone again", but when later pressed on your position, you appealed to ignorance as to how I play scum. Can you go through your thought process for me there again please? Jag, you were obviously lurking - can you explain why you showed up only to vote?

Those would be my starting points. I have more to add (namely around Watson) but I think I want these inactive/lurker slots pressured first.

Why is there 0 mention of Magic in the entirety of this post?


Think the easiest way to reconcile yesterday's events is if Ratchet is some sort of indi, there's no precedent for duplicate roles here. The problem is I don't think he has any reason to do this as SK either

Also has been balking down from my pressuring him to follow up on his own read on Magic in any shape or form which feels conflict averse


King of Conquerors
I agree there's a high chance Gram isn't town but why do you have Magic and me in your PoE? Did you not see the write-up? I'm poisoned.
Ephasis on that's what I had written in my PM as a thought after D1

Unless we have a town poisoner, which I don't know if I'm going to get scolded for bringing up - you're probably town in this case


Professional Troll
Think the easiest way to reconcile yesterday's events is if Ratchet is some sort of indi, there's no precedent for duplicate roles here. The problem is I don't think he has any reason to do this as SK either

Also has been balking down from my pressuring him to follow up on his own read on Magic in any shape or form which feels conflict averse
Assuming town didn’t kill Cubey, it feels like there’s too much killing for Ratchet to be any kind of even slightly harmful indie to me.

Like take his kill out, and there’s what looks like a mafia kill, serial type kill, and a poison. We’d need to have 2 killer indies or mafia could double kill (with a poison from someone in the mix)

It’s a lot

Hans Tweetenberg

I still consider Ratchet somewhat self-resolving tbh, scum will wanna get rid of players with killing power one way or another

Also 3 kills at night and Ratchet immediately claiming his kill points towards the classic trifecta of scum + SK + vig kill


Professional Troll
Not that double vig + duelest is much better but at least those kills can go either way. Lots of extra/anti town kills are even more potent than lots of town kills


Assuming town didn’t kill Cubey, it feels like there’s too much killing for Ratchet to be any kind of even slightly harmful indie to me.

Like take his kill out, and there’s what looks like a mafia kill, serial type kill, and a poison. We’d need to have 2 killer indies or mafia could double kill (with a poison from someone in the mix)

It’s a lot

Yeah this is why lv 1 thinking might not apply here, obviously Flower has baked a lot of kills into this set up.

But duplicate roles are very much a nono here so that's kinda the issue
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