• We are currently rolling out incremental alterations to the forum. Don't freak! You aren't going crazy.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
(...Continued from above.)

Croix uses her Sorcery Units to attack the Noir Rod and damage it, but it just regenerates with more Noir Fuel Spirit Energy (which seem to have come from the Sorcery Units after they exploded) and attacks her.

Akko and Diana the Noir Rod and damage it with a Muwara spell.

Akko then uses a Shiny Arc attack to destroy the Noir Rod. When it was destroyed, the leylines returned to normal and magic returns.

The Noir Rod is is an artificial Shiny Rod designed to obtain the world-altering magic. It takes not only all of the Noir Fuel Spirit and Pixel Demon Beasts energy, but also absorbs all of the magical power around it (including in multiple overlapping dimensions). It breaks open the seal of the Nine Witches by force, but then goes out of control and turns into a monster because of all the negative energy it absorbed.
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An artificial shiny rod developed by Croix to obtain the sealed world-altering magic. The Noir Fuel Spirit and Pixel Beasts collect people's negative emotions, and in addition, absorb all the magical powers around them to activate them. Transformed into a flight form and headed for the Arcturus Forest, where the Grand Triskellion was sealed. The seal is broken by force, but the negative emotions collected are too strong and runaway.
On that note, the Noir Rod breaks open the seal to the Grand Triskellion by force, which was sealed by the Nine Old Witches (I don't think this would mean the Noir Rod would fully scale to the Nine Old Witches, but it's still a very impressive feat). It can also shapeshift and change form.

When Croix takes the Grand Triskellion, the surroundings change, and she enters some dark place, with the Nine Old Witches watching.

So the Noir Rod not only contained an immense amount of energy from all over the city (possibly all over the country) that was far more than the amount of Fuel Spirit energy Chariot used to scar the Moon, but also nullified the leylines so that magic didn't work (outside self-contained sources) in multiple overlapping dimensions (and the Noir Rod could still move between dimensions and call Noir Pixels across dimensions even without the leylines). Croix is able to damage it, but it regenerates afterwards (although that could be because it feeds off the power source of her magitronics, which are also powered by Noir Fuel Spirit). Akko and Diana damage the Noir Rod, and Akko destroys it with a Shiny Arc.

It's hard to tell what degree of power nullifying the leylines is, as it was localised, but this still effected magic across multiple dimensions (several of which were warped into existence by the leylines themselves). Plus at absolute minimum, the Noir Rod would have far more energy than Chariot did when she scarred the Moon. This means the Noir Rod is at absolute minimum very casually large planet level, although it's possible that it could be ridiculously higher.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Diana Canvendish can manipulate time, being able to freeze and reverse it's flow. However, these spells only work on inorganic substances and for a very short time.
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Magic that delays the flow of time for a short time. Akko and Amanda knock down the labware while refining the magic drug in the lab. At that time, Diana used this magic. The debris scattered in the air was stopped. Effective only for inorganic substances.
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Delays the time of the debris that exploded and flew. "Stay in the air with Scrylla, rewind the time and restore the state. Diana used "Scrylla" and "Yera Retoure" in successopm. Akko and Amanda. Repaired the broken laboratory equipment. Effective only for inorganic substances for a very short time like Scrylla.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The cartridge used in the final episode of SSSS.Dynazenon has the same vaccine program Naoto used in the first episode of the live-action series, further confirming that the original toku is canon to the Gridman animes (as such, things from the anime would apply in turn not only to Hyper Agent Gridman, but potentially to the further Ultraverse, although only things from SSSS.Gridman, SSSS.Dynazenon and other Gridman would be scalable to the Ultraverse).
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The contents of the cartridge to be loaded are the vaccine program made by Naoto in the first episode of the live-action version.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Chief Overjustice protects Ogikubo, and is not only further confirmed to be Inferno Cops former boss, but no one in the entire Trigger-verse has a sense of justice that surpasses his. His power is justice beyond justice.
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Space Patrol OGIKUBO branch boss. He protects Ogikubo B0, a galaxy-designated space colonization zone where space crime is rampant, with the power of "justice beyond justice." [CV = Toru Inada]

The motif is Doggie Kruger from "Decalanger" played by Toru Inada. [Amemiya] The general manager is the former boss of Inferno Cop, the main character of another work. According to the rain, there seems to be no character with a sense of justice that surpasses him in the TRIGGER universe.
Midori is half-earthling and half alien, and her last name is Save The World.
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OGIKUBO A cool female junior high school student.. Half of earthlings and aliens. She scattered the blackhole app at school and laid down the space shoplifter, then she reflected and became a space patrol member. [CV = D Mayumi Shintai]

The skin color is green, so it's green. Actually, half of the ecology alien and the earthlings. That's why my last name is Save The World. [Wakabayshi] It's a science fiction classic that aliens have different skin tones. [Imaishi]
The Blackholien is the root of all evil in the universe, and has shoplifted all the valuable things from all across the universe.
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The identity of the commander of the space patrol is the black hole alien, the root of all evil in the universe. He has shoplifted all the valuable things in the universe, but after a few laps he has come to want the "crushing jewel," the symbol of the "first love of junior high school girls," which is the least valuable in the universe. [CV = Nobuyuki Hiyami]
The space around the headquarters is died pink by Luluco and Alpha Omega Nova.
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When you PAN from a round explosion that fills the screen, the universe around the headquarters is dyed pink. Put on PAN
The planets of different Trigger series have different values to their original works. As such, Sechan (Sex-chan?) is just a doll, and the magic wands are just tableware (this also means that lifefibers in the original KLK universe(s) very likely don't have the same weakness to fire that lifefibers in the Luluco universe has).
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KLK stars, LWA stars, and SVM stars have different values from the original work. Therefore, Sechan is just a doll, and the magic wand is just tableware [Amemiya] Inferno Cop has created a new setting picture (P48) with a cheese fondue stick for this book. [Wakabayashi]
Luluco gains the power to go beyond the universe and dimensions.
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Luluvo and Nova finally became bothered. The invincible first love that an ordinary junior high school girl got is one that jumps over both the universe and the dimension.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
With that, that is more or less everything archived from the old site. In regards to upcoming content, at least two titles have been confirmed; Cyberpunk Edgerunners and Gridman X Dynazenon (as well as rumours of Star Wars Visions season 2, but that is yet to be confirmed, and even if true it's unknown if Trigger will return or not). There's also several supplementary material books I hope to look into over the coming months, so keep an eye open for those.


Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
SSSS.Dynazenon Super Complete Works has arrived! I'm still looking through it and finding accurate translations, but already there's a considerable amount of impressive stuff in it already.

The history of Gauma and the Kaiju Eugenicists; 5000 years ago, mankind was already a highly advanced civilization. In an ancient Chinese kingdom, they controlled kaiju and used them as weapons. One of them, Gauna, falls in love with the princess. When people grew afraid of the Kaiju Users and tried to attack them, the rest of the Kaiju Users became the Kaiju Eugenicists and attack the country. Gauma stands against them, and they all seemingly die. 5000 years pass since then...
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5000 years ago from now. Mankind had already built a high civilization. At that time, there were kaiju that were born from kaiju seeds and grew on the emotions of humans. In a certain kingdom, kaiju were manipulated and used as weapons. It was responsible for the protection of the country. The manipulation of the kaiju is called a Kaiju User, and five people, Gauma, Juuga, Onija, Mugina and Sizumu, served as Kaiju Users in the kingdom. The Kaiju Users were feared in the kingdom because they used the terrifying existence of kaiju, but the princess of the kingdom was concerned about them, such as working as a Kauji User. And Gauma and the princess are in love with each other in the rice field. However, from the point where a group fearing Kaiju Users tried to assassinate them, Kaiju Users other than Gauma called themselves the Kaiju Eugenicits idea and rebelled against the country, Gauma also manipulates the Kaiju and confronts the idea of monster Yusei who manipulates the kaiju and attacks the country. The monsters they control have gone through a fierce battle. Gauma and the Kaiju Eugenicists thought were dead, and and the Kaiju Users were wiped out...Gauma, who fought for the country, was buried as a mummy, and 5000 years have passed.
Yume in the past world meets her big sister Kano.
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Incorporated by Garnix, Yume reunites with Kano in the past world. Yume tries to stop her suicide, but she says won't die because she promised Yume. Kano's death turned out to be an accident.
The Knight and the Second have been across various worlds to protect them from various kaiju.
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He travels across various worlds to protect the world from all kinds of monsters.
From this same page, the Knight and the Second crossed the borders and came from another world.
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Along with the Second Generation, he crossed the border and came from another world.
The final scene of the series is set in another world (a Computer World from the looks of it).
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Finally, I took Dynazenon to another world.
They take the Pass Route which connects the computer worlds opened and took them to another world.
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The Pass Route that connects the computer worlds opened and took them to another world.
This same page says that this is the world of the Grid Knight Alliance.
The Grid Knight Alliance has returned to their world.
Kaiju Users are free from all limitations and bounds, but they cannot love. Kaiju Users also don't need to eat or sleep, and in the past we do not see any death. Not only do Kaiju Users transcend time, space, life & death, but as Amemiya said in his design notes has said that the technology of kaiju seeds comes from 20,000 years into the future, so it's possible that Simizu has transcended time and space and gotten the kaiju seeds from 20,000 years in the future.
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What is a Kaiju User?
As for the monster messenger, there is a lot of Simuzu talking about it, so from that line in the first episode that can be inferred, there is a line saying "I understand why Gauma is no longer a Kaiju User and has returned to humans. It's the same as you guys now." The fact that "Gauma is the same as you now" after "Nao" may indicate that Gauma and Princess, and Homura and Yume were connected by love. In other words, if you thinkg about it in the case of Gauma, you can say that "a person who gains love is no longer a Kaiju User" and conversely, "a Kaiju User is a person who cannot obtain love." In addition, Simizu talks about freedom and inconvenience several times, and in the final episode, the Kaiju User is bound by everything from the line "you loose your freedom unknowingly" to Yogomi who refused the Kaiju User. It can be said they are free people at their own pace without being bound by anything. Even with that in mind, Mujina couldn't get love from anyone, and in the end she could only be a Kaiju User, and the free action that the monster Yogomi thought showed would also make a point.

Regarding Simizu, the line, "A true Kaiju User never sleeps," and the fact that Simizu is never depicted sleeping or eating, and that death or not is not depicted in the tenth episode's description of the past. The line in the last episode, "With the power of a monster, you are free from time and space, from living and dying," suggests that Simizu had obtained "impermanent freedom" through the power of a monster and had become an existence that transcended life and death. Also, as shown in Director Amemiya's rough sketch in the upper left corner, the monster seeds are technology from 20,000 years in the future, and this setting together with the description of Simizu may be interpreted to mean that Simizu, which has transcended time and space, procured the monster seeds from 20,000 years in the future.
The sketch from Amemiya in question, saying that the kaiju seeds are from 20,000 years in the future.
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Kaiju use human-to-human communication as a medium. A three-dimensional rooted version of the "heart." It is currently 20,000 years away from Gikan Pal, and it is not clear why it was in the past. Was there an era when you used to be a vessel?)
A reference to the upcoming Gridman X Dynazenon.
There's also a couple of other books I'm hoping to look into. In the meantime I'll have a look over this more in the near future. If there's anything you'd like me to look into, just let me know.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
There are a variety of artefacts of noteworthy power in Chamber of Time, listed below.

The Talisman of Time proves its bearer is worthy of facing the Time demon, and can control time.
Certain potions (such as the Ancient Dragon Potion) can help the drinker temporarily read another language.
There are rings possessed by ghosts, and it's suggested to exorcise them before wearing them.
Arcana Rods can be used by skilled witches to see many centuries into the future.
Elemental Rods can create magic by interacting with the elements in the air.
Demons come from the Spirit Realm, and with certain artefacts people can channel the raw energy from said realm.
Certain artefacts allow the user to manipulate fate itself. Also, those unprepared to wield a siren wand will find themselves at its mercy.
The Calamity Rod has enough power to destroy the world.
The Sacred Ring is a ring made for the gods, and whoever wears it is their emissary.
The Wand of Yggdrasil is a wand made from the wood of Yggdrasil itself, and is even stronger now than when it was first made.
The Sacred Ring is a ring made for the gods, and whoever wears it is their emissary.
The Stardust Rod has the power to control the stars themselves.
The Chaos Wand amplifies the power of its wielder unendingly.
The Soul Wand feeds off the wielders soul, though it leaves no permanent effects.
Anyone with a Spirit Ring can travel between this world and the Spirit Realm.
The Dragon Wand is a wand that requires a certain amount of power to wield, else be devoured by the being within.
The Vision Wand tests wielders with a vision. If they pass, they can wield the wand.
The Do-Over Clock erases the users past so they can become better at other things.
The Judgement Rod is used by a messenger of the gods to mete out their judgement.
The Cosmos Charm is a necklace of great magical power that allows the wearer to control the most devastating magic.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The full trailer for Cyberpunk Edgerunners is out! Only a month to go now!

We can already see a few feats in action (David moving so fast that he appears to be in multiple places at once, moving so fast that smoke from what might be a gun looks stationary). There's also several impressive looking explosions, but we'll have to wait to see if they actually scale to anyone. A shotgun blast moves a police car about half a foot sideways and turns the inhabitants to moosh.

We also have the second inside look at Edgerunners. David is a character who starts out pretty relatable at first, but as his life begins to revolve around violence his personality changes. Lucy is a character who's meant to be a badass femme fatale, but at the same time also cute. Trigger and CD Project Red have been working together on this for 3 or 4 years (which would mean they've been planning this not only prior to the release of 2077, but also while Promare was still in development).

David's mother is named Gloria and the sinister looking guy with multiple eyes is Faraday.

Faraday is described as the "go to fixer in Pacifica" and will also appear in Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs of Night City (which implies he'll survive the events of Edgerunners).

Along with David and Lucy, the rest of the gang are Maine, Rebecca, Pilar, Kiwi and Dorio.



Maine is a Solo, Kiwi is a Netrunner. Again, it's worth repeating that V can also get the same implants that David can potentially have and be just as fast (if not faster with technological developments).

In other news, Imaishi and Amemiya are currently debating over who will make the Muzzle anime (Imaishi had both the Trigger and Spring animes), and Wakabayashi said that if they ever make Luluco season 2 they hope to sort out all the alternate timelines (this confirms that each Trigger series is an alternate version of each other).
The three Trigger mascots are the Trigger Girls, Miss Trigger, Muzzle, and Spring. At the end of Space Patrol Luluco, we see her become Miss Trigger. It seems like Lucia Fex [from Promare] is based on Spring. When will Muzzle appear in an anime?

Currently at the studio, we have several head directors, Yoshinari, Imaishi, and [Akira] Amemiya. Yoshinari isn't that interested per say but Imaishi and Amemiya both are debating who gets to direct the anime that will feature Muzzle. Amemiya is saying, "You got your chance, what about me?" In the instance when we maybe make Space Patrol Luluco 2, we're figuring how we're going to make all the alternate timelines make sense.
Last but not least, Panty & Stocking season 2 has finally been confirmed! This is not only great news as PSG deserves another series, but also has tons of implications lorewise (there is only one Heaven and Hell for the entire Triggerverse).

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
I don't think I've posted this yet, but it's one of the biggest things to come out of Gridman in terms of lore and has massive implications; Alexis Kerib having infinite life not only means he's immortal; it means he's been alive for a literal infinite time period. You don't even need to read Japanese; you can clearly see the infinity symbol.
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Height - 215cm
Weight - 112kg
Birthday - Unknown
Age - Infinite

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
A few notes from Promare Complete Script. Alas, it didn't have as much as I hoped it would, but it still had some nice points. Promepolis is a new city-state which appeared on the North American continent after the Big World Burn up. As another result of the Big World Burn Up, different cultures and races have been shuffled around more.
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Races and cultures have been shuffled more under the influence of the global blaze.
The nation was also divided, and a special economic zone city-state with autonomy was created here in the North American continent. Promepolis in North America is a city-state governed by the Foresight Foundation.
Krazor X's Cultivation Beam can break down mountains on the molecular level.
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Lio de Galon barely dodges. The beam hits the Promepolis building. And, in an instant, it turns into soil.
Galo: What?
Kray: Attenuation Reclamation Beam. Destroys mountains at the molecular level and transforms them into farmland. It's a transforming mechanism for environmental development on settlement planets. I never thought I'd end up using it in a place like this.
Galo de Lion manifest and sets the entire Solar System on fire, before absorbing all those fires and sending them back to the Promare universe.
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The blaze wrap transforms into a giant burning fist.
Fires a giant punch into the Earth. Fire runs through the Earth. Throw multiple punches in a row.
The Earth burns up.
The world is engulfed in flames.
The flame becomes a dragon that runs through space, turning the Moon, Mars, Mercury, and all the planets of the Solar System into fireballs at once.
Burning Solar System.
When it flares up like fireworks, it disappears as if being sucked into the Earth.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The Labyrinth contains not only one multiverse, but many. Several of these multiverses are referenced directly by name. From the above page, we have Simon's multiverse, Yoko's multiverse, Viral's multiverse and Team Dai-Gurren's multiverse.
Final Drill said:
Simon's multiverse
Final Drill said:
Yoko's multiverse
Final Drill said:
Viral's multiverse
Final Drill said:
Team Dai-Gurren's multiverse
Final Drill is not the only source to mention other multiverses; Work Soul also references both Simon's multiverse and Yoko's multiverse, and further confirms that the Anti-Spiral set up these multiverses in the trap of the Labyrinth.
Work Soul said:
Simon's multiverse (jewelry store)
The showcase is where Simon is trapped in the "Multiversal Labyrinth," which was set up by the Anti-Spiral. Lined with goods from team Dai-Gurren such as Yoko's Valletta.
Work Soul said:
Yoko's multiverse (Nakim & Maosha's House)
Yoko trapped in the "Multiversal Labyrinth" sees the future she may have become. The house of Nakim and Maosha, which appeared only for a moment in (Medium Edition), when a mysterious bounty hunter Yokoza Tornado appeared when a beastman attacked here!
The compressed draft script within Work Soul also makes very explicit reference to different multiverses.

Work Soul said:
Yoko's multiverse
Work Soul said:
Dayakka, Gimmy Darry & Boota's multiverse
Work Soul said:
Leeron, Gabal & Attenborough's multiverse
Work Soul said:
Leyte & LordGemone's multiverse
Work Soul said:
Tetukan & Cybella's multiverse
Work Soul said:
Viral's multiverse
The Gurren Lagann Archive (released in 2021, a good 11 years after Work Drill), continues to directly mention different multiverses.
Gurren Lagann Archive said:
Jewelery store in Simon's multiverse (episode 26) D Hiramatsu Sukeshi Nakim, Maosha's home in Yoko's multiverse (episode 26)
As such, we have 7 named multiverses in the Labyrinth, set up by the Anti-Spiral. Keep in mind however, that Gurren Lagann's cosmology involves infinitely branching universes from all possibilities at every instant, so really we're not only dealing with 8 multiverses, but uncountably infinite multiverses. We can even see them, when the Anti-Spiral is talking with LordGenome and Boota. Each "star" in the space between the 10th and 11th dimensions is an entire infinite branching multiverse, and there are numberless "stars".


Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
In an interview with Nakashima, when asked about how time travel works in Batman Ninja, he says that it's inspired by American comics, where instead of travelling back in time to the same timeline, they travel back in time to a different timeline in the multiverse. He then goes on to explain how peoples perception of time has changed, from 4 dimensions to at least 11, and the Universe is a universe of all possibilities, and given all possible universes exist, you can simply say it happened in another universe. The interviewer then goes on to ask him about the quantum cosmology in Gurren Lagann, to which he replies he was reading up on advanced multiverse theory at the time, and he sent the theory of universes becoming real when observed to Gainax.



"Ninja Batman" is a so-called "time thing" in which Batman is transported to the Warring States period. In Japanese anime, there's a restriction that if you change the past, the present will change, and I think people tend to be very cautious when it comes to time-altered anime. You don't worry about that kind of thing, and you go out on a limb.

Nakashima: That's because it's American comics. The world setting of the multiverse, or a universe full of universes, permeates the readership of American comics. And now, the time-modifying stuff is going to be the multiverse stuff, right? There's a whole universe of all kinds of possibilities, so no matter what you do, you're like, "Oh, that universe!" (laughs). The interpretation of the multiverse has advanced so rapidly in the last few decades that when we were children, it was only 4-Dimensional, but now it is said to be 11-Dimensional. Our job is to tell lies, so we take those theories and twist them into something interesting.

Come to think of it, in "Gurren Lagann", there was a story about "quantum cosmology that exists by being observed".

Nakashima: When I looked up cosmology at that time, I hadn't read it for a while, so I found that it was very advanced. I was given the theory that the universe can be confirmed only if it is observed, and I set up the idea that there is a universe that can be created if we recognize it."
When asked about how Rossiu found LordGenome's head to make the bio-computer, Kazuki Nakashima begins by saying how there's a different version of how this happened in the DVD commentary and the novelization, and finishes by saying that as there are different versions that are prefered, as Gurren Lagann is the story of a multiverse, the version you, the viewer, prefers, can be the right one. This means that even the main Gurren Lagann timeline is composed of different alternate versions.
"Next. "When did Rosiu discover LordGenome?"

Nakashima: Oh, that is written in a novel. I explained it in the DVD audio commentary, but that is a lie (laughs). Novels are sold by mail, so those who like logic is there, and those who like interesting are the DVD version. "Gurren Lagann" is a story of the multiverse, so the "Gurren Lagann" audience you believe in!"
All of these possibilities where born in the first moments of the Big Bang, as per the quantum cosmology theory.
Final Drill said:
[Quantum Cosmology] A theory of the universe explained from the standpoint of quantum mechanics that deals the microcosmos right after the birth of the universe to the probabilistic interpretation of how the entire universe went from nothing to everything.
The manga version which describes the quantum nature of the Universe/Multiverse shows us the different dimensional universes, as well as how observing reality makes it fixed applies even to individual particles. This also tells us that the laws of observation apply to not just a single universe, and that the Universe is the term used to describe the cosmos.


How could we have been so blind? They eluded our super-Spiral scan sweeps by creating an imaginary oscillating time-space located between the membranes of the dimensional universes we call the 10th and 11th dimensions.
What we call the universe is constructed on ambiguity. It only becomes a fixed reality when observed. That is a fundamental law of the universe. Even in a pocket universe, an object that has been observed at one time can be picked up on a Spiral scan.
At every instant, new possibilities are observed and fixed in place. Should someone be made to see all of them at once, they would be frozen in place.

Nakashima: Indeed. We are opposed to each other because we are in the same position. Also, I was impressed by a story I heard from my university psychology teacher around that time. He said, "I feel sorry for male students today." He said that if you take out 6 crayons and ask them to choose their favorite color, they can choose, but if you take out 120 colors, they can't choose. In other words, today's boys have so many choices that they can't choose. Girls, on the other hand, unfortunately, still have only about six colors to choose from, so they are able to choose cheerfully. When I heard that, I thought, "That's exactly what I'm talking about!". The reason for the youth's sense of boredom I was feeling fell into my own hands. And then, with a snap, I was blown away by "Gurren".

It is. When "presented with infinite possibilities," a person can't do anything but stand still and become stuck. But in the end, the only choice one can make is one's own will. That's what I wanted to convey to the young people, to show them that kind of straightforwardness as entertainment. That's the fourth part of the story.
The Multiverse is a universe which is made real at the moment of recognition, and the ultimate trap of the Anti-Spiral based on an expanded interpretation of quantum cosmology. The Multiversal Labyrinth is a logical quantum trap which traps its victims forever, and even prior to throwing Simon and his friends in, the Anti-Spiral had thrown in many Spiral Warriors.
"Trapped in the Multiverse. Last resort developed by the Anti-Spiral. It was a "multiverse" that traps people in infinite possibilities. I might be there, the future I wanted to be like this. People will stand up before the possibility of spreading anywhere. That is exactly the Anti-Spiral trap that takes away "will to live" from a person. The crew of the Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann are trapped in the multiverse. Stolen from their consciousness, they are simply drifting through the ocean of infinite possibilities ......"
"Each in the Multiverse"
The "multiverse" is a universe that becomes real at the moment of recognition. It is a logical trap that no intelligent creature can escape from the multiverse forever because the possibility of a possible future changes directly into a universe. In Simon's case, for example, he is trapped in the possibility that if Kamina were alive and did not fight the beastmen, he wouldn't have died. There is an infinite number of possibilities, and hell will follow. It is no longer possible to return to the real universe after being affected by a different kind of multiverse . The strongest and worst trap for the people by an expanded interpretation of quantum cosmology. The Anti-Spiral has dropped numerous Spiral warriors up to this point and forced them to ruin."
The Anti-Spiral dimension exists at the end of the Multiverse.
Gurren Lagann official website said:
Gurren Lagann official website said:
The final decisive battle between the Spiral and the Anti-Spiral, which begins at the end of the multiverse!

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The Spiral Nemesis is a threat to all island universes, and when triggered it becomes a Big Crunch and destroys all space, time and dimensions into a single dimensionless point (remember that dimensions are different universes).
Simon knows that. However, even though he knew it, it was like a ripple in his mind. It was just a small ripple, but the Anti-Spiral's words continued like the wind on the wave. "That's what you do. You Spirals will always move forward, eating what you hold dear, with its destructive impulses as an instinct, not a care in the world. The cluster of galaxies spread out in front of us, a calm space where many island universes coexist in gravitational equilibrium. The Spiral force is the force that connects the universe to life. A single life can draw on the power of the infinite universe. But that force cannot be controlled by life. That's the truth of this universe," they said, filling in the green glow here and there in the cluster of galaxies. That same green glow erupted from Simon's body, which disrupted the equilibrium of the galaxy cluster. Simon knew that it was the truth of the Spiral. That it was a Spiral force run amok. The Anti-Spiral's words continue. "The Spiral force goes out of control , and the energy emanating from the body becomes a galaxy. When the Spiral force begins to run goes out of control, in an instant, as many galaxies as there are lives in the universe are born. The excess galaxies will devour each other to become black holes and the universe will return to nothingness. That is Spiral Nemesis. A runaway called evolution.
In the blink of an eye, the entire universe is destroyed.
That's right.
In front of Simon, the scene was exactly as the Anti-Spiral had told it, where the green light erupted from peoples bodies, becoming a galaxy and then becoming a super-galaxy cluster. It's a momentary event. The excess galaxy cluster was born instantly, and due to its enormous gravity time and space is crushed into a dimensionless point. The opposite of the Big Bang, the Big Crunch.
All beings returned to nothing. In a moment.
This is the Spiral Nemesis. It is the end of the Universe caused by Spiral Power.
"No way..."
Simon understood.
Not only Simon. All living creatures aboard the Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann understood. Directly appealing to the brain, not words.
And they were eaten by the Universe.
Their consciousness was consumed by the labyrinth of the Multiverse that they could never escape.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The Anti-Spiral transcends time and space, and controls the multiple dimensions (in order to manipulate probability and set up the Labyrinth).
Simon's greatest enemy is this universe itself The greatest, strongest, and most fearsome enemy that attempts to eradicate all creatures with spiral power. Even before Simon and his comrades, numerous Spiral warriors have challenged the Anti-Spiral and been buried. Its form has no discernible substance, has capability to lightly transcend time and space, controls the multiple dimensions. It is truly an entity that can be called "the universe itself".
The Anti-Spiral is unbound by time and gravity.
When the Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann throws, the Ashtanga-class fleet is destroyed. And, in front of the giant Nia, something like a small, black, irregular-shaped humanoid body floats. It's a stop unbounded by time and gravity.
The Anti-Spiral homeworld is seperated from the rest of the space-time continuum, and made of a non-euclidean substance.
It is a strange room. It is not even a room. It is a place separated from continuous time and space. It is surrounded by walls, but I couldn't tell if it is matter, or if it is fixed time, or if it is something else entirely. It doesn't radiate anything. It doesn't reflect anything. It is not interfered with by any time in the universe. It is an independent time flowing only in this room.
Nia's scream is the only sound that echoed in the empty room. The Anti-spiral's homeworld. The space between the tenth and eleventh dimensions. An empty space-time on this planet, separated from both time and space. Nia, trapped there, is now about to be completely analyzed by the Anti-Spiral's original form. "No matter how much you examine my body, you will never be able to defeat them now. He will come, you can be sure of that." Nia said, desperately trying to regenerate. She brings back memories of the past and spins her body with them. "It's useless, irregular." But the Anti-Spiral instantly read the truth of the information.
The Anti-Spiral can stop time in their pocket universe.
The universe was a closed universe. How many years were reassembled there? Of course, it doesn't make sense to count the time that has passed by in this space. Until known, there will be enemies who have been frozen. Time began to flow again with that information. The isolated universe, which was created solely for the purpose of eradicating the Spirals, are a major element that make up the universe.
The Anti-Spiral made it so Spiral Power can't be manifested in their isolated dimension.
"In this isolated universe we have created, Spiral energy cannot be materialized. So far, you have only been able to escape the Multiversal Space Labyrinth. It's nostalgic that the messenger became irregular. Alright..."
Team Dai-Gurren alter physics and do it anyway.
The Anti-Spiral can manipulate probability, and so can Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
[Probability variation]
[Mecha/Episode 26] A missile that must be missed by invalidating the probability that the target defends. A technique that can be done because the Anti-Spiral controls even the probability.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
In the manga, shortly before the Ashtanga appear, the enemy reading is listed as being 10^68 units.
Dayakka: Cybela! What happened?
Cybella: The enemies... Their number...
Dayakka: How many!?
Cybela: 10 to the power of...68.
A single Ashtanga contains enough energy to shake an entire universe, which Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren survives with its shields.
"Super Spiral Field developed. prepare for the shockwave, a huge one will come."
At the same time Dayakka finished talking, a big explosion occurred.
It's a battleship collapse like a satellite.
After the big shockwave that shakes the isolated universe hit the Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren and the violent wave passed away, the enemy fleet was also wiped out.
A Super Spiral Scanner scans all of space-time across all dimensions to find it's target, and can find anything so long as it's been observed at least once.
Spiral Wave Detection Monitor [Mecha/Machine - Episode 23] Popular name, spiral radar. It is connected to the Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren's Spiral universe/space transcendence machine and hyper spiral computer, and explores all dimensions and space-time. It is possible to track what has been recognized once and detect its location. It traced the ring of Nia and discovered an isolated universe between the 10th and 11th dimensional universes where the Anti-Spiral is hidden.
The Mega-Maelstrom Vortex Cannon fires countless missiles across the local space-time continuum throughout all dimensions.

[Possible space-time simultaneous firing]
[Special Move / Episode 26] A Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann's "Mega-Vortex Cannon" and "Maelstrom Cannon" is an all-gun attack that fires probability fluctuation bullets. Artor an immeasurable number of enemies in every space-time and dimensions from the near past to the near future.
Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann has engine power enough to create a galaxy.
[Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann] [Mecha/Episode 26] Super Spiral class gunman. The appearence of the transformation of Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren with enough energy to create a galaxy, as the spiral force was transmitted from Ark Gurren Lagann through the transcendental spiral engine from Gurren Lagann. Equipped with a Mega Vortex Cannon, it is protected by a spiral field that is intact even if hit by a planet.
Thanks to Super Galaxy Gurren Laganns Transcendal Spiral Engines, it's capable of perpetually sustaining Giga Drills (Spiral Energy turned into mass), where as Gurren Lagann and Arc Gurren Lagann's Giga Drills put too much strain on the pilots.
A Giga Drill is a collection of materialized Spiral Energy. Gurren Lagann and Ark Gurren Lagann, which require enormous power, can be substantiated for a certain period of time during battle. This is because the operator's burden is too heavy. However, the Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann always wears their gigantic Giga Drills on both shouldiers. This is possible only if there is a transcendental spiral engine that produces Super Spiral Power. It was also a symbol of the overwhelming power of the Super Galay Gurren Lagann.
Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann is capable of fully syncing its engine with a spiral galaxy (note that it's capable of this even without the energy of the Death Spiral Abyss.
In Arc Gurren Lagann, Gurren Lagann is turning drills as well. Simon is releasing Spiral Power in the cockpit of Lagann. Spiral Power is the force by which the spiral factors that make up spiral lifeforms are synchronized with spiral galaxies, and the potentials inside the galaxies are converted into energy and emitted. Theoretically, one life can release as much energy as one universe. Synchronizing the galaxy and life requires a complex and enormous electric signal emitted from the nervous centre of spiral life, that is, the power of the will. Life resonates with the galaxy due to the force of the transcendantal double helix.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Although Super Galaxy Da-Gurren struggled with a single Ashtanga in ship form, in humanoid form Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann was able to take out dozens of Ashtanga consecutively.
Gurren Lagann novelization - volume 4 said:
In the form of Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren, which had been struggling with just one Ashtanga-class ship, but now buried 12 consecutive ships. That was the power of this angry giant.
Hundreds and thousands of Spiral Races were lost in the Galactic Spiral Abyss.
Gurren Lagann novelization - Volume 4 said:
This was the monster that created the Death Spiral Field and swallowed hundreds and thousands of Spirals.
The manga helps to highlight that all the specs seen in the Galactic Spiral Abyss are all broken laganns.
Even a moon-sized spaceship capable of making a transition in space-time across dimensions would be helpless within the Galactic Spiral Abyss (and as said, the Anti-Spiral did not consider humanity at this point to be anything special), and that their defeat may have already been decided.

Even with such a scientific ability to manipulate a satalite-class battleship and instantly make a transition in space-time, the tribe was defeated by the Anti-Spiral. From the past to the present and the future, the defeat of the Spiral may have been decided.
The Death Spiral Field is implied to be it's own space (pocket universe).
Work Soul said:
A Death Spiral Machine that creates this space.
In the Galactic Spiral Abyss, Simon's power is comparable to the creation of a universe in each of his cells.
- シ モ ン が レ バ ー を 握 り し め た。
身体 中 の 細胞 が 悲鳴 を 上 げ て い た. 細胞 一 つ 一 つ の 中 で 新 し い 宇宙 が 誕生 す る. そ の エ ネ ル ギ ー を 全神 経 を 使 っ て グ レ ン ラ ガ ン に 注 ぎ 込 む. 言葉 に す る な ら ば そ う い う イ メ ー ジ だ っ た.
超 銀河 ダ イ グ レ ン が 加速 し た。 "
- "Simon pressed the lever.
Every cell in his body screamed. Within each cell a new universe is born. That energy would pour into Gurren Lagann using all his nerves. That was the image in his head.
The Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren sped up. "
Kittans final sacrifice is so great that it shakes the entire galaxy.
Work Soul said:
Work Soul said:
A big explosion occurs. A torrent of light that shakes the galaxy!
The giant fake Nia is a quantum dummy designed to lure the Spiral races to a certain point in the Anti-Spiral dimension away from the Anti-Spiral Homeworld, capable of making an identical reaction to what was scanned for in a Super Spiral Sweep.
"I was killed..." said LordGenomes head, "behind the Spiral Cognitive Transfer System. It's a dummy that lures us into this universe. There's no Anti-Spiral planet here."
Leeron asks.
"Directively recognition fluctuation quantum. It responds to the conscious Spiral Search Enemy and takes an identical reaction according to the opponents search orientation."
"What do you mean?"
Dayakka was confused.
"Hmm, I was attracted to the times when I got the shape I expected, and warp to Nia."
Leeron replied, and Simon on the monitor heard.
"The it was the fact that you sensed Nia's ring?"
"No, it was the real thing that responded to the unconscious medium-spinning enemy. After that, when setting the super-transition outcome point, the object was misrecognized. This is an isolated space between dimension."

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Simon escapes the Multiversal Labyrinth by merging all possible versions of himself together.

Kamina: Yeah. (Nodding)
The other members of the Team Dai-Gurren who were behind him nodded. Simon turns his back. Simon's appearances spread out across the entire space. It's Simon's appearances spread out in a multiverse of possibilities for each possible appearance. But the core drill shines in Simon's chest. and his left arm becomes Gurren Lagann's. A drill appears from "there". That drill spins rapidly. The drill engulfs Simon in the multiverse, turning him into a vortex of light.
Simon "Let's go, buddy."
In that glow, Simon transforms into Gurren Lagann's form and flies off into the void.
Not only does this include infinite Simon's, but all Simons past, present and future. There's also the implication that the Multiverse is cyclic, with references to the various lives repeating (although this could also refer to the branching nature of the Multiverse).
The members of the Gurren Lagann behind me nodded vigorously when I said that. Thank you, brother. I believe in you who believes in me. I believe in my friends who believes in myself.
Simon held up his core drill to the heaven and a flash of light flashed across the sky. Countless appearances of Simon appeared in the sky, and they were the past, the present, and the future, every place, every time, and the innumerable selves that live in a world of infinite possibilities.
There is no escaping wherever you go. In a closed infinite universe, various lives are repeated. In that universe of possibilities, Simon twisted the countless selves he had drilled into one, twisting them together into a giant drill, and before he realized that it was a huge drill, Simon wasn't there but Gurren Lagann. There stood Gurren Lagann, holding up the giga drill, "Let's go, buddy!"
Simon intergrates the entire Multiverse into his Super Spiral Ego and saves his friends from the endless chain of universes.
When Simon awakens without hesitation, he intergrates with the multiverse and rescues the members of the Dai-Gurren Dan from the endless chain of possibilities. Finally getting Nia back from the Anti Spiral. As Gurren Lagann emitted a new light, the final evolution of Gurren Lagann began.
Gurren Lagann breaks through the walls of the Multiverse, freeing Simon's friends from the universes of awareness by crushing them.
Gurren Lagann novelization - Volume 4 said:
The drill broke through the walls of the multiverse. Leeron, Dayakka, Gimmy, Darry... The green-shining drill was crushes one after another the cognitive universe where the crew of the Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann were trapped.
After escaping the Labyrinth, Simon creates Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann by merging together every possible Gurren Lagann in the entire Multiverse.
The core drill shines as it spins on in response to Simon's shout.
The same glow at the same time in every part of Gurren Lagann is emitted and from various parts of his body, a number of faces with Lagann-like expressions appeared. Yoko, Dayakka, Leeron, Viral, Tetsukan, Attenborough, Leite, and Gimme-Darry each ride in a Lagann-like cockpit. Lordgenome also somehow has a body and is in the cockpit. Nia is in the same cockpit as Simon as well Boota popped out from Simon's chest.
The possibilities of Gurren Lagann's existence in the multiverse has been materialized and merged with Simon's Gurren Lagann. The ultimate evolution of Gurren Lagann has been activated.
Not only are all Gurren Laganns and Simons merged together, but also all the thoughts and feelings of the rest of the crew, and all their experiences in the Labyrinth that ever were and ever will be. Tengen Toppa Gurren Laganns power transcends dimensions and time, and breaks through cause, effect and fate.
Nia enters the cockpit of Gurren Lagann with Simon.
Each Lagann merged into Gurren Lagann.
It was anger. It was sadness. It was compassion. It was every emotion one could think of.t was anger. It was sadness. It was compassion. It was every emotion one could think of.
The feelings that each of us had in our respective universes appeared in the form of a drill, breaking through the wall.
It was appearing in the form of two shapes and sizes, and they became one.
If you have no choice but to fight, do not hesitate.
We are not afraid to ask for power.
If there's a wall, we'll hit and break it, if there's no way, we'll make it with our own hands!
-No, more.
Breaks through cause, effect and fate, scream cry of life resounds in the galaxy!
-Still, more.
Engrave the feelings of a friend in this body, and turn infinite darkness into light!
-That's it.
Greater powerful than stars and galaxies.
Greater power than dimensions and time.
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann overflows with infinite power.
The infinite force that overflows from this body forms it.
The shape of a person overflows.
Feelings and wishes, remorse and hope, past and future, The ultimate evolution of Gurren Lagann created by swallowing everything about ourselves. The giant covered in green flames is the biggest thing a human or mediator has created.
This is the Super Spiral Space, a cognitive realm in which thought is given form. It is created and sustained inside Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
Could TTGL exist in normal space?
TTGL could exist in normal space as it creates the Super Spiral Space within itself.
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is a virtual quantum entity created by warping the multi-layered multiverse. Upon the defeat of the Anti-Spiral, it disappeared and the Multiverse returned to its natural state (meaning all the Simons, Gurren Laganns and other members of Team Dai-Gurren and their thoughts & experiences are returned to their proper places across space and time). This is the reason why LordGenome was able to manifest a body inside Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann; because the possibility of a Gurren Lagann piloted by LordGenome exists in the Multiverse.
(Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is a virtual quantum body created from the mult-layered multiverse by the activation of Super Spiral Power. It disappeared when the battle ended and returned to its normal state.)

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
During the fight between Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and the Anti-Spiral, the Earth becomes visible to the fighters and the fight is visible from Earth, despite the combatants being the size of galaxies. This is because the power of the fight was so immense that space and time warped, causing a projection of the Earth to be visible, and for the fight to be visible from the Earth, when without the warping of space and time, the fight would have taken tens of thousands of years to be visible from Earth.
"地上でみんなが銀河規模の戦いを見ているというのが、いかにもGAINAX作品らしいスケール感でしたね。 今石 あ、そうですか? シナリオ会議の時には失笑を買ったんですけど(笑)。「とりあえずリアルタイムで見えていてほしい」と言ったら、中島さんに「いくらなんでもそれはありえない!」って言われて。だから劇中では一応、時空がねじ曲がって、映像が投影されているというかたちにしてるんですけど、僕としてはあれはリアルタイムで、生で見えててほしかったんです。「あそこの銀河で戦ってるよ!」みたいな。 ── ああ、デカすぎて見えるという(笑)。 今石 そうそう。デカいから見えるってどうですかね? って訊いたら、さすがにダメだった。 ── しかもどこにある銀河だって話ですよね。 大塚 見えるのに何万年もかかっちゃう。 今石 まあ、そりゃそうだと思うんですけどね。でも、その頃になると中島さんがきっと別の理屈を見つけてくれる! と期待してたから(笑)。「多分こういう事を言うと、中島さんが画は変えない方向で上手い事を考えてくれるぞ」と思いながら、口には出さず。"
The fact that everyone on the ground was watching a galactic battle on a galactic scale gave a sense of scale that was very much like a GAINAX work.
Imaishi: Oh, is that so? I got a good laugh at the scenario meeting (laughs). When I said, "I want you to be able to see it in real time," Nakashima said, "That's not possible! He told me. So in the play, the space-time is twisted and the image is projected, but I wanted it to be seen live, in real time. They're fighting in that galaxy over there! like that. Yeah, it's too big to see (laughs).
Imaishi: Yes, that's right. What do you think about being able to see it because it's so big? When I asked him about it, he said no. What's more, you're talking about where the galaxy is.
Otsuka: It would take tens of thousands of years to see them.
Imaishi: Well, I think that's true. But by that time, I'm sure Nakashima-san will have found another reason for it! (laughs) because I was expecting it. I didn't say anything, thinking, "Maybe if I say something like this, Mr. Nakashima will come up with something good that doesn't change the picture."
The fight was not only visible from Earth, but all across the Universe (made even more impressive that it happened in an entirely different universe).
What's more, with the victory of Simon and the others, the Spirals of other galaxies all screamed to the Earth all at once. Like the Earth, the Spiral Tribe would have been contained in various planets on various planets. The space-time transition bypass created by the battle between Gurren Lagann was connected not only to Earth but also to other planets. These stars had so many friends.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The Granzeboma is more powerful than Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (at least at the start of the final battle). The Infinity Big Bang Storm is equal to the Big Bang (which as per the quantum cosmology theory, created not just one universe but the entire Multiverse).
The final weapon unleashed by the Anti-Spiral. Although it mimics the appearance of Gurren Lagann, its abilities are far superior. The special move is the "Infinity Big Bang Storm"!!
The Granzeboma kneads the last attack of energy comparable to the Big Bang.
In the movie version, the Granzeboma easily rips apart Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann after the latter was barely able to scratch them.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The Nanda-class is a colossal robot battleship that resides in the Galactic Spiral Abyss. It appears in the novels, the manga and the script. Not only can it survive in super dense space, but it can move at incredible speeds.
The Nanda-class uses Spiral Wave Camoflage that prevents even the Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren's radar from picking it up (Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren's radar is capable picking up enemies in probability space).
LordGenome Bio-Computer: The enemy is probably using Spiral Wave Camoflage. Switch to the Spiral Gravity Censor and start (seaching for?) the enemy.
The Nanda-class can fire multiple missiles the size of moons from its mouth.
Much like the Ashtanga, the Nanda can dispatch smaller robots to attack (although given they're comparable to the space gunmen in size, these robots are still the size of mountains).
The Nanda-class is even bigger than the moon-sized Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren, and Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren's shield deflects it (even in the Galactic Spiral Abyss).
It required multiple members of the Super Galaxy Brigade sacrificing themselves (Jorgen & Balinbow, Kid and Iraak) to destroy the Nanda-class.
