TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread


V.I.P. Member
Like I enjoy pointing out, even Shinji Ikari is mentally a fucking will power Titan compared to people IRL
"Supernatural social skills" is putting it lightly

The Nemo event had Da Vinci calling the Outer Gods a bunch of morons for sending Servants within speaking distance of Ritsuka since it inevitably fucked over their plan
This is true and comical.
God Tier Talk no Jutsu.
And its even plot acknowledged instead of just a meme
Like I enjoy pointing out, even Shinji Ikari is mentally a fucking will power Titan compared to people IRL

Yeah, speaking of experience, I couldn't even do Jury Duty with a "He Said, She Said" case because I would feel Guilty if a person is innocent without all of the evidence on the table.
The Lostbelts would break me in half without heavy disoassociation and even the Singularities would have me hide behind Mash so often, she would probably see me as pathetic.


V.I.P. Member
Yeah, speaking of experience, I couldn't even do Jury Duty with a "He Said, She Said" case because I would feel Guilty if a person is innocent without all of the evidence on the table.
Same here tbh. I can handle talking someone down about to try and cave my face in no issues (I have ample experience there with inpatient Psych ), but put me in that kind of position of power I'll probably not forgive myself if I fuck it up.
The Lostbelts would break me in half without heavy disoassociation and even the Singularities would have me hide behind Mash so often, she would probably see me as pathetic.
Think that last bit has more to do with the fact your IRL physiology would be incapable of actually performing even on the level of Shinji Matou

Which, given he's grappled, albeit in a gag scene, with Leysritt, would be a tall order to bridge as a gulf
ame here tbh. I can handle talking someone down about to try and cave my face in no issues (I have ample experience there with inpatient Psych ), but put me in that kind of position of power I'll probably not forgive myself if I fuck it up.

Which is probably why I would fail even having Servants in the first place unless it's a seriously chill one.

Unfortunately, I'm self-conscious and thus, I would end up having thoughts of what others would think of me which would simultaneously want me to step up and then basically retreat into a hole.
Thus sometimes, I just pretend no one else exists so I can get stuff done.


Guda back in society would either be some kind of BS where he would get a sealing designation for....mage reasons, or he would just get Mash, settle down near some mountains and opening up an inn or some shit like that.


V.I.P. Member
Guda back in society would either be some kind of BS where he would get a sealing designation for....mage reasons, or he would just get Mash, settle down near some mountains and opening up an inn or some shit like that.
Could anyone from the Clock Tower really contend with Mash that's not part of El Melloi II's class anyway? We hardly know enough about Lorelei to really gauge her prowess. Who could they realistically send after Ritsuka to try and make them a seal designation?
Which is probably why I would fail even having Servants in the first place unless it's a seriously chill one.
I'd vaguely gel with EMIYA, but that's mostly because his original plan in FSN was to have Rin hide in the basement while he fought the war on his own

Being aware of how out stated I am, it's not like throwing my life away by running straight at the problem would amount to anything
Unfortunately, I'm self-conscious and thus, I would end up having thoughts of what others would think of me which would simultaneously want me to step up and then basically retreat into a hole.
Wouldn't so much be what others think of me, but rather "can I shoulder the weight of all their lives" and the answer is no. Definitely no.
Thus sometimes, I just pretend no one else exists so I can get stuff done.
Can appreciate that, tuning out the world to filter distractions isn't a terrible coping mechanism.


The scenario i'm envisioning is one where Guda and Mash are done for good, meaning no more powers , support from Chaldea..etc or one where it would be in their best interests to not put up a fight.

A Sealing Designation can be revoked if you just agree to do stuff for the Association.

As for who would be enough to brute force it... dunno specifically, but imagine a colaborative effort with other branches or with Atlas.

They would sure get something cooked up that could handle Mash.

Like for example, China has Xians, Japan has AoG shit ...etc.
> Clock Tower gives Ritsuka a Sealing Designation

> Three Beasts and two Archetypes punch through reality and crush them for it

I wanna see them try

They wouldn't even need to go that far, Goredolf would be raising hell to revoke it as he mentioned it himself.

Mandricardo would unironically be my best friend, I would be all over Quetzalcoatl despite I would be self-conscious as shit and she would mold me to be a good person overall and I would probably use Servants that wouldn't expect the World from me.

Wouldn't so much be what others think of me, but rather "can I shoulder the weight of all their lives" and the answer is no. Definitely no.

Same here... Lostbelts would absolutely get me in the end.

Can appreciate that, tuning out the world to filter distractions isn't a terrible coping mechanism.

I would absolutely need a therapist... and then instantly fall into Kiara's schemes and game over


The Lostbelts would break me in half without heavy disoassociation and even the Singularities would have me hide behind Mash so often, she would probably see me as pathetic.
I still want to visit Mictlan though. The deinos are just so friendly and approachable.

But yeah, I will die in the first seconds of fuyuki lol. My physical constitution is just that weak


V.I.P. Member
But yeah, I will die in the first seconds of fuyuki lol. My physical constitution is just that weak
No one here, or in this world in general, could cope with having to even be in a setting like Angel no Densetsu, let alone Nasuverse

I sure as hell ain't laughing off attacks from someone that can snap trees in half and send people flying 10-15 meters backwards at a low launch angle.


V.I.P. Member
Also cut up episodes 16 and 17 bringing the total from 16-19 to about 86 non-uploaded clips

15 looks annoying without doing 14 and I don't feel like doing another 2 episodes right now

Teenage Aoko gonna tear me in half with a single kick will never not be hilarious to me.


V.I.P. Member
Teenage Aoko gonna tear me in half with a single kick will never not be hilarious to me.
Nasu does love underselling shit as much as he does hyping it up

Flip a coin, the result could be either depending on his mood.

Goes from Flat Snark to wanting to imagine talking tank rounds and missiles during the final fight with shit that's a regression to the Age of Gods.

No different than Kiritsugu believing you need a Cruise Missile to kill Zouken yet he can potentially kill Servants and is a Mage of such a high calibur, it would be impossible.
It's even more ridiculous when in Strange Fake, the US Military is basically thankful the Clock Tower has so much infighting as if they remotely banded together, they would get wrecked unless they get help from the Native American Tribes.

It goes even further with the 2nd strongest Meteor Theia makes destroyed an Ice Landmass the size of Spain and if it hit anywhere else, Earth's orbit would forever shift Earth's Orbit... but the strongest one? Would just flatten Snowfield if it wasn't for the Leyline that would blow up half of the US.

I found that one in particular funny.