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Game Ranked You Will Eat The Bugs - A Mafia game brought to you by the World Economic Forum

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No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Vote Rugrat.

Still want a claim from Fuji, but let's try Magic's approach and get some votes on the guy.


Leprous Monarch
Both Reloaded and Melkor pretty easily budged on just revealing claiming VT, well Melkor did. Did Reloaded say anything besides his flavor role being Joe Roagen?

What?! I claimed because you hinted mech (i thought maybe there was bussdrive or redirect involved or you are just scum and lying) and @Flower asked me.

Now scum has it easier to target town power role tonight, thank you very much!

Why did reading this come across as completely robotic, Melkor are you being coached?
this was so unfair from Aurelian tho lmao. faking info on melkor to get his claim then sussing him for claiming too easily and then framing his rightful indignation as "robotic". I almost would hate for Melkor to be scum just because THIS SHIT should never be rewarded lmao fr fr on god


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I don't see how it's unnatural but I'm also not sure how voting Rugrat is "magic's approach" when lind and I suggested it first lol fr
Magic told me to wagon people first and then ask for their claims, so I will try this now.


vote rugrat

Ima be out most of the day because we're celebrating valentines today. I'll check in periodically.
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