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Game Elden Ring Mafia

The X

@Black Pegged Dragon if u town read me can u take my vouch and leave poyser for a bit btw?

lets focus elsehwere

i am probably leaving lethal for a bit too

lets start with RDK tpein soulkiller ultra tweet rugrat

are those towny for u?
I'm not even on Poyser. Lethal or Craig, only two places I'm going today, sorry.

You've asked me about these names before? I made a reads list? Why don't you read?

RDK I think is town. I know you read him scum and I honestly don't think I could go circles on this one with you. I can see why you think he's scum from what you're saying, I just think you're wrong about what you're seeing and saying.

Tpein could be wolf. I did think his play around Fang was fairly decent. The thing that holds me up is that Lethal and Craig have interacted a ton with Tpein. Not sure if that's a coincidence, Lethal and Craig buddying Tpein, or something more sinister.

Soul is town for me. Think he was pretty against Fang the whole time and never left that wagon.

Ultra seems town but I need more from that slot. Probably one of the bigger question marks for me.

Tweet I've been town reading the whole game.

Rugrat has four posts. One of them I liked, but who can tell with that little content. Null.

Hans Tweetenberg

I say there's history between me and Lethal. Specifically history of me catching wolf Lethal and then Lethal doing this exact same thing. When I caught Lethal in Death in Nile, I was told I was a disgusting human being and then I got blocked. So yeah, I don't believe in Lethal's emotional outbursts because I've seen that trick as scum before.
I know you had beef with Jeff but to be frank I've lost track of who's holding a grudge against whom over what by now so I didn't factor that into my assessment. Tbf It was only the first handful of posts that looked fake to me but by now I do believe that y'all aren't friends or even co-scum.


The Alpha and The Omega
Anyway as promised I am The Dung Eater, the Pox Aligned.

My role is that during a day phase I can target a dead player and “defile” their body. I’m the one that defiled Aurelians body. I get perks the more bodies i defile but I haven’t received anything yet from that one and have no idea what the perks would be. Hopefully at least one BP vest! But obviously as I can only target players that are already dead, it doesn’t really effect the game.

there’s also a game mechanic that can kill me but i obviously won’t elaborate on that.

my win condition is that I need to defile 5 bodies, see the golden order utterly destroyed and survive to the end of the game.

Wow.... The audacity you have to out as the Dung Eater out of all the roles in the damn game. If there is any role that would be anything but pro townie it's this role.

Literally the embodiment of fucked upness in the game and argurably the most evil thing in the game. You literally find the dung eater at the lowest part of the game and his sole purpose is to Mutale and curse everyone. There is no shape way or form this role is in any capacity a pro indie and honestly pitched it down as a serial killer of some sort.

Allowing you to live is like purposely allowing the most fucked up being in the world who want nothing more than to defile and curse my corpse in the same roof as townie.

I would think that you also have an apocalyptic event when reaching certain number of corpses or whatever. Similar to my indie role I had when I played GoT.

If there is ever a claim I would immediately execute upon learning their flavor it's this role. Like your entire purpose is to curse all habitants of the lands between and want nothing more than to see everything suffer.

I am not sure why you thought you can claim such role and pass it by as a pro townie indie? You are worse than pro scum indie, you are worse than scum. You are the most evil thing in the game lol.

Vote Lynch: Poyser


The Nexus
So it's fine for people to call me fake, forced, dumb and a coward? No retort in reply? Ah, fantastic. You're one of the most unpleasant players/people I've ever had the misfortune of coming across online. Fact.

You called me worst and do you see me crying about it?
Just a game and keep playing it.
And yes its a game about being fake.
Some are better than others.

The X

More votes on abi imo. He’s only interested in trying to piss people off, not playing the game
Who am I trying to piss off?

For all the talk you are having about me not respecting your game, you've given me ZERO respect at all.


Here's Poyser's claim. He says he did it so he could help town make a decision but you can see in the same sentence, he says that Fang could be telling the truth or he could be lying. So how does this actually move town forward solving Fang's slot? Not to mention that after this claim, Poyser will try to get a wagon going on Tweet. Not sure how this helped town at all last phase.
I think there may be some crossed wires here, X. Poyser says that he claimed for the sake of transparency - he was a pro-town Indie, so he wanted to clear up that Aurelian being a pro-town Indie is not impossible. The move to tweet later is true, too, yes. But when you look at the totality of it, Poyser was the primary player in dismantling Aurelian's claim, so for him to be scum together, he would have to have Aurelian fake claim, break his fake claim down so it looks bad, and then decide to stop bussing him and go for someone else. I think that would be a pretty strange process to go through, and as such, probably not one I'm personally interested in tabling right now.

The X

Should be noted my vote is on Lethal after I made a case on Lethal and I got ZERO response from it. Not sure why Poyser is so involved in defending someone he called scum.

The X

thought Lethal looked pretty bad when he was sussing Evans from the start but never committed to pushing/voting him. even said he's on the fence on him after focusing so many posts on him.

and that flavour just looks like it was copied and pasted from somewhere lol.
Please read my case on Lethal.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Why would I?
His push flipped scum.
I will let him continue making pushes and seeing.
then why make comment about tweet cfd?

also this is the town cred im talking about

ur comments r all nonsense then what?


So it's fine for people to call me fake, forced, dumb and a coward? No retort in reply? Ah, fantastic. You're one of the most unpleasant players/people I've ever had the misfortune of coming across online. Fact.
It’s all game related tho other than anyone calling you dumb which I don’t think I’ve seen. If you can’t handle being pushed then you shouldn’t play lol. This happens every game


You think he's teamed with Aurelia? C'mon man
For what it's worth, I don't think the principle of considering these fringe cases is inherently flawed. I do think in this scenario, the fringe case doesn't hold up very well, so probably isn't in play.

The X

Because you started throwing insults at me when I had vouched for you when Jeff was being a complete arsehole to you. Yet you assured me it wasn't personal?

Seems there's a lot of personal to this huh. Evans been at me from the start, you, Pein, it's all the aces lining up.
What are you even talking about?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I'm not even on Poyser. Lethal or Craig, only two places I'm going today, sorry.

You've asked me about these names before? I made a reads list? Why don't you read?

RDK I think is town. I know you read him scum and I honestly don't think I could go circles on this one with you. I can see why you think he's scum from what you're saying, I just think you're wrong about what you're seeing and saying.

Tpein could be wolf. I did think his play around Fang was fairly decent. The thing that holds me up is that Lethal and Craig have interacted a ton with Tpein. Not sure if that's a coincidence, Lethal and Craig buddying Tpein, or something more sinister.

Soul is town for me. Think he was pretty against Fang the whole time and never left that wagon.

Ultra seems town but I need more from that slot. Probably one of the bigger question marks for me.

Tweet I've been town reading the whole game.

Rugrat has four posts. One of them I liked, but who can tell with that little content. Null.
cant say we agree on our reads rip