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Game Elden Ring Mafia

The X

I agree with that. Otherwise I would be saying I came 2nd overall in the Championships once in every game I make a mistake! But yes I agree to an extent but Poyser = Scum is not an angle I think worth pursuing right now. Craig too.
Poyser can wait for a bit. Craig too only because of Lethal. But Craig is absolutely worth pursuing right now as an option for me.

Arp Bladstrum

Then why is Gamma using a fundamentally evil character as a pro-town indie role??
Because Town =/= Good and Mafia =/= Evil, maybe Grammaton is using this as part of his anti flavour spec? flavour wise The DungEater is trying to create a world where all are equal even the Omen and Misbegotten are judged on their merits just his means are distasteful to all though his strength of Arm and Will are almost unmatched. Not how I would do it myself but I could see that being something our host could very easily do


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
theres nothing wrong with that 2nd quote
it was about RDK

tpein is suspecting RDk but at the same time town rreading him?

it took him some time before saying that

i cant see his thoughts flow with RDK

The X

i stand corrected then and i think abi needs to drop his tunnel probably and reach common ground

one of lethal/tweet is most probably scum. i think our lynch needs to be here
Craig never character revealed, he's referring to Fang.