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Game Death Note Mafia

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Thing is what is the difference between getting a kill or getting a lynch the following day? Surely as mafia it makes more sense to kill lethal rather than not killing anybody and then trying to lynch somebody else the following day? Only reason I could think to do that is if they were really worried that one of them would be next on the chopping block after Lethal flipped town
I guess we can't rule out the latter point, I just dunno, think it would be pretty shit if mafia cant win just by getting parity. Also, Ultra seems to think that even if they got the details wrong it would count as a failed kill, so by that logic it means they didn't even try to guess anybody as L or N?
I fucking hate speculating on this kinda shit tbh

I have come around on it probably being NAI rather than a slip, though I think Tpein could easily be scum anyway lol. My problem is yeah, its pretty obvious that tpein isn't a lynchpin, and when I asked Ultra to elaborate on why he's opposed to tpein and nobody else, he wouldn't answer at all.

Well here's the thing if I you assume I believe I'm something sincerely then you also have to assume that I'd be careful in elaborating about it.


Also Ultra, you going for me over Pein was so bad. Pein was, according to you, a safe vote just like Lethal because none of them is the lynchpin. Yet you have no idea if I‘m a lynchpin or not and vote me anyway.

By logical extension it should be T Pein or bust then yet you're not strictly abiding by it lol


What‘s the case on Evans?

Wouldn’t mind lynching BPD either actually, he feels very safe so far. Tried pretty hard not to antagonise me, stuck to talking about lethal

don’t really understand how he came to the conclusions that all of psychic, tpein and evans have all made good reasonable posts that he can follow as I feel like that statement is objectively untrue. I can see disagreeing on one but it’s weirded me out that he’s at opposite ends of the spectrum to me on all three

Why you trying to CFD a sleeping player?
Scummy af.

Didn’t ask

Specially in this game since we now know if we get it wrong its gg no re.
And you are aware of that now too.

I would always flip Evans before Dragon tbh

@Grammaton why did you clown that?
Do you think we should be lynching sleeping players?
What the...

I’m used to BPD prodding me a lot more than he has, as he has prodded me and been sus of me in pretty much every game we have played together iirc. But he’s just given me a pretty easy town read here based on “defending myself well” but I don’t think it really jives with a town read when he has a completely opposite view of the current game state to me? He’s also left it open to go back there later by saying it’s weak and he could change or whatever lol

also I pretty much always defend myself well, logically speaking, and it doesn’t usually sway him

The irony of tpein crying about CFD whilst literally trying to CFD lethal when he wasn’t around

scummy af

[Vote Lynch Evans]

Yeah I don’t mind this either

wanted to get my thoughts out on BPD before end of day as well as I haven’t really talked about him up to now

Let’s do it

vote Evans

vote evans

He literally said he is a "safe vote"
And besides.
He has been a major wagon all day.
This isn't a CFD on a sleeping player.
He is Australian and awake.

Fwiw I think Poyser can just be Town. He tried understanding what I was thinking and didn‘t push for me instead of twisting my posts which I associate with a Town mindset. I think the Lethal thing was a misunderstanding on my end.

Why do you think he is scum again

Vote Evans.

Also, what did you see here that made you go from wanting to know the case on Evans to being happy to vote? Nobody explained it in between those posts lol


Well here's the thing if I you assume I believe I'm something sincerely then you also have to assume that I'd be careful in elaborating about it.
Have you seen Tiara as scum before? How would you describe her scum game?


I just struggle to see her as scum here. There's no type of plan or agenda that I can follow. If she's scum then she's really fucking bad at it and she strikes me as too reasonable a person to be completely illogical as scum such as having me and pein her top 2 scum reads, dancing around lethal, what i just showed with evans etc


you only seem to pop up to be interested in talking about yourself or lethal. what else have you got


yesterday you said you were reading and catching up on the thread, yet about 4x you asked me for my thoughts on lethal despite me already giving them lots of times. now you're doing the same with the case on you. it really seems like you're struggling for something to talk about


The last post of yours I replied to was calling you sassy.

What specifically led you to the conviction that a blind lynch and CFD on me was the correct move?
Easy, I think you're scum and I think lethal is town. I was also fine flipping BPD or tpein but they didn't have the numbers
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