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Game Death Note Mafia

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No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
When you say you want more from dragon, what exactly do you mean?

he consistently wants me dead, what are you expecting?
Not another damn tunnel. I thought he wants to be better, yet he tunnels again. I want him to look more at the bigger picture if he‘s Town.


Like blind lynches arent a thing in this game. Either youre a lynchpin and claim a lynchpin, or you're scum and you claim a lynchpin. You claiming lynchpin when you're on the block doesnt tell us anything. Or you claim VT which makes your lynch safe anyway


Not another damn tunnel. I thought he wants to be better, yet he tunnels again. I want him to look more at the bigger picture if he‘s Town.

I assume you don’t think his tunnel is justified given your read on me - have you called him out for it prior to now?


so when is it acceptable? You’ll forgive me for pointing out it seems you’ve considered this in at least some depth?

I think there’s a big difference between blind lynching on D1 with no info and not much play/lynches/wagons to go off than lynching on a later day phase where there’s more info and play to consider, players involvement on mislynches etc


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I assume you don’t think his tunnel is justified given your read on me - have you called him out for it prior to now?
Yeah, I don‘t see it. And I did tell him to not get stuck in another tunnel at the start of the game.


Or is your question that you want me to show you my case on you that you've already seen and responded to? :pogba1:

I can’t tell if you’re intentionally being difficult or you just don’t understand. Let me make it very clear.

I would like to know why you’re scum read is so strong on me.

I understand your points re: lynchpin claim

You also kept saying I replied to your case, I don’t recall replying to one strong enough to lynch. Just you crying about my push on your boy Lethal.


I feel like the biggest indictment against BPD is him going after lethal in the same manner he did last game despite what happened last game lol. I don’t understand how you do that from a town pov


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
One thing that might be in her favor is just that she's not scum reading anyone. But that's kinda bizarre either way.
Why, though? I don‘t even know half the players in this game and their scum range.


I can’t tell if you’re intentionally being difficult or you just don’t understand. Let me make it very clear.

I would like to know why you’re scum read is so strong on me.

I understand your points re: lynchpin claim

You also kept saying I replied to your case, I don’t recall replying to one strong enough to lynch. Just you crying about my push on your boy Lethal.
Whether you think it’s strong or not is irrelevant to my actions mate


I think there’s a big difference between blind lynching on D1 with no info and not much play/lynches/wagons to go off than lynching on a later day phase where there’s more info and play to consider, players involvement on mislynches etc

We’re probably not going to have any ‘info’ in this game, so what’s to stop scum just never claiming in your eyes?


Unless you consider the fact that she doesn't actually need to, as scum, get mislynches in the table, then it makes total sense
Well if the win condition is that they can only win by killing L and N then yeah I guess this is a fair point lol

also makes scum hunting a bit of a bitch


I said my posts were terrible as I didn't give any follow up. Don't misquote me, thanks.

You mean like I said in the post you quoted? Why are you acting like every post I make has to be a direct case?

Fuck off lmao

I quite clearly explain why it's weird he didn't come at me over struggling for content when that was his biggest point against me last game when I started talking about him.

I don't see how that's disliking it all? I asked you a comparison about him last game lol

I don't see how this is implicating you two are aligned at all. I asked @Grammaton about your lack of push on Lethal despite saying he's within his scum range and you doing nothing about it. Yet you leapt to the fences early about him being town last game. Doesn't sit right?

Except I made a post about your behaviour around him could be distancing? :pogba:

Because my post lacked the usual quotes/case to back it up other than 3 lines after being absent for a significant amount of time?

Not sure how else to follow up after a vote and Lethal wasn't active before I went to work and questioning Poyser over it?

If you’re on about this case, I’m well aware but it doesn’t answer why you’ve gotten that far to lynch me in my sleep.

They were trying to CFD you.
We have 20 mins to lynch lethal.
He claimed flavor
He is not l/n
He is as -1 if flower or big man vote

Like T-Pein had to do this as I was barely awake for EOD lol
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