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Game Death Note Mafia

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
lethal initially scum reads ultra for the early pages interaction with odo but then when an explanation is made to him he changes to null and admits he read the interaction incorrectly so no reason to scum read off this anymore.

later in the game he's back to reading him scum for the same reason he earlier said he misread the situation for ??? reasons.

my guess is he just read him scum throughout and he just said he moved him back to null. no idea why. maybe was pushed and felt like he wasn't supposed to be reading scum off that and didn't know why and didn't want to feel stupid so just went with it.

Poyser response when I brought this up initially, and it convinced me not to vote with him because I realised it is true that he does this as town.

now I don't understand how the same can't be applied for his flip on the t pein read. poyser said he can't understand how lethal just let the slip thing go. lethal was pissed at t pein for pushing him and pushed him back and then saw people say t pein slip. you don't think he can just jump on that as town to keep pushing his guy without understanding why he slipped and then stop using it when everyone else dropped it?

you were very confident he was town on day 1, I don't understand how you went from that to confident he is scum off him flipping a read given you know he is capable to changing his reads as town. you can't say it's different because he gave a reason this time that doesn't make sense because there's always a reason that isn't going to make sense whether he gives it or not.
goated post

poyser said this today too when I told him he cant blame us for lethal lynch

Can’t blame lethal mate, I got him wrong because I didn’t think he was capable of rethinking things the way he was showing as town. It’s on me lol

which directly contradicts his post on lethal day 1 about lethal always changing reads

good catch

Big Man

1 - Ultra
2 - T-Pein™
3 - Grammaton
4 - Evans
5 - Black Pegged Dragon
6 - Psychic
7 - CraigPelton
9 - Doddsy
10 - Tiara
11 - Poyser

13 - Ekkologix

explained my scum reads already.

town reads aren't particularly strong but feels like town odo where he has a low tolerance for people talking what he thinks is nonsense and not cooperating if he doesn't think there's any benefit. I think he can act like that as scum but I don't think its the case here and I don't think he does it here where some aren't familiar with him. leaning town on Doddsy because I don't sense he's being opportunistic as he is when he's scum (for instance he didn't have to mention the reasons for town reading Odo) and seems to be thinking things through properly.


Leprous Monarch
Thing is I don't think Poyser/Tiara is a pairing either, he went too hard and against the grain to defend her


does Ultra ever start trying to actually solve and lynch scum or does he just sit around PMS'ing at people 24/7 and occasionally talk big about having someone figured out just to reveal that he's all out of little blue pills?

I really don't know what the fuck I've done to fall out of favor so quickly, I've been putting in an honest effort this game.


Perhaps I've barked up some wrong trees and I'm getting gaslit into thinking I'm not onto something. Considering my experience last game...pretty good chance of that, I'd say.


The Nexus

[vote lynch poyser]

@T-Pein™ lets go

Seen enough
Lets get it.


[vote lynch poyser]


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
You really think town Poyser handles Lethal's slot like that? I think there's quite a bit that smells about that.
i havent read EOD 2 in one go

I only read EoD 1 where I don't like poyser not joining the lynch wagon

and in start of day 2 poyser still had lethal as towny
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