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Game Death Note Mafia

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
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in his first post today

Ngl that was pretty funny :hestonpls

I’ll take the L, come and have your moment fellas. I’m a VT so I’m a safe lynch

In terms of legacy:

Gut says Evans’ reaction to me turning on lethal and his excitement in thinking we had got one seemed genuine to me

Scum probably in a combination of

Big man

Still think Tiara is just town. Would be pretty shocked if ultra was not town.

Think CP is probably town just based off his play around me yesterday. Would be a little too brazen as scum to keep reiterating that I can get lynched today if lethal flips town I think lol

Gun to head I still think Doddsy is more likely to be town.

I’m not too sure on Gramma, he could go either way. He hasn’t really been as proactive as I’d expect from him as town but then I’d probably expect him to exert more thread control as scum? I’ve been town leaning him because we’ve had pretty similar takes on the game but could easily be possible he just did that if I was on the wrong track.

There was probably some TMI going on yesterday I’d imagine, obviously big man’s unnatural town read of lethal sticks out. You all should go back and read it because I don’t think it makes a whole lot of sense. I also think it’s worse because that’s like the only read I think he’s given all game as far as I remember.

The other person that sticks out probably BPD. I don’t think his theory about mafia not hammering lethal on purpose makes a whole lot of sense, and certainly doesn’t really make sense as a means to drop someone you wanted to lynch to then thinking they’re town. I think that might even come from a place of TMI about the mafia win condition, because until yesterday I assumed they’d be able to win by getting parity as usual but he approached it from a place of they can ONLY win if they kill L and N and I don’t think that’s really the first conclusion a townie in the dark would come to.

So I’d say they’re the best two leads but tbh I could easily see psychic and Ekko being scum as well so it’s whatever. I understand you pretty much gotta flip me here before the game can move on, no hard feelings. Just make it count afterwards.

Alright think that’s it. Peace


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
1 - Ultra - Scum if Tiara is IMO
2 - @T-Pein™ - still dislike his play around the Lethal wagon but things are changing with other reads like Ultra/Tiara/Big Man
3 - @Grammaton - Scum Odo would have gone HEAVIER on my wagon earlier on tbh, we've played enough together.
6 - @Psychic - vote on Lethal stunk, the return reads were OMGUS. Either bad/new/scum
10 - @Tiara - pretty sure they're scum lol, not a lot has made sense from them
11 - @Poyser - the flip around on Lethal after their reasons for "scum ranging, not scum reading" despite my questioning points about the behaviour was weird. What holds me back is that Poyser hasn't attacked me for a mislynch yet.
12 - @Big Man - TMI on the Lethal read, then questioning me over semantics than any actual game reason defence
some of these dont work together as a team. can u list them in order of priority from most u want to least?

for instance a poyser scum flip means bigman is likely town


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
See, I think the interactions between Gram and Flower have kind of been clumsy and don't make a whole lot of sense. Obviously could be a townie in there, but I also hold on to Gram saying he likes to setup his teammates when he's scum. I think scum are probably find with interacting with each other this game.

You don't think Big Man is an easy vote? You've called out Evans for going for easy paths but Poyser has gone for Psychic and Big Man this game.
if im working with a team of 2 I think scum will want to just town read each other and power wolf. kinda like me and ultra were doing in AM's game

nah bigman is not rly an easy vote. if he gets his head around the game here he is more than capable of defending. he's done a good job getting us to see his PoV last game

The X

if im working with a team of 2 I think scum will want to just town read each other and power wolf. kinda like me and ultra were doing in AM's game

nah bigman is not rly an easy vote. if he gets his head around the game here he is more than capable of defending. he's done a good job getting us to see his PoV last game
Do you think it's only two? What if scum can't kill except for L and N? What if scum CAN reach parity, but it can only be done by lynching? Maybe scum HAS to cop us before they can kill us. If this was the case, could be three wolves. Scum would actually have to find and cop L and N, not just randomly write names down. Town's numbers wouldn't dwindle unless we mislynched ourselves. Could make sense. I don't see there being an indie in this setup because what, there's a survivor indie? Seems weird. No kills means no serial. What kind of indie would it be? 11 v 2 feels too light with no kills. I think we're dealing 10 v 3 and wolves can only kill L and N by copping them and then writing in Death Note.
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