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Game Death Note Mafia

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ultra if i am being uncharitable here I could easily see what u r doing as

1. tmi'ing poyser will flip town
2. setting me up as a mislynch in the event he does

you have yet to argue the points we brought against poyser. you just wifomed "he is a good player so whats the scum motive" but haven't really provided the town motive

for instance poyser has already wasted 2 day phases for us, and could have gotten away with it today if we don't lynch him. that is a scum motive enough

I don't think town poyser sees town wasting 2 days then goes "yep lynch me". that's just asking to lose and game throw, and he isn't a game thrower

You are literally just lying. I addressed your shit arguments comprehensively.


Thoughts before bed:

Flower claimed not-lynchpin specifically because she was promoted to by speculation about her being lynchpin. This is different than Poyser's spontaneous claim, and can have a couple different implications:

- She's town and panicked that she would be counterclaimed so she soughy to preemptively clear the air
- She's scum and overturned being in the position of assumed lynchpin because...?
- She's actually lynchpin and is doing damage control

Bottom line is it's hard for me to think of a convincing explanation for scum scenario


I also think Gram (not alone mind you, but he is one of the primary lynch contestants) has taken an earlier position of lynching through "safe" vanilla townies to ensure we don't hit lynchpins.

There are a couple of problems with this, however. The most obvious one I see is that there's little reason for mafia to not claim or imply lynchpin in the first place. Almost no downside. Best case you're given the benefit of the doubt, worse case you may end up getting some good info. And there's little risk. So I think effectively what you end up having is just VT's, and while those ML's aren't the end of the world they edge the game closer to scum victory. The actual hazard in claiming VT convincingly is giving scum more info. I don't think it demands we follow through.

And that's why my preference of the 3 recommended players is ultimately Gram.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
idk why im finding it so hard to find town this game, its frustrating
this is another post of poyser i can sympathize with

the player base have wide town and scum ranges this game. finding solid town reads before flips is been challenging even tho there shud only be like 2-3 scums max


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member


he's putting his wolf fangs in me BLD. I'm starting to believe he is towny even tho I agree with u that just lynching vanilla sux

u arent going anywhere lol. help us solve this mess

our PoE look similar. let me ask few things

whats bigman like as scum? is he low activity like this just shading people?

big man shaded BLD but went nowhere with it yesterday. can this be some distancing? is this something bigman does with a low post count?

what made u turn back and put psychic as scum. fwiw I agree I don't think we can tolerate that slot much further tbh, but evans is now trying to be opporutintic on it and I don't read evans town so its giving me a pause

lastly, evans/cp/doddsy - I think at least one of those is a wolf tbh. i have disliked them for the reasons u seem to be liking them for lol
Yes big man often does have a lower post count that doesn’t really achieve much as scum. Not always tho it probably depends on motivation for him but it’s been a long ass time since I’ve seen him as a motivated scum player. I’m more reading him based on the fact that when he’s town, even with low post count, he makes great posts that make a lot of sense to me. His lethal read made no sense to me at all lol

I never took psychic out of poe, I just stopped focusing on her so much when it became clear she’s fully capable of making ridiculous posts regardless of alignment lol. I don’t think it takes much to tell that from the few posts she’s made.

evans/cp/Doddsy are all just gut reads to me so yeah one of them could be wrong. I do think Doddsy would be trying to have more of an effect as scum so I’m probably the most confident there. Evans I just felt we mindmelded yesterday and his excitement to have someone backing him up on lethal seemed real to me.


Btw I’ve just read like 5 pages and I’m still 20 behind so I’m absolutely not gonna be caught up any time soon


Because you were being a nuisance before hand in insisting I was scummy for not dropping a case that I said I would purely by my own initiative. It's a retarded reason to suspect someone. Nobody out a gun to my head to case Ekko.
Not really retarded, I’ve seen scum say they are gonna make some big effort post later and then never get round to it all the time lol

they don’t get round to it because they decide they don’t need to, either their target looks like he will be lynched without it or another target comes up that’s also not scum they’re happy to go with

the first obviously hasn’t happened, so it would be the second. If the second was happening I’d expect a townie that had an Ekko case in their pocket to drop it and try and bring the lynch back to him lol. Considering you said it yesterday and lethal got lynched, you didn’t really try very hard. And then you opened today voting gram and shading tiara instead of ekko

Craig’s sus was completely fair imo


In a game where we lose if the lynchpin is lynch, we kinda have to claim lynchpin if we are lynchpin. there's literally no going around that. You are back on my scumlist.

Ahahaha. I know what you're doing Ultra, you're playing mind games with me. Pretending to do these weak scumhunts to act like you're actually scumhunting. But I see when you're actually scumhunting and you put in way more effort. I have no doubt you're actually Light. I know you say it in jest because you think too highly of your skills to blend in and look townie. But you're not fooling me.
How are you sussing him if you think he really is light :pogba1:


Mafia God
doddsy's probably coasting scum again lmao that's just such a default place for me to land tho. then again, when I landed there last game, I was right! (and got shot immediately after ending day with my vote on him)
Did we kill you last game I thought Evans did? Also I don't coast how dare you.

Also I am down for a ekko lynch still, I prefer it to all 3 of the main presented options

Ram it home

Vote Ekko



And I'm going to need more from you!

I've been pretty transparent with my thoughts and ideas on Gram and Poyser's slots, so I don't want to rehash that too much. I think Gram has been more inclined to talk shit and disrupt things than actual scum hunting or slot solving. I think he's also shown gaps with his logic. Poyser is less obvious but I think the way he's handled certain slots have been poor. He pushed Psychic easily but rode the fence with Lethal. Now he's been trying to toss out Big Man and me as susses without really following through too hard. Look at how Poyser as an indie went after me in Elden Ring. Here, he's not even coming after my slot, just throwing out shade and hoping someone else will pick it up. I've seen him say 'what about BPD' a few times now this day and he hasn't even come after me himself.

I kind of think Flower is full of shit this game. I haven't been able to follow her logic at all and I think what she has said contradicts what she's doing and how she's voting quite a bit. I feel no real fire in her this game and she is happy to let others take the lead, happy to switch up her thoughts and votes without much reasoning, and just go where the flow is going. I think she's also been pandering and posturing with players that don't know her, specifically Gram and Poyser, about certain aspects of her game and what she might do as a certain alignment. This game Flower just feels completely off.

From the start, Evans has tunneled Lethal with some interaction with Poyser and that's basically been it. Those are definitely points against his favor, but I never felt like it was scum Evans trying to mislynch Lethal. He made a small case against Lethal to begin with that I could see validity in. Then he brought up posts from other games and asked Poyser to check Lethal's meta. Then in D2, it didn't feel like Evans was a wolf mislynching Lethal, it felt like a townie who thought that they were about to absolutely dunk all over a wolf. So while I don't think Evans' game has been necessarily pretty, I can't see scum motivation in it.

CP feels town this game. I think he's questioned a few things that made sense. I think he's legit confused and lost in this game. I also think similar logic applies to him that Gram tried to apply to Lethal, that he wouldn't be unnecessarily aggressive if scum. CP has tried to chirp from the sidelines and considering how he knows I can tunnel him, I doubt he'd want that smoke from me (it's just in his personality to not get into these big fights as well). So I'd be shocked if scum CP tries to question the game state and player's minds, while chirping at me, it doesn't feel safe and I do think that CP would rather play it safe than engage.

Doddsy can be scum for all I know. His pop ins have felt uninspiring and out of touch. However that was not at all how he played in Elden Ring as scum. I feel like it'd be pretty hard for him to be this disinterested and unengaged as scum here.

Psychic I have no personal issues with. I think the early suss on her was wack and I thought she did a decent job defending herself. She was actually the one that started to lean into Poyser first for what she thought was him asking people to claim, so I thought that made her look good. I've literally played in one game with her so I have no real points of reference to make.

I think Gram, Poyser, and Flower should all be in POE. I think that Psychic and Doddsy could be scum but maybe not. I think CP and Evans are probably town but have a slight chance of being scum.
I notice you brought up me trying to lynch big man to shade me here but have no thoughts on him yourself. Why is that?

you also have pretty similar town reads to me but then land on a completely different poe which is interesting

lastly, not once have you shown me how psychic defended herself well and I’ve asked you more than once. You can keep saying my push on her was weak (it wasn’t) and you can keep saying she defended herself well (she didn’t) but it’s obvious you don’t really believe any of it because you haven’t been able to back it up at all


Like, Lethal of all players have somehow improved so much in his scum game, in so little time, to fool Poyser for two days only for that to change when Lethal completely lost his emotional rationale? I don't buy it. Poyser has not wanted to push shit all game.
What the fuck are you talking about lmao? On D1 I pushed psychic and then pushed evans and even tpein. d2 I pushed lethal to death.

what you’re saying is demonstrably untrue :hestonpls


Nor did I turn on lethal for anytning to do with emotions at all, that just shows that you’re talking shit when you haven’t actually read the thread


I didn't even read lethal town lol, I guess that makes it 0 reads I gave! I guess me not hammering might have given the impression that I read him town but I didn't read him either way and thought a no lynch would be better than a mislynch at the time but I think that's wrong now.

you scum reading lethal because of the change in read pinged me because of the comments you made when I brought up him changing his read on ultra. it's a bit awkward now because I was going to argue your points further but I didn't end up getting a chance and now he's flipped. you say the situations aren't the same because he tried to explain the change this time and it didn't make sense but it literally doesn't matter if he tried to explain it or not.

just going to come back to this after I'm caught up because the explanation is confusing when I try to explain it and it's easier to just provide context with a multiquote lol.
What are you talking about? You specifically said you think he’s town for the way he jumped on tpeins slip out of “OMGUS” and “self pres” and that his read of tpein on D2 seemed much more genuine

did you forget? :hestonpls
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