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Game Ranked EastEnders Mafia

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I suppose gram was pushing tpein as scum tho so he could have done it to know what he’s dealing with and ensure no nasty surprises

The X

Woof Woof!

(I caught up and have some thoughts I'd like to share. Tweet made some posts that bothered me for a couple of reasons:)

Here's my main gripe, Tweet calls X's analysis of Flower "Superfluous" and votes him for it...but that criticism doesn't mesh with that action. You cannot say Flower is so obvious she requires no elaboration and then advocate for not lynching Flower.

Worse, when the thread consensus wraps around to town X later in the day, he admits there was nothing behind this vote. He also thinks it's ok for X to vote Fang in this situation.

In combination with his statement "It's only a matter of time" makes it sound like Tweet is acknowledging Flower's demise as an inevitable conclusion, but he is not making himself participant. Which is a problem, because their claim and continued presence in the game is of obvious benefit to mafia, as One points out. As town there is strong demand to vote there, even if it is a forgone conclusion, doesn't seem like Tweet understands that.

Tweet is also largely a passenger in the discussion surrounding Flower's claim. If I'm a wolf, and I see a D1 *Dual Survivor* claim, I have to pretend I'm distressed, but I'm totally going to be kicking up my feet. Free passage into Day 2/3 for me and the boys. They could be lying, they could not be, but at this stage their utility is already known to me, because I have TMI, and I can resume directing my attention elsewhere. I'm not going to chew over it much, I can add some superficial comments to the discussion about them but my motive is to move on and set up more shade. This is exactly what Tweet did.


Bottom line: Tweet does not chew over the Indi claim very much, is over it so easily that he chastises X for his thought process...but is not showing an elementary part of a thought process that he should for how bored he is. States one thing, does another, shows little skin in the game. So, to me, this falls more in line with TMI.)
Yeah Tweet was pretty sketch D1. I think that's a good start.

Vote Tweet


Leprous Monarch
I suppose gram was pushing tpein as scum tho so he could have done it to know what he’s dealing with and ensure no nasty surprises
That's what I've been thinking/getting at since t-pein revealed lol

Which has me rethinking my aurelian vote, annoyingly

The X

Eh I don’t mind tweets posts about BPD talking to flower because I made very similar points at the time too.
I don’t hate the point about him saying he had no conviction behind his BPD vote after most of us switched him to town tho. That’s a decent observation
What are the chances you and Tweet are mates together?


That's what I've been thinking/getting at since t-pein revealed lol

Which has me rethinking my aurelian vote, annoyingly
I think Aurelian has been posting some shite too but tbh I don’t think that’s the best way to read him, similar to lethal. He has way more aggression this game than he’s ever shown as scum that I’ve seen so far. And his defence/attack vs BPD was actually alright and not nonsensical which can’t be said about how he responded to haza and you lol


I had no problem with his vote, but I did have a problem with him talking about Flower and trying to show how little sense she made given that she was already caught. Basically I wanted him to stop talking to or about her and give us other interactions we can examine.

I accomplished close to nothing, much like a lot of other guys, but I'd say that's more down to the Aurelian/BPD argument dominating everything. I got like 4 town reads and one major scum lean out of d1 and that's about it.

Woof woof!

(So what you're telling me is, frustrated with the amount of worthless interactions in the thread, you create your own worthless interactions by placing a vote you had no conviction in. In general, I find justifications for votes that fall too far out of the range of "I suspected them" to be scummy, that should be the only reason, period.)

The X

On topic of BPD and my play around him

When I told him how superfluous his post around Flower was, I felt like I had to be a example and actually push other stuff, so I got to that with the best thing that came to mind. It was the best thing but still nowhere near good, so I backed off how I did.
Smells like bull shit.


I don’t really like how ultra has doubled down on his weakest point against tweet tbh lol. I don’t think anything he’s saying is compelling atm


I also think a scum tweet is more likely to double down on the BPD sus later in the day rather than be like um ya I actually had no conviction anyway. Seems like a pretty dumb thing to do as scum. Especially considering you don’t even need to. He could just be like hmmm well I still think BPD looks like shit but he’s obviously not gonna get lynched today so I’ll vote Flower instead. There’s no need at all to do what he did
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