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Game Ranked EastEnders Mafia

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Tweet wants to be thrown a bone, I think I'd take the lynch and laugh all the way to the dog house, might not even claim for maximum reaction farming.

Hans Tweetenberg

That's not a full claim!

Tired Good Night GIF
To you as well, if I give you my flavor, will that make me town?


Objectionable Objection
V.I.P. Member
I literally predicted this in my PM ha.

Why the fuck did you let Flower out you like that??
Iirc she thought me surviving a lynch and subsequently being vigged early would make the wincon impossible with so many players left.

It surprised me too, but to be fair I don't think either of us imagined at that point that someone would use an complete action block on N1 :blobwhat. If I had known that would happen I definitely would've pushed harder for her to just throw me under the bus so I could just buy time.

But that's all just hindsight now. All i've got left is the power to bargain. So whenever you're ready, just give me a list and i'll shoot from it.


By 180, I mean goin from an established town position on you to voting you over the Alco thing. You know, the very thing you're supposedly scum reading? Can you answer what his play is here?

The X

Iirc she thought me surviving a lynch and subsequently being vigged early would make the wincon impossible with so many players left.

It surprised me too, but to be fair I don't think either of us imagined at that point that someone would use an complete action block on N1 :blobwhat. If I had known that would happen I definitely would've pushed harder for her to just throw me under the bus so I could just buy time.

But that's all just hindsight now. All i've got left is the power to bargain. So whenever you're ready, just give me a list and i'll shoot from it.
Watch out wolves, town has a SK for hire!


Oh you mean Poyser, I thought you meant Ratchet

Uhh the angle is simple, he's 180d his read to mislynch me lmao

Uninspired answer.

Poyser can easily just take the hindsight hero cred of calling you townie, and he has by far the worst jumping point on your wagon. I think the bar for entry here is if he has incentive to do so, say, if he had a certain partner he was looking to draw attention from.

Anyway, if you get lynched, and you're stump, you'll almost certainly get whatever you want tomorrow. So, you cool with that? Woof.
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