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Game Ranked EastEnders Mafia

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One thing I will say about Poyser is that he's been surprisingly bereft of strong scum reads, except for the player I cased, which does subvert my expectations a bit.


Anyway I'm more than willing to see through Tweet's stump claim. As the Top DOG of town, I can't let go once I sink in my teeth, and what better compensation for if I'm wrong than Stump? It's a win-win. This is how he's looking to me right now.


Hans Tweetenberg

Uninspired answer.

Poyser can easily just take the hindsight hero cred of calling you townie, and he has by far the worst jumping point on your wagon. I think the bar for entry here is if he has incentive to do so, say, if he had a certain partner he was looking to draw attention from.

Anyway, if you get lynched, and you're stump, you'll almost certainly get whatever you want tomorrow. So, you cool with that? Woof.
Uh huh, uninspired answer. You can't fault the answer but still find a way to shit on it. If everything I say is nonsense anyway, why don't you go bark at a brick wall instead?

I have no faith in any of you when it comes to fighting for my reads after I flip, but that's fine since I'll get to do that myself so strap in.

Hans Tweetenberg

By 180, I mean goin from an established town position on you to voting you over the Alco thing. You know, the very thing you're supposedly scum reading? Can you answer what his play is here?
Where's your PR btw?

I'm almost certain this isn't the first time you missed it too

What the fuck is that PR doing in this game anyway, can you explain?


Uh huh, uninspired answer. You can't fault the answer but still find a way to shit on it. If everything I say is nonsense anyway, why don't you go bark at a brick wall instead?

I have no faith in any of you when it comes to fighting for my reads after I flip, but that's fine since I'll get to do that myself so strap in.

Uh, you gave me a non answer. I'm not "finding a way to shit on it". I'm telling you that's a bad response, and it makes your case less compelling if you aren't willing to entertain the question beyond the categorical "he's scum so he wants mislynches". What I was in fact alluding to is that if I was you, and town, I would assume he was Fang's scum mate, but instead you no sell the entire premise that he needs a reason to do anything. Ok.

You're literally just OMGUS'ing. You could be town, and you could be right, but nothing you've said has helped lead to that conclusion.

Where's your PR btw?

I'm almost certain this isn't the first time you missed it too

What the fuck is that PR doing in this game anyway, can you explain?


So my general understanding of post restrictions is that talking about them openly defeats the purpose, and some hosts do not take kindly to that, and so by default if I (purely hypothetically) had one, I would abide by it to the best of my ability and let other players draw their own conclusion.

...Even if that wasn't the case, and I (hypothetically) had a post restriction and was cleared to talk about it in the open, your question is really, really stupid. Sorry.

Hans Tweetenberg

Uh, you gave me a non answer. I'm not "finding a way to shit on it". I'm telling you that's a bad response, and it makes your case less compelling if you aren't willing to entertain the question beyond the categorical "he's scum so he wants mislynches". What I was in fact alluding to is that if I was you, and town, I would assume he was Fang's scum mate, but instead you no sell the entire premise that he needs a reason to do anything. Ok.

You're literally just OMGUS'ing. You could be town, and you could be right, but nothing you've said has helped lead to that conclusion.


So my general understanding of post restrictions is that talking about them openly defeats the purpose, and some hosts do not take kindly to that, and so by default if I (purely hypothetically) had one, I would abide by it to the best of my ability and let other players draw their own conclusion.

...Even if that wasn't the case, and I (hypothetically) had a post restriction and was cleared to talk about it in the open, your question is really, really stupid. Sorry.
Oh now it's a non-answer, cool. I read Poyser scum and Fang town, so I'm not about to arrive at the answer you want me to arrive at. You could actually go look at Poysers reason to pivot over to me and realize how nonsensical it is, but I understand that we're fighting over the narrative here so it's cool.

Also it's a stupid question to ask why a PR about a current event is in a game about some show, yup yup. Calling it stupid means I don't have to answer, yup yup yup.

He's not about to modkill you for it so help me make sense of that PR.


Oh now it's a non-answer, cool. I read Poyser scum and Fang town, so I'm not about to arrive at the answer you want me to arrive at. You could actually go look at Poysers reason to pivot over to me and realize how nonsensical it is, but I understand that we're fighting over the narrative here so it's cool.

Also it's a stupid question to ask why a PR about a current event is in a game about some show, yup yup. Calling it stupid means I don't have to answer, yup yup yup.

He's not about to modkill you for it so help me make sense of that PR.

I mean, it is what it is. You're telling me your certain that Poyser is scum, and you're turning down an opportunity to explore his motive. You don't have to agree with me, but dismissing out of hand what his possible motives here is not helping your case, implicitly, since a case relies upon a foundation of good evidence and a convincing narrative. If you're not even going to try, why should I take you seriously?

As for the PR subject - and to be clear, this is not in the context of me specifically but in general, I am neither confirming nor denying I have a post restriction - here are 5 reasons why what you're asking is pointless and fucking dumb:

1) Post restrictions usually do not need any prior justification for existing other than flavor. So it's pointless to inquire about their purpose.
2) It's also pointless to ask why or why wouldn't a host would include one, not just due to point 1) but because they have little to no mechanical impact
3) Why would you ask me, as a player, to justify the role I was given, or to explain the punishment or lack thereof for an implied violation of a post restriction, when both of those things are in the domain of the host?
4) Why would you assume the violation of a post restriction requires a specific given punishment that you should be aware of?
5) Why is any of this shit even alignment indicative, or relevant?
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