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Game Ranked EastEnders Mafia

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Oh you just thought of that?

What happened to Da WoLvEs ArE gOiNg To Be ScArEd?

they will be scared of

1. if they redirect a serial, they leave the cop/vig unaffected. serial is an extra threat to them that they need to spend resources on
2. if their redirect role died or ran out of shots (assuming they have 1 to begin with) they will be scared of serial still being alive

what BPD said still stands regardless of scum having redirect or not


i dont read ultra town. idk if following his method is protown. u will sit quiet and abstain or begone next day

no ifs
no buts
no nothing

ultra isnt confirmed town. what he tells u shudnt be followed automatically

what majority tells u can be followed

if we find a scum candidate we can ask u to kill them. ur presence alone will scare deep wolves
Vote tweet


I might have been convinced with the Tweet case if I didn't have wade through Poyser and the other guy huffing and puffing at each other

I could go back and read it but I have a feeling no one would recommend it
What does that have to do with tweet at all? Read tweets posts, or ultras posts on tweet, or my posts on tweet. Whatever. This makes no sense as an excuse


Objectionable Objection
V.I.P. Member
This is a loyalty test. Abide plz. Tow was sloppy about directing you, tomorrow we'll treat you as a second lynch. Woof.

And by that I mean we'll treat your *shot* as a secondary lynch, woof
I'll see what everyone else has to say. Just personally I think it'd be smart to aim me at Tweet so the vig is freed up to hit another potential scum.

If scum does target me tonight i'd also just prefer not to go down without taking someone with me :blobcry

do u rly think u can win still lol
If I don't at least try to inch closer to my wincon it's the same as throwing :sadpanda

What if wolves have a redirect? Then they're using you.
That's a possibility. But if you were serial killer in my position what would you want to do? Take no risks and just accept getting killed by scum for working with town?


this page
few posts of last page
some of the quotes to me
some of the mentions to me
2 pages of tweet iso

is about all I've read this game
I'm having a tough time matching your lack of awareness generally with proceedings with your support of Tweet and opposition to Ultra at least in terms of your voting
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