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Game Ranked EastEnders Mafia

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Hello I’m here

Andy Hunter x shot psychologist (the kind that checks for historical kills), checked Goth last night and he hasn’t killed. Didn’t want to claim as it’d encourage scum to do kills with the same person

flavour talks about deducing Dennis murdered jack dalton by tricking Phil Mitchell and some other good guy criminal stuff

I’d ask anyone who is suddenly wanting to lynch me for some actual assessment of my posts but tbh I’d rather just watch the football so have at it
Is Goth the only player you've checked so far?


i told him to just plain refrain from taking shots since the likelihood of hitting town is far higher -- discussed the day prior as to why. i dunno if he replied back or i just missed it

I dunno why you thought he’d have this conversation in good faith lmao



no kill night 1, therefore no usage night 2
Hmm. To confirm - does your role only give you results on killers from a previous phase? As in, if you used it on Player Y, if Player Y killed that night you wouldn't receive results indicting they've killed?


Leprous Monarch
He hurt my feelings

(I think there’s a decent chance he’s scum cause his case on me was lazy and he no sold my attempt to engage him over it)
I also noticed he didn't update his read on you or even address your return to the thread

why'd you no-vote yesterday and let us no-lynch? you seriously had reservations about yeeting OLU's slot or what?

Hans Tweetenberg

That actually just about sums it up. Day 3 plan was to just clear his/goth's slots out for assurance (tells you how great of a direction town has), but I also think it's a tad conspicuous that other players have preferred banging on Goth more than him. Woof.
Ye this town's fucked

Probably good for you that you're not part of it
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