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Monster Hunter World Mafia - Game Thread

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
it's a bit silly as it's just an interaction. town reading people just for talking is a misstep, as people will talk. they were just the first ones to do so.
u'd be surprised. not everyone talks. the town read is given for talking in a dead thread late at night when they didnt have to. if they went back to hiding when other players come it'll look sus but so far seems like they r constantly in the mix. just an overall macro read. if one of them is scum i guess we'll find out soon

if i was overselling i wouldn't give him any benefit of the doubt in terms of the fact i said he might have been reading back and that's why he called you out opposed to simply correcting his behaviour after tweet pointed out he didn't do it(the timeline is he votes poyser->tweet says it's weird he said nothing about you->he starts attacking you).

he did that after tweet called him out. that's what i mean when i said he might have corrected the behaviour after tweet pointed it out.

exactly, poyser has nothing so it's weird he went after poyser for nothing unless last game where he went after him what he thought was garbage play/attacked him. last game he got read town for it. this game it doesn't make sense for him to do in the situation outside of trying to get town reads for it.
i think the best thing for me here is to be quiet and let lethal respond by himself tbh

why would you want to yeet cp?

don't make this into an innocent child situation lol. the chances he's scum faking miller are astronomically low.
because he's one of the players that will never approach my slot genuinely so i cba. i cant read him by direct interactions so could eliminate and be done with it. it helps my selfish world view

i think the tsworder sus is kind of overblown mostly because he said what others have said but if he has similar thoughts he'll post them.

i saw some of what i said being repeated by others afterwards. it doesn't mean my thoughts are ingenuine. cp pointed out what i said about lethal before i did, but he just saw it FIRST.

(if lethal is scum it's all me btw and if he's town it was cp's thoughts guiding my hand).
agree on tsowrder. the observation itself may read good for tweet too, i think. so both probably town

also if lethal is scum then i hard claim that i was defending him

ekko you're missing my point.

he does not usually call out poyser. that's just inherently not true. that's why when he did it last game and in the way he did it we called him town for it. because if he was scum he would be bringing undue attention to himself and if he was town it's usually not the type of player he targets with his "garbage" post(those type of players being ones that others criticize as well and then he jumps on it).

and what youre saying about lethal always calling your posts garbage is what tweet pointed out. then after tweet pointed it out he called it garbage. the timeline looks like it was a correction. as in as scum he might not have opted to immediately call you garbage as he does as town as it didn't naturally pop into his head.

lethal just putting his vote on poyser is the issue and what im calling scummy because it looks like he's doing it to get town reads as he did for going after poyser last game while the situation for doing it is entirely different.

i promise you this all tracks and makes sense and if you still dont get it reread it lol. in lethal's head, as scum, he thinks going after poyser will get him town reads as it did last game so he does it again without it being the same game situation and so it looks fake opposed to natural.
i agree im not defending lethal by any means. im saying its a common practice to just underestimate his scum play and chalk it up as nah he will never fake that. and then the discussion gets derailed into speculating who is coaching lethal if he did it.. etc.. and also poyser can come later and make this comment if its true so we'll wait until then to see if he sees same thing with lethal etc..

i dont belive lethal gave much thought into this regardless of his alignment. i can vote him with u purely for policy reasons


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
flower what do you think of lethal?

what are your scum reads? i've seen mostly town reads from you.
I don‘t have any strong scum reads so far, just players I‘m iffy on. Those would be Kekko, Melkor and Hime rn.

I can see your points regarding Lethal, but I feel like Lethal is just always like this. I thought he was scum in Ultra‘s game for similar reasons, too, but then the guy flipped Town. So Idk what to make of him.

Hans Tweetenberg

He said Poyser was "frozen in wolf chat", he obviously knew he had not posted
Great point actually, question is why he knew Poyser hadn't posted. It could be that he read the thread and didn't see any Poyser posts. In that case it'd be very strange that he had no thoughts to share on the game and just went for the Poyser vote and then later made a post with a number of observations as if he'd just finished catching up. Now that would point towards obviously fake behavior.

Anything else you can think of besides the obvious possibility that he knew because they're teammates?


Great point actually, question is why he knew Poyser hadn't posted. It could be that he read the thread and didn't see any Poyser posts. In that case it'd be very strange that he had no thoughts to share on the game and just went for the Poyser vote and then later made a post with a number of observations as if he'd just finished catching up. Now that would point towards obviously fake behavior.

Anything else you can think of besides the obvious possibility that he knew because they're teammates?

i dont think as teammates lethal just goes after poyser without talking it out with him whatsoever.

unless poyser is just hiding in the scum chat and not in thread, but i find that idea unlikely too.


Great point actually, question is why he knew Poyser hadn't posted. It could be that he read the thread and didn't see any Poyser posts. In that case it'd be very strange that he had no thoughts to share on the game and just went for the Poyser vote and then later made a post with a number of observations as if he'd just finished catching up. Now that would point towards obviously fake behavior.

Anything else you can think of besides the obvious possibility that he knew because they're teammates?

...I'm suddenly reminded of the WW game where Lethal got pushed and outted Ekko as rolecop - he struggles a lot with TMI.

I hope that's not what happened here :hestonpls


it feels like we have a lot of wagons without much overlap right now.

@RÆM thoughts on tpein, lethal, hime, imposter?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
vote lynch tpein

if he flips town we blame tweet ultra and magic and whoever else talked about him negatively

if he flipped scum i bussed him like my scum meta to bus my inactive teammates

...I'm suddenly reminded of the WW game where Lethal got pushed and outted Ekko as rolecop - he struggles a lot with TMI.

I hope that's not what happened here :hestonpls
it was an MVP play but the host wasnt fair in giving the awards imo. lethal got robbed MVP. sad!

Lord Melkor

vote lethal

yes im most happy with this.

to reiteriate his vote on poyser seemed to be attempting to get the same credibility he got from last game for going after poyser(which he was widely town read for, got him an immediate strong town read from me). this time it lacked any bite though as in the last game he multiquoted a bunch of his posts and then called him trash essentially lol.

tweet then calls him out for not going after ekko. he then makes a point form list that includes attacking ekko. to be fair to lethal he may have just been catching up and tweet's post could not have influenced this at all, but it may be a correction to what tweet called out.

thirdly the way he called out ekko for going after cp's miller claim and saying how cp wouldn't fake miller and how odo wouldn't put a fake miller only to give cp just a town lean wasn't great. that said, i can also definitely see lethal, as town, not distinguishing between the two.

1. Ultra
2. Melkor
3. Indigo
4. Lethal
5. Nat
6. REM
7. CP
8. T-Pein
10. Raisin
11. Dalton
12. Alco
13. Hime
14. Flower
15. Ekko
16. Imposter
17. Evans
18. TSworder
19. Xadlin
20. Poyser
21. Tweet

this is not great tbh. would prefer more town reads by this stage.

i think rem is the only town read i didn't speak on prior, but his absolute disinterest in caring how he looks and just continuing his own thing as well as his back and forth with tweet in regards to why it wasn't that bad of a discussion reminded me of his play towards the end of last game with the apathy towards looking any particular way as town. i have no reference to his scum play, but i feel like he wouldn't care so little about how looks as scum. if someone has reference to show me otherwise i can look.

i also liked tsworder's posts, but there just isn't a lot there.

What was to like in T-Sworder's posts?


Great point actually, question is why he knew Poyser hadn't posted. It could be that he read the thread and didn't see any Poyser posts. In that case it'd be very strange that he had no thoughts to share on the game and just went for the Poyser vote and then later made a post with a number of observations as if he'd just finished catching up. Now that would point towards obviously fake behavior.

Anything else you can think of besides the obvious possibility that he knew because they're teammates?
Actually he asked if he should know anything before catching up so I do wonder how he knew Poyser hadn't posted. I think Ekko was saying this but I'm slow
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