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Game Ranked Skyrim Mafia

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Leprous Monarch
vote Ekko

liking magic more now and don't think ekko defended himself in a way that felt natural for him, his justification for his play around BPD is hard for me to square. also the belated town read on BPD for "taking his time to respond" feels like BS to me as scum are always going to be more careful with their responses.


magic is voting me on the premise of my read on BPD, despite me giving him reasons for it. do u think they can be teammates and magic is using BPD's alignment to push me and not BPD himself?

instead of getting in an elongated back and forth with you, go show that your reasoning on bpd came before and not after my initial accusation.


vote Ekko

liking magic more now and don't think ekko defended himself in a way that felt natural for him, his justification for his play around BPD is hard for me to square. also the belated town read on BPD for "taking his time to respond" feels like BS to me as scum are always going to be more careful with their responses.
What way feels natural for Ekko to defend himself, in your opinion?


do u have any issues with the content he is putting so far?

Feels as if he's going out of his way to play it safe and isn't spewing thoughts like he did in our Champs game. Not saying that's solid enough to warrant a vote at this point, but it's the one thing that sticks out the most to me at this point in my reading. Willing to admit that it could just be bias on my end considering he and Ultra basically lynched me in our last game though so keep that in mind when evaluating my stance on his slot.


What’s his town self?
I'm not trying to be disrespectful here.

He's more of a dick as town imo. Saying other person doesn't understand shet. Denying he said xyz even while quoting post which included him saying that.

Scum Fang is more chill imo. Spends more time explaining why what he says makes sense rather than why what you're saying make no sense.

But he's aware of that so i left 20% as possibility of him trying to play around it.


King of Conquerors
The fuck is this sequence? The last game I saw you in you had some standing on entry. This just looks like post padding to appear active.
I don't know what you mean by "standing on entry", but regardless I just didn't want to read anything so I just used my clairvoyance EX to see who the scum was. And it turned out it was me.

Anyways, I'll use my eyes for its intended purpose now; Reading


do u have any issues with the content he is putting so far?
Also wasn't super fond of his post about coaching. 'Is that even a thing?' really triggered me. Can't play these games too long without learning that scum will help each other plan reactions in scum chat.


I'm not trying to be disrespectful here.

He's more of a dick as town imo. Saying other person doesn't understand shet. Denying he said xyz even while quoting post which included him saying that.

Scum Fang is more chill imo. Spends more time explaining why what he says makes sense rather than why what you're saying make no sense.

But he's aware of that so i left 20% as possibility of him trying to play around it.

Pretty accurate, you can stay!


its not townie so it automatically goes into the null/scum pile!

you have couple of those actions that arent townie. you will try not to make them scummy so you can apply that as argument, but they dont progress the game, they keep the gamestate where it is

- a wacky hot take on aurelian that is immediately retracted
- telling cp that the policy lynch is bad but voting me anyway. u then say u will think over cp throughout the day. the problem with this if CP is town this is you good guying between 2 townies
- what gram said about our back and forth makes sense. it was fully pointless, and its a good chunk of your posts up to that point where gram called you on it
- you dont have major suses / pushes u r pursuing. u r happy to keep the game where it is. u have no drive to solve this game and find other player's alignments!

in regards to ratchet i can somewhat see what you're saying about not trying to solve as many slots as he did last game, but also the general lack of activity and posting from post would also explain that or do you disagree.


Leprous Monarch
What way feels natural for Ekko to defend himself, in your opinion?
he doesn't have a good reason for his play around BPD and he knows it so he's grasping at straws to justify it while simultaneously covering himself by saying "BPD's stock is dropping now", doesn't fit with his justifications. I'd expect him to just stand by his approach completely and not start hedging. the lack of conviction particularly early doors when he hasn't been proven wrong yet sticks out for him.


I'm not trying to be disrespectful here.

He's more of a dick as town imo. Saying other person doesn't understand shet. Denying he said xyz even while quoting post which included him saying that.

Scum Fang is more chill imo. Spends more time explaining why what he says makes sense rather than why what you're saying make no sense.

But he's aware of that so i left 20% as possibility of him trying to play around it.
Decent post Charles, where abouts are you up to?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
vote Ekko

liking magic more now and don't think ekko defended himself in a way that felt natural for him, his justification for his play around BPD is hard for me to square. also the belated town read on BPD for "taking his time to respond" feels like BS to me as scum are always going to be more careful with their responses.
its there in page 3, before all of this was here
i would refrain from this type of solving. there was no reason for BPD to hide lol. if anything as scum its better he responds asap, so taking his time is a more towny thing

the progression is pretty straight forward actually

- BPD votes fang and leaves
- fang accuses BPD of being strange for voting and leaving
- I tell fang this isnt the right way to solve as what BPD is doing is more towny than scummy. at this stage i have BPD as town side of null, closer to null. but i acknowledge that his action was townie as seen in the post

- BPD comes back and responds to fang
- i tell BPD that i have found fang as town and that "if he is also town" he needs to stop responding to him (fang) and focus elsehwere, (help me with a wagon on cp who i think is scum wud be prefered). my motive here is to cut town v town
- BPD tells me fang's scum game has evolved and i agree with it, however i insist that he is likely town this game so i ask BPD to move elsehwere
- BPD acknwledges that he does not intend to continue his push on aurelian, also he votes CP (who i scum read at the time) therefore i acknowledged the direction. here BPD started leaning more into town from the null zone

magic and evans etc.. presumed that my initial posts has BPD as strong town due to the wording. I said i want to stop town vs town, I didn say BPD IS strong town. it was a general statement to stop town v town highlighting my mindset for this game, and letting BPD know that i found fang as town and that if he is also town then he needs to stop, and he eventually did, also he voted on the wagon i scum read



All of these slots need to be more active.
Never have and probably never will be one of the top posters in these games. I prefer walls to tons of mini-posts and once I get my note system going tonight that's what I'll mostly do. I have a few minutes here and there while at work to toss out short thoughts, but most of my heavy thinking will be done once I'm home in the evening irl. I did try in my last Champs game to be much more active than normal and it took quite a toll on me, I've got too much other stuff going on irl to watch this thread like a hawk and pop in multiple times ever hour.


in regards to ratchet i can somewhat see what you're saying about not trying to solve as many slots as he did last game, but also the general lack of activity and posting from post would also explain that or do you disagree.
I don't really think this is fair though - I've attempted to read Fang/Ekko/Gram/CP/Alco/BPD which, with 8 inactives makes half the active game in less than half the first day phase. Just because I haven't reached a solve on all of them doesn't mean the attempt isn't there.

Seems like a really silly expectation (on Ekko's part) hence why I want him to establish exactly what his expectations are.


he doesn't have a good reason for his play around BPD and he knows it so he's grasping at straws to justify it while simultaneously covering himself by saying "BPD's stock is dropping now", doesn't fit with his justifications. I'd expect him to just stand by his approach completely and not start hedging. the lack of conviction particularly early doors when he hasn't been proven wrong yet sticks out for him.
Yeah, fair enough. I don't think it's entirely out of the realm of Town Ekko though, he does tend to discard town reads if they don't continue to prove that they're town in every subsequent post.
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