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Game Ranked Skyrim Mafia

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
in regards to ratchet i can somewhat see what you're saying about not trying to solve as many slots as he did last game, but also the general lack of activity and posting from post would also explain that or do you disagree.
he wud then need to establish that he reads the active players as town if he wants to move forward. i dont think hes extended his neck into anything


Never have and probably never will be one of the top posters in these games. I prefer walls to tons of mini-posts and once I get my note system going tonight that's what I'll mostly do. I have a few minutes here and there while at work to toss out short thoughts, but most of my heavy thinking will be done once I'm home in the evening irl. I did try in my last Champs game to be much more active than normal and it took quite a toll on me, I've got too much other stuff going on irl to watch this thread like a hawk and pop in multiple times ever hour.
You don't need to defend that post, just need to put more to paper. You've mentioned that you want to so really you just need to "do".


Leprous Monarch
its there in page 3, before all of this was here

the progression is pretty straight forward actually

- BPD votes fang and leaves
- fang accuses BPD of being strange for voting and leaving
- I tell fang this isnt the right way to solve as what BPD is doing is more towny than scummy. at this stage i have BPD as town side of null, closer to null. but i acknowledge that his action was townie as seen in the post
leaning town on someone for leaving the thread just reeks of TMI. I can understand not agreeing with a scum read on BPD for it, which I agree with even, but to say it makes you lean town is ridiculous.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
he doesn't have a good reason for his play around BPD and he knows it so he's grasping at straws to justify it while simultaneously covering himself by saying "BPD's stock is dropping now", doesn't fit with his justifications. I'd expect him to just stand by his approach completely and not start hedging. the lack of conviction particularly early doors when he hasn't been proven wrong yet sticks out for him.
BPD stock is dropping i mentioned it earlier as i started reading u and gram townie, and tpein is reading BPD scummy my worldview has to shift


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
BPD hasnt made any posts for me to change read, it just got weaker as there is alot of content in thread but he isnt here driving anything, and at the same time the people i scum read before arent AS SCUMMY in my view, so naturally the read of him gets weaker

dismissed tbh


Leprous Monarch
leaning town on someone for leaving the thread just reeks of TMI. I can understand not agreeing with a scum read on BPD for it, which I agree with even, but to say it makes you lean town is ridiculous.
my point here btw is I think he's lying here by saying that this was him leaning town on BPD. to me it read like he saw it as NAI at the time, and is now retroactively saying it was a town lean to justify his play around BPD after being called out on it.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
my point here btw is I think he's lying here by saying that this was him leaning town on BPD. to me it read like he saw it as NAI at the time, and is now retroactively saying it was a town lean to justify his play around BPD after being called out on it.
except i didnt say i was leaning him town! i said multiple times its closer to null. i acknowledge the action of taking his time to respond as townie, but it isnt something i'll town read him for. its just a townie action, so fang's push isnt a smart way to solve!

i did start leaning him town later when he dropped fang and voted u


its there in page 3, before all of this was here

the progression is pretty straight forward actually

- BPD votes fang and leaves
- fang accuses BPD of being strange for voting and leaving
- I tell fang this isnt the right way to solve as what BPD is doing is more towny than scummy. at this stage i have BPD as town side of null, closer to null. but i acknowledge that his action was townie as seen in the post

- BPD comes back and responds to fang
- i tell BPD that i have found fang as town and that "if he is also town" he needs to stop responding to him (fang) and focus elsehwere, (help me with a wagon on cp who i think is scum wud be prefered). my motive here is to cut town v town
- BPD tells me fang's scum game has evolved and i agree with it, however i insist that he is likely town this game so i ask BPD to move elsehwere
- BPD acknwledges that he does not intend to continue his push on aurelian, also he votes CP (who i scum read at the time) therefore i acknowledged the direction. here BPD started leaning more into town from the null zone

magic and evans etc.. presumed that my initial posts has BPD as strong town due to the wording. I said i want to stop town vs town, I didn say BPD IS strong town. it was a general statement to stop town v town highlighting my mindset for this game, and letting BPD know that i found fang as town and that if he is also town then he needs to stop, and he eventually did, also he voted on the wagon i scum read


i do concede that initial point came before the accusation but it also makes no sense. he wasn't taking his time he just wasn't present likely because he left. how would that be towny at all.

also, in regards to bpd eventually stopping, it was a long while he stopped and you kept repeating the sentiment. there, again, was just a lack of real progression there.


Leprous Monarch
except i didnt say i was leaning him town! i said multiple times its closer to null. i acknowledge the action of taking his time to respond as townie, but it isnt something i'll town read him for. its just a townie action, so fang's push isnt a smart way to solve!

i did start leaning him town later when he dropped fang and voted u
now you're just contradicting yourself lol


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
you guys r the ones that keep putting a town read on BPD in my mouth when i didnt have one. you, evans, magic and whoever is in this fiasco


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
now you're just contradicting yourself lol
bs lol

he went from null/townside of null to lean town

the post i quoted was from page 3, where i tell fang BPD is not scummy for what he did. it nowhere says i have BPD as strong town. i just read what he did favorably and as a town action

i proceed to then tell BPD that i found fang as town and that he, IF HE WAS ALSO TOWN, needs to drop the fang push

BPD is obviously not going to immediately drop it. i acknowledge this because i know he is susceptible to tunneling, however i repeat again and insist that he read fang as town and move on, i also ask him for thoughts on gram/cp and he acnowledges u guys can be scum, he then votes u guys afterward. these r all town points for him at the time where i had u guys as scum

there is no scum motive here if u assume both fang and BPD are town the correct scum play is to always let them duke it out instead of get them to town read each other


Actually think I prefer voting Alco at the moment, look at this set of posts:

So he first resists giving any sort of reasoning for the position he appears to hold, then he addresses it by giving a general description of scum behaviour without applying it to anything actually going on in thread, and then uses his read on Ekko to positionally switch his vote when it becomes more viable. Throughout this he's failed to actually respond to the things I've been asking him, he's just talking around the point.

Am I missing something here?

Vote: Alco
Both Pein and Ekko reacted to this and ha e offered zero comment on it.

So I'll just go do something else for now and hopefully the thread is better when I come back.


you guys r the ones that keep putting a town read on BPD in my mouth when i didnt have one. you, evans, magic and whoever is in this fiasco
you repeatedly called it Town v Town, so no we aren't putting words into your mouth.

if you didn't think he was town you should have been trying to solve his slot, not dismissing the entire exchange and asking for it to stop because it's TvT.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
you repeatedly called it Town v Town, so no we aren't putting words into your mouth.

if you didn't think he was town you should have been trying to solve his slot, not dismissing the entire exchange and asking for it to stop because it's TvT.
town vs town is a generic statement. i said i dont want town vs town, i didnt say i dont want town!BPD vs town!fang

i had fang as town, and i left it up to BPD whereby IF HE is town he needs to stop arguing with fang. even if he is scum he will be forced to stop arguing otherwise i'll have issues with his play

he also voted CP after he stopped which gave him more town favors

these favors are obviously revoked if i start reading CP more towny and BPD hasnt done much more after that

you are trying to put holes that dont exist


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Both Pein and Ekko reacted to this and ha e offered zero comment on it.

So I'll just go do something else for now and hopefully the thread is better when I come back.
i told u better wait for alco to respond first...


@Magic can you read through ratchet's posts and give a read?

i wasn't really a fan of his odo indy accusation in their argument as it doesn't really make any sense. i think the overall argument itself was pointless too as it's rooted in ratchet thinking he's coachable and odo thinking he's not so odo finds the accusation as a fake one. i get odo's perspective, but i also can buy that explanation as a genuine one(ratchet thinks he's receptive to suggestions and just executes them poorly).

i did ratchet's early game, in particular that he was finding town reads. i also do somewhat see ekko's points in ratchet not driving the game as much, as again in jkk on the other forum he settled on a vote on hime then went onto to talk about setup shit for a long time(though that game was much more active).

basically there's things i like and disliked. it's fence sitty, but i dont really have a strong impression thus far although i'd lean town due to his back and forth with ekko as I don't think they'd be aligned.


we r running it back GoT style. its a game where we united and town won

btw magic stop looking for contradictions that arent scummy. me and tpein work together very often as town. if one of us is scum they will try to lynch the other

also me taking lead is how i used to play previously. and im bringing it back but with a different focus. instead of blindly going after scum, i'll identify town first and cut their in fighting then box scum out

neither of these is scummy, find another angle asap!
you said a few games ago that tpein hasn't worked with you as much because he's been more paranoid of you being scum. that has also be seen in said games.

you have taken a step back early game and it has led to more successful play from you.

this game neither of you tried to really solve each other and you've been way more aggro from the jump.

you don't think it's fair for me to find both these things out of place when they're both happening in the same game?
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