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Game Ranked Skyrim Mafia

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I’ll also put my thoughts re: ratchet on record

Generally speaking, going back and forth with him is going to be pointless because unless I have an actual smoking gun, he’s going to be able to give an explanation that I find plausible, to the point where I’d need to just ignore what he’s saying and tunnel - which begs the question ‘why even have the conversation’?

So the TLDR is I’m still not sold, but I myself aren’t going to put a massive effort into pushing it

Scum/bad faithers have at it!
like this post from gramm. as scum i've seen him just latch onto something and just push it all phase. he does this as town too if he feels he has a 'smoking gun', but the difference is typically he wont let up as scum under most circumstances(basically unless they get cleared).


you answered why you town read him, but what does couching a town read mean?
I said "without' couching it - couching it in this context would be to bake in an out of some sorts "I think (x) is town but he can easily fool me!" is an example of this. Not to suggest it's a type of read that can only come from scum, and frankly the rest of this can be left unsaid but I may as well finish explaining myself. I tend to view reads that are confident and assertive as favourable (townie) because I think scum will have a greater tendency to not want to take possible mislynches off the board. Also if it's partner/partner they wouldn't want to be tied to each other, with this they have some level of deniability baked into it.

Hence, the absence of that looks good to me.


thoughts on whicker?

I gave my somewhat limited thoughts on Whicker in the post you quoted??? He doesn't seem to be playing the same way here as he did in the 1 game I've played with him. He was town there and very active in trying to solve things proactively. He seems much more reactive here.


Also I think I'm going to retire my Ekko suspicion for today, I've seen just enough that I can reconcile as town. Not a town read to be clear.


i dont feel like hes aligned with anyone given the fights he is picking, also he is voting cp
he just picked fights with myself and cp tho.
lol thats bullshit its only ratchet and cp
whicker and cp have the same size wagons i belive
you had 3, whicker had 1.
i dont have him as strong town, just lean town. fang is the strong town
like i said BPD taking his time to respond to a very easy to debunk accusation is a more towny thing to do. scum wud instantly debunk that accusation imo
you said that well afterwards after i had already accused you of town reading him without reason.
and he also voted cp with me
again this was well afterwards.

if you're not following, you're using (for example) post 400 to explain why you had a town read on post 200. that isn't how it works.
also BPD didn't intend to keep arguing, he dropped it and made a post signaling his intention to do so. the lean is still weak cuz he hasnt been doing much other than the aurelian stuff. where do u get the impression that i have him as strong town
again he said that afterwards.
is taking lead scummy? i intent to silence and cut all tvt and lynch scum. i dont have one way of playing town, and i eagerly urge all townies to try and take lead or be more vocal this game to avoid scum taking control!
again i clarified why i find it scummy and what would cause the change in style in this game specifically. it's not like you had been playing badly previously with the other style but you're reverting to the style where it was costing town games an you were being called out for it.
lastly the leadership is not dictatorial. i am going to buddy and listen to my town reads within reason. i asked aurelian if he thinks my push on CP is wrong he can tell me why so and i'll move elsehwere. he didnt!
ah yes, 'town core'.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I gave my somewhat limited thoughts on Whicker in the post you quoted??? He doesn't seem to be playing the same way here as he did in the 1 game I've played with him. He was town there and very active in trying to solve things proactively. He seems much more reactive here.
do u have any issues with the content he is putting so far?


ya i didn't bother replynig it but that post he quoted was from post 207 where you had given almost nothing.

It’s academic cause I’m largely satisfied hes town anyway, but yeah, no idea what he’s referencing there


Would appreciate some input on what I brought up regarding Alco from more than just Craig - I'm not really asking for meta, I want to be checked on what it is I'm presenting.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
he just picked fights with myself and cp tho.
started with fang as well
back then i scum read CP so that was more favorable to me

you had 3, whicker had 1.
i forgot about alco's vote fwiw

you said that well afterwards after i had already accused you of town reading him without reason.
i just provided u my reason, it was in page 3.
BPD went from null/townside of null to weak town lean

again this was well afterwards.
him voting CP is part of why the read shifted from null/town side of null to lean town, i havent been vocal about either, u presumed i had him as strong town from the start when it wasnt the case

if you're not following, you're using (for example) post 400 to explain why you had a town read on post 200. that isn't how it works.

again he said that afterwards.
these posts add up to the read shifting. i did not strongly town read him before as u think so this doesnt apply to my reasoning

again i clarified why i find it scummy and what would cause the change in style in this game specifically. it's not like you had been playing badly previously with the other style but you're reverting to the style where it was costing town games an you were being called out for it.

ah yes, 'town core'.
town wasnt winning. its not enough. changes need to be made



CP making good points re: Whicker though.

Why Ekko over Whicker? Seems an interesting hill to stand on


Dalton here on Day 1. Yay!

#287 ok the lad has brought receipts. Gonna town column lean this.

#295 town column lean for Gram.

what points did cp give on whicker that didn't stem from my own? why did you ignore those points?
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