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Game Ranked Skyrim Mafia

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Actually think I prefer voting Alco at the moment, look at this set of posts:

So he first resists giving any sort of reasoning for the position he appears to hold, then he addresses it by giving a general description of scum behaviour without applying it to anything actually going on in thread, and then uses his read on Ekko to positionally switch his vote when it becomes more viable. Throughout this he's failed to actually respond to the things I've been asking him, he's just talking around the point.

Am I missing something here?

Vote: Alco
i will ask, @Alco why not vote me over ratchet when i believe you had a larger issue with my play or at least addressed it multiple times?


King of Conquerors
I'm on P24, reading from where I entered, and I am convinced my brain just don't know how to play mafia anymore lmao

So I'm just gonna go full Jarl Ballin' mode.

I'm gna fight Lethal in a epic 1v1 at the throat of the world

Vote Lynch Lethal

Using my ultra omega giga brain, I have discerned that Lethal is a fake townie that makes general statements to blend in and feel townie.

But he's not fooling the Baller himself


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member

i do concede that initial point came before the accusation but it also makes no sense. he wasn't taking his time he just wasn't present likely because he left. how would that be towny at all.
he was there for a bit and could have cut it short as scum. scum generally are more anxious about looking good and having their name cleared out. the action is townie when the case presented is very easily debunked and the player takes awhile to responds

and im aware he can simply not be there, this can happen as both alignments. so:

1. if he was there and saw the post but chose to not respond immediately and take his time - this is townie
2. if he was not there and didnt see the post anyway - this is NAI

overall my read of him was still townside of null, closer to null. i deliberaly told fang "its not scummy", meaning its at worst NAI

then later on it evolved into a weak lean town as he dropped the fang push and voted CP

then it evolved back to nullish as i start reading CP more townie

also, in regards to bpd eventually stopping, it was a long while he stopped and you kept repeating the sentiment. there, again, was just a lack of real progression there.
that itself is progression, im aware BPD wont immediately drop a push on someone he sus'es so i had to tell him so and insisted him to do so if hes town. this is actually so stupid by you. BPD will have to move regardless of alignment otherwise he looks bad. also multiple ppl read fang as town at the time iirc so BPD needed to move. the move to CP, who i read as scum, tipped the scale further into him being townside


Leprous Monarch
i wasn't really a fan of his odo indy accusation in their argument as it doesn't really make any sense. i think the overall argument itself was pointless too as it's rooted in ratchet thinking he's coachable and odo thinking he's not so odo finds the accusation as a fake one. i get odo's perspective, but i also can buy that explanation as a genuine one(ratchet thinks he's receptive to suggestions and just executes them poorly).

i did ratchet's early game, in particular that he was finding town reads. i also do somewhat see ekko's points in ratchet not driving the game as much, as again in jkk on the other forum he settled on a vote on hime then went onto to talk about setup shit for a long time(though that game was much more active).

basically there's things i like and disliked. it's fence sitty, but i dont really have a strong impression thus far although i'd lean town due to his back and forth with ekko as I don't think they'd be aligned.
about where I'm at too. we did play a game together recently on WS where he was scum and I was pinged by him not really pushing his directions fwiw. I'm not inspired by the alco direction here either given how much time he spent arguing with ekko and suggesting he was acting in bad faith towards me, I'd expect him to be more interested in pushing him.


Leprous Monarch
re: ratchet I can see why he'd be hesitant at putting ekko's player as necessarily scum though so it's a bit different here. I do think he's not aligned with ekko so knowing ekko's alignment would help me solve some pretty major slots.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
you said a few games ago that tpein hasn't worked with you as much because he's been more paranoid of you being scum. that has also be seen in said games.
do u want me to announce in page 1 how i will be playing or what
also take that with tpein, he said he will follow me until i do something sus
and i read him town from entrance so i have no reason to push him. i disagree with him in some reads but thats about it

you have taken a step back early game and it has led to more successful play from you.
im this close to not giving a fk and doing that

this game neither of you tried to really solve each other and you've been way more aggro from the jump.
ive solved him as town already, if there is any change i'll let everyone know

you don't think it's fair for me to find both these things out of place when they're both happening in the same game?
no i think ur arguing mostly semantics and hunting contradictions, not really hunting scum


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
by contradictions - you are looking over the differences from game to game, as the contradictions u r coming with this game dont exist, and the contradictions from game to game seldom tell u the alignment unless the player has a very low town/scum range


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
re: ratchet I can see why he'd be hesitant at putting ekko's player as necessarily scum though so it's a bit different here. I do think he's not aligned with ekko so knowing ekko's alignment would help me solve some pretty major slots.
which slots?

assume i am town, what will ur solve be?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
@Ekkologix While you're at it I'd like you to outline your expectations of Town!Me, as I don't believe you ever really addressed that part.
ask questions that i can feel progress the game forward. the best u have this game is ur wagon on alco and his response to it will determine ur fate


I will say a few of Ekko's posts have looked as if he's checking his blindspot with T Pein, I.e. he's genuinely trying to read him.
i dont really see this at all lol. how do you think he's been looking at his blindspot with tpein when it appears they're just trying to form reads together?


You know how this works.
Imma follow them till they do something that is very obviously and blatantly wolfy.

again this is a shift from how you've been playing with him recently. why the change.

he noted it as well that youve been paranoid more often leading to towncore not being a thing.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
town flips don't solve in the early game. if you're scum, magic and ratchet definitely aren't.
that doesnt tell me shit as im town, so then i ask can u establish me as scum properly or just hope to blind fire and land on scum?

u can start by responding to my replies earlier

The X


Skimmed through most of the content so far but a couple things stood out:

  • Magic feels off. I don't see enough of the arrogance I expect from his town game and he seemed a little shaken when people were calling him out whereas I feel like town Magic would no-sell it more.
  • BPD feels like they're forcing content and extending discussions to appear active, and my gut isnt sure its authentic. This post in particular pinged me as trying too hard to be active.

  • Aurelian is obvtown
  • Ekko is mega cringe - see exhibit A:
So you feel like on D1, with only thirty posts to my name, I've resorted to forcing content, but only referred to a single post of mine, where all I say is 'you good' (what was I trying to force here?). You also said I've extended conversations to appear active. Where have I done that? Because I got accused of dipping the thread by Fang when him and I started talking. And then I also disengaged with Fang instead of getting into a back and forth with him. So you'll have to show my more posts of where I was forcing content and how I was trying to extend conversations.
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