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Game Ranked Skyrim Mafia

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member

Magic - Aurelian > Ekko
Aurelian - Magic > BPD
BPD - Aurelian > Craig > Whicker
Craig - BPD > Ekko > Unvote > Ekko
Alco - Ekko > Unvote > Ratchet
Ekko - Alco > CP > Ratchet > Magic
Evans - CP
Gram - Magic > Ratchet
Ratchet - Ekko > Alco
Whicker - CP
T-Pein - BPD > CP
Mango - Mango > Unvote > Lethal
Lethal - Magic

CP: 3
Ekko: 2
Ratchet: 2
Magic: 2
BPD: 1
Lethal: 1
Alco: 1
Whicker: 1

With 20 players remaining, it takes 11 to lynch.

Ping me if I missed a vote

@MangoSenpai @BalsamicVinegar @Whicker @Chuck @Lethal @Fujishiro @Alco can u guys give thoughts on the top wagons pls


Leprous Monarch
Is there a reason you're responding for Craig?

I mean, Craig was around when I switched my vote to Whicker. I am curious as to why he's questioning me now about it, seemingly out of the blue, and why it has any importance.
it's not like I haven't been commenting on a lot of other stuff. I haven't really noticed you but after going through the argument with ekko about his play around you I thought I'd take a look at your posts as I lost track of you after the first couple pages since I've been busy with other players. it's not out of the blue. nor is it odd to go back and ask questions about why players did things on previous days etc, so the fact you find it odd is in itself odd.


Is there a reason you're responding for Craig?

I mean, Craig was around when I switched my vote to Whicker. I am curious as to why he's questioning me now about it, seemingly out of the blue, and why it has any importance.

I’m not, I’m asking you a question

You chose to disregard a perfectly reasonable question and instead apply some kind of arbitrary standard on how long ago it should have been asked, which merits an explanation from you on my eyes

The X

he wasn't town in that game tho and was playing to survive and not provoke scum lol
I just checked that game and will say I didn't know he flipped indie. However, from his entrance last game I didn't really get the vibe that he was trying to just survive and not provoke the wolf team. I felt he was genuinely trying to give a town effort at the start and that he was giving legitimate ideas and thought processes. Now, considering he wasn't town that game I guess I need to pump the brakes slightly on my assessment of his slot, but I do think it's a lot easier to play and seem like town as an indie than it is to do so as a wolf.


you mind elaborating as this came directly after he shifted his vote(without a real reason attached to why either).
It's the product of an earlier sentiment I had with his T Pein behaviour and also two factors:

1 - his posting strikes me as very confident his position is absolute. It doesn't feel feigned or half baked, he genuinely seems to believe that he will get his way and the game should follow that because of his alignment. As scum I'd expect him to do a few things differently - probably would lean more into inactives being scum and less into getting into fights with players that risks getting him lynched. The only real sticking point is I haven't read anything from him positionally that makes me think "yeah I can see why he thinks that". Otherwise at this point I'd have him town.

He is otherwise widely town read. If he were scum I'd expect more buddies to distance given his precarious position, instead I'm not really seeing any movement towards that. Could be premature of me to say but I don't think the rest of Ekko's scum team is just sitting around watching players get cleared from his flip.


Leprous Monarch
I just checked that game and will say I didn't know he flipped indie. However, from his entrance last game I didn't really get the vibe that he was trying to just survive and not provoke the wolf team. I felt he was genuinely trying to give a town effort at the start and that he was giving legitimate ideas and thought processes. Now, considering he wasn't town that game I guess I need to pump the brakes slightly on my assessment of his slot, but I do think it's a lot easier to play and seem like town as an indie than it is to do so as a wolf.
I know that's what he was doing because he wrote walls of texts about it in our private conversation lol (I realize you wouldn't know this)

The X

it's not like I haven't been commenting on a lot of other stuff. I haven't really noticed you but after going through the argument with ekko about his play around you I thought I'd take a look at your posts as I lost track of you after the first couple pages since I've been busy with other players. it's not out of the blue. nor is it odd to go back and ask questions about why players did things on previous days etc, so the fact you find it odd is in itself odd.
And I honestly have no idea what you've been commenting on; I'm pages behind currently. I was just curious as to why you were asking something from what I felt was long ago. What did you hope to unveil about me through that question?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Okay let's talk about your expectations.

I don't know what you or @Magic mean by "he's not pushing reads".

I'm trying to solve. I'm asking for opinions on that. I am, as always, largely not getting anything. I feel like I'm pushing what I believe and scrutinizing it. I don't really know what either of you want to see me do beyond that. Should I double my post count spamming the same thing? I don't feel like doing that. Should I scream into the aether about my suspects? No, I don't want to do that either. I will simply make my arguments, evaluate them as new information comes to light, and then it's in the thread. Putting in any more time than that is a waste because it's just going to get ignored or glanced over anyway, what I've done so far is evidence of that by and large.

So yeah I dunno what else you want from me.
i wont ignore ur reads or legacy if i town read u tho
i just dont feel enthused by ur directions, as for magic idk. he scum reads us both to certain degree, so does cp

i feel like out of the 3 u r the scummiest tbh, then cp, then magic

yet im voting magic because he is the only one i am certain is pushing for a townie to be lynched rn

as for you, i'll wait to see where ur push on alco go. if alco wiffs, you will immediately get air support and we will make potato fries out of him

im also wary of mango, balsamic, chuck, fuji, aerso etc.. people who r in the backline with no direct opinion on whats happening

i think u took awhile to arrive at ur alco direction tbh, and i think as scum thats an easy one to pivot to. however not going to do his defence for him


Leprous Monarch
And I honestly have no idea what you've been commenting on; I'm pages behind currently. I was just curious as to why you were asking something from what I felt was long ago. What did you hope to unveil about me through that question?
the question is self-explanatory. I want to know if you're pushing a read you have with whicker, and also to explain why you'd go from voting me to voting someone I was pushing. trying to figure out your thoughts behind your votes. this is all pretty standard stuff my brother


Leprous Monarch
I don't see the issue in stating that a scum read has been rescinded at all?
all right I guess I just took that post in a different way, like you were no longer going to consider pushing ekko for the rest of the phase no matter what.

The X

I’m not, I’m asking you a question

You chose to disregard a perfectly reasonable question and instead apply some kind of arbitrary standard on how long ago it should have been asked, which merits an explanation from you on my eyes
There was no disregarding because not only was the answer Craig seeking actually already in the thread, as you'll see I did give him clarifying response to his question as well.

What did you hope to glean from your question? Do you really think me giving an opinion on supposed statue of limitations will really solve my alignment?


Leprous Monarch
I'm on page 12 rn. Not much has happened other than people jumping around Fang being town or not.

What's the main case on CP? He's whatever to me. Magic sounded bit opportunistic with this whole Town/Town narrative imo, so maybe? Ratchet/you i'd rather investigate first as always.
there has been no case on me lol ekko decided arbitrarily to push me in his first post based on nothing I had posted by then and a couple others sheeped.


King of Conquerors
@MangoSenpai @BalsamicVinegar @Whicker @Chuck @Lethal @Fujishiro @Alco can u guys give thoughts on the top wagons pls
I don't really understand CP's play here, it feels like he's trying to catch you on something, but I don't even understand what it is he's trying to catch you on.

All I see is just you two arguing about your read on BPD saying you're contradicting yourself etc.

I've been trying to read, but it seems my comprehension is just out the window.

It feels like scum trying on the wrong target for the wrong reason.

I feel you're town, based off gameplay and tone. You're displaying a good showing of your Conqueror's haki.

You're straight to the point and going through people systematically, while also keeping your pool relatively small to weed out people one by one, as I'd expect from Kekko sama.

Ratchet will forever be the bane of my existence, but I haven't sensed anything to warrant a sus just yet.


Because I think his entrance into this game is different from his last game; I've actually already stated this. Last game when he came in, I could feel his town energy and there wasn't anything that really sent me in the other direction. His entrance to this game leaves me wanting more and it feels like he's trying to emulate his town game. His entrance to this game just makes me think he's going through what he thinks are his town motions instead of being town.

i like chuck and aersoldorf as town too. aersold for his takes on whicker and chuck for the explanation he gave gramm for his town read on aurelian came off as genuine.

I'm down for a Whicker wagon...


There was no disregarding because not only was the answer Craig seeking actually already in the thread, as you'll see I did give him clarifying response to his question as well.

What did you hope to glean from your question? Do you really think me giving an opinion on supposed statue of limitations will really solve my alignment?

Did you think you were going to solve CP from that question? Or me from this one?


i wont ignore ur reads or legacy if i town read u tho
i just dont feel enthused by ur directions, as for magic idk. he scum reads us both to certain degree, so does cp

i feel like out of the 3 u r the scummiest tbh, then cp, then magic

yet im voting magic because he is the only one i am certain is pushing for a townie to be lynched rn

as for you, i'll wait to see where ur push on alco go. if alco wiffs, you will immediately get air support and we will make potato fries out of him

im also wary of mango, balsamic, chuck, fuji, aerso etc.. people who r in the backline with no direct opinion on whats happening

i think u took awhile to arrive at ur alco direction tbh, and i think as scum thats an easy one to pivot to. however not going to do his defence for him
None of this addresses anything I said in that post. You're tying me to CP and Magic arbitrarily and you still refuse to even comment on what you think of Alco while you wait for him to respond.

I just think your expectations are silly, you keep saying I haven't done anything but to me if feels like the goalposts are just getting moved to dismiss what I am doing. If you want me to be town leader then you're never going to get that again, certainly not on this site. This is what you're going to get and you will have to deal with it.
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