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  1. Atem

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition

    Lmao, Beast's Lair banned Siriel? :skully
  2. Atem

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition

    Literally same exact hour too. Nasuland forum. Xhom can tell you more.
  3. Atem

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition

    For a forum of dweebs who think bad faith debating and lying to win the audience is the only correct form of debate? They sure are thin-skinned. So much for the "biggest assholes are the most correct ones." They can't even handle something innocuous. :kobeha
  4. Atem

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition

    Lmao, all I said was "No thanks, I'm good." And that nerd Petrikow bolted. @Xhominid The Apex Same one from BL.
  5. Atem

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition

    The irony of this is that these same people complain when you call them out on this. That weirdo LawLeit/Eukie from that Cyberpunk thread for example. Complained about Morgan not putting in effort. When he was the only one providing mountains of evidence from day one, and when he criticized her own calc by noting that she was scaling it wrong? Ignoring that the size wasn't the same as in real life, and that Night City was literally Morro Bay except stretched by ten miles? "Fix it yourself." And people on SB still used her bullshit calculation. Even after Morgan proved it was based on bad faith debating, and ignoring the actual size of these things.
  6. Atem

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition

    Weird how that retard Xcano cites 100 stat feats from TES as if that's the actual max. Like hell, even Tarhiel can boost acrobatics to 3000 with magic.
  7. Atem

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition

    Beast's Lair. A den of dumb fucks and diseased ridden mutants.
  8. Atem

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition

    "You are just not high IQ." Jesus Christ, they sound like fangirls on why Twilight is actually good. Really.
  9. Atem

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition

    Dumb niggas on BL legit thinking EVA is high art, and that anyone who doesn't "simply does not understand it."
  10. Atem

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition

    Not surprised. What's with BLers and being weirdly left-leaning despite jacking it to hard-core hentai? They do know the left hates them as much as the right for not jacking it to real kids?
  11. Atem

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition SB moderators so ass hurt they deleted a post detailing nothing but evidence in favor of MMM. Erasing any evidence you don't like does constitute bad faith debating. They would know that if they actually used the term properly.
  12. Atem

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition >only solar system level Elric normally, and only maybe galaxy level via size manipulation >only multiversal as the Four Who Are One Lmao, lol. For a website that wanks the hell out of everything they sure do a horrible job with Elric.
  13. Atem

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition

    Griffith when he meets a random angry nord.
  14. Atem

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition Griffith ain't making it.
  15. Atem

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4: Outskirts Ningen Dome - Laughing edition

    Not only that the Tribunal were growing weaker without access to the Heart of Lorkhan, and Dagoth Ur in the meantime was growing stronger because he had constant direct access to it.