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Game Death Note Mafia

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No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I read it again and still don't understand it can you pls expand
I felt like Gram and me were in the same boat regarding Lethal. I said I wouldn‘t bet on him flipping scum while he said he‘s 95% sure Lethal will flip scum. That‘s where our thoughts differ. I would like to know why.



for the benefit of those who need it


Leprous Monarch
I felt like Gram and me were in the same boat regarding Lethal. I said I wouldn‘t bet on him flipping scum while he said he‘s 95% sure Lethal will flip scum. That‘s where our thoughts differ. I would like to know why.
Doesn't even sound like y'all were in the same body of water??


I felt like Gram and me were in the same boat regarding Lethal. I said I wouldn‘t bet on him flipping scum while he said he‘s 95% sure Lethal will flip scum. That‘s where our thoughts differ. I would like to know why.

respectfully, why were you voting to lynch him with like 40hours to go? We weren’t pressuring you?


If mafia can win either by killing the lynchpins or by reaching parity, ballpark a percentage as to which the latter scenario happens.
It would completely depend on their numbers and the power of their investigative roles, im not really sure the point of your question

idk why as town you would assume they can only win by killing L and N when them winning by gaining parity makes sense also (especially because parity means they can kill L and N anyway). If there’s 3 mafia then the chances of them winning by getting to parity are the same as normal, maybe slightly less if they can investigate every night

If there’s 2 mafia then obv the chances are they’d win before they ever got to parity

but my point was that BPDs “theory” that mafia purposely didn’t lynch lethal because they actively wanted to keep him around and using that to read him town doesn’t make any sense. What’s the benefit to mafia purposely keeping him alive on D1 and then not killing him N1 anyway?


The Nexus
Why are they bad?

i need to read over T-Pein at the lynch but I made a post about TMI if Lethal flipped town.

Did you miss All of the game?
I have been trying to lynch lethal.
Just thought it was weird the people fighting me on it suddenly trying to push it.
You thinking I was trying to not lynch lethal is fake af


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Doesn't even sound like y'all were in the same body of water??
We were in the same boat at first, with us Town reading the guy. Then decided to off him for the sake of just flipping him because his behavior the previous day was just no longer defendable. Though I thought he was a very desperate and frustrated Townie with a lower chance of that being AtE while Gram gave us 95% scum on Lethal.

Does that make more sense now?


What you asked for and just resigned yourself to, yeah..not sure why you're arguing with me about it now lol
I’m not, just want your thoughts on record for people to look back on. I assume I’m gonna be lynched here so I can question people with total freedom and your viewpoint here doesn’t really stack up to me if you think I’m gonna flip town

have you thought about what I’d even get out of pushing lethal yesterday as scum? I would have foregone the chance to push anybody else for a claim or lynch to narrow down the pool etc because I spent the entire game pushing someone that had already character claimed


Leprous Monarch
If they aren't night killing people then it's gonna take a while to get to parity! Seems very likely that the strategy is to find L and N and kill them while town chases its tail

Wish I was scum as I feel very in the dark about the core mechanics of the game rn, doesn't inspire me with hope!



Did you miss All of the game?
I have been trying to lynch lethal.
Just thought it was weird the people fighting me on it suddenly trying to push it.
You thinking I was trying to not lynch lethal is fake af
Hence why I said I need to read over you melon


Leprous Monarch
How doesn't it stack up? You said to lynch you if he flips town. He flipped town.


Yes I understand making that conclusion now after 2 nights but it was the first thing BPD said on D2
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