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Game Death Note Mafia

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My theory on poyser is this

this game is littered with level one thinking
From scum PoV lethal has already served his purpose
Scum poyser might make this move on WS where he can browbeat most of the players, but I think he’d know it’s a low percentage play here
I don’t see what he gets out of it when parity isn’t the aim

The X

For all of you, my play regarding Lethal is explained here. This is all. I just felt incredibly bad for the guy. And I wished I would have stood my ground more, but he made it hard the previous day -_-…
Did you vote for Lethal D2?



The point of my question is that to accuse someone of TMI, you need to assume they couldn't reason their way into that conclusion. Not only is the lynchpin victory favored by default just by math, but when you account for mafia having brains, it's highly likely. I'd say if you have 2 mafia the odds are close to 0%. A little more likely if you have 3, but I feel confident in presuming that's not the case either, because town is already handicapped in the first place by having lynchpins, so all else equal that would not be a balanced set up.

Really all you need to assume is mafia have limited resources that they would ignore lethal, especially if they were aware leaving him alone would likely lead to his mislynched. I'm speaking up here because I pretty much came to the same conclusion. The fact that there wasn't a kill *period*, established by the WU, was enough for me to not pin lethal as 100% scum. Because a failed kill will always provide mafia with either information or a chance to obfuscate their alignment.


Hang on tho

you saying you agree with BPDs theory is, in practise, saying you think one of me and you is scum. We are the ones that held up the lynch

not exactly. The folks who were around eod1 held up the lynch if they weren’t voting him, and I think there’s a viable case for flower making sure the optics stacked up too


Seems like you want to talk us out of lynching you and also shade me in the process even tho you said in your first post of this phase that I'm likely town for trying to lynch you now?
Well what exactly should I be doing then? Not posting?

and yes I said that yesterday you’d have to be pretty brazen to say that if you obv knew lethal was gonna flip town and then I was gonna flip town. I did kinda expect you to at least bring more to the table today tho


For example big man votes lethal, then changed his story to seeing if lethal would claim LN, but ultimately his vote wasn’t there iirc


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
You wouldn’t bet on him being scum but still just out him put of his misery instead of trying to fight a case elsewhere? There was a lot of time and you didn’t even try to argue that?
I was tired of defending a guy who wanted to suicide, yes. I arrived at a point at which I hoped he would just flip scum.


Leprous Monarch
not exactly. The folks who were around eod1 held up the lynch if they weren’t voting him, and I think there’s a viable case for flower making sure the optics stacked up too
I went to bed leading a tiara wagon that iirc had the most votes at the time and hoping to wake up to her flip. Instead of got derailed into evans and lethal wagons that didn't even result in a lynch >.< Tiara looks the most scummy to me rn too so I do think there was some scum derailing going on there


I wasn’t talking about them not killing lethal at night. I agree that didn’t make lethal nailed scum. That’s not what BPD was saying tho he was saying they purposely held up the lynch on D1

The X

Look at the shit show that was D2. There's your reason for not killing Lethal N1. Why waste resources on that if you're scum?


You just want to lynch vanilla claims if we can't reach a consensus. Did I misread something?

im referring specifically to an end of day scenario where we have nothing better

im not saying just randomly lynch people as soon as they claim VT, and I’ve no idea why you think I’d suggest that beyond you thinking I’m a total moron


Leprous Monarch
With no scum flip? Mistaaaaaaake


not exactly. The folks who were around eod1 held up the lynch if they weren’t voting him, and I think there’s a viable case for flower making sure the optics stacked up too
I don’t think you can say flower held up the lynch when she was on it tho lol


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
So everyone just says I‘m scummy and nobody can actually give a valid reason. Cool.
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