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Game Death Note Mafia

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Let me ask you this. If a person and you seemingly agree on something for a while, but then you find your views differing vastly at some point, does that not make you curious?
Tbh I think if you read D2 then it’s pretty obvious where his change of read came? It’s like you’re not taking that into account at all. Why?


Leaving a chaotic and frankly, unthreatening town player untouched is mafia 101. What does X pointing this out have to do with TMI? We already fucking know mafia can win by leaving alone Lethal.
Yeah you don’t understand my point at all lol


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Tbh I think if you read D2 then it’s pretty obvious where his change of read came? It’s like you’re not taking that into account at all. Why?
Can you point me to the posts? Because I can‘t find it.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
part 1 - EoD 1

Tbh I don’t think psychic is scum, on reflection I’m happy to move her into my town column too

annoyingly enough.
I just think her commitment to posting absolute crap goes beyond the line of tolerance any teammate would have
this is a type of read I attribute more towards tmi or defending a suspected teammate and just brushing it under the rug

@Tiara wakey wakey you drunkard

up for a CFD on Tpein?
Meh I’m gonna go do something eise

vote tpein
why tpein? other than annoying you, do u scum read him?

What's with the unwillingness to vote lethal?
You just said he was scummy a bit ago
You said he was scummy all game?
You voting from a TMI pov?
How does that make sense?
Wanting a no lynch here?
tpein is right, your steer to him made no logical sense there

Yeah you know what, egg might be on my face, but I'm just gonna say it like it is, this cfd is bunk. I would rather not do T Pein at the last possible second. Hasn't even been properly cased. He won't be going anywhere, tomorrow.
Ultra do me a favour and vote tpein

im not asking you to lynch him
I could be way wrong, I would just rather not D1 him. That's my position.
I think you’re wrong on this
[vote Lynch T Pein]
I needed a little longer than that lol, but fine, I’m very sure you’re town regardless
did this go anywhere? i don't believe the purpose of this was to really make tpein feel like his wagon was achievable as gram claimed.

also noting - psychic early day 1 alluded that the deathnote could be using votes somehow to work. something of note.

Doing an ISO of Poyser and this is exactly what I was thinking:

Maybe the guy is Town, after all.
Poyser's post for reference: "Because it makes sense as a leap if she’s town that thinks tpein has slipped and then that I maybe made the same mistake"

how does THIS tell u poyser is maybe town?

Fwiw I think Poyser can just be Town. He tried understanding what I was thinking and didn‘t push for me instead of twisting my posts which I associate with a Town mindset. I think the Lethal thing was a misunderstanding on my end.
your posts r scummy they don't need to be twisted to appear as such. idk how the entire thread is focused on lethal and u r deliberately talking about something else.

I think tiara is just town so I don’t wanna vote there and I both think Lethal is town and don’t like the makeup of his wagon so I’m not interested in that either


these are the guys I’m happy with. Would love to flip evans actuslly because there’s decent equity between him and BPD being a team
Wouldn’t mind lynching BPD either actually, he feels very safe so far. Tried pretty hard not to antagonise me, stuck to talking about lethal

don’t really understand how he came to the conclusions that all of psychic, tpein and evans have all made good reasonable posts that he can follow as I feel like that statement is objectively untrue. I can see disagreeing on one but it’s weirded me out that he’s at opposite ends of the spectrum to me on all three
i like these posts from posyer. they were uncontested too by the people he scum read in them.

I’m here. will vote soon.
Vote Lethal
that was basically the extent of bigman's contribution last EoD

Tempted to just CFD Pein now.
Because you sound desperate.
this has yet to be established

The self vote looked Townie to me because that‘s probably what I would do in his shoes as well as Town.

But, Lethal is not me.
i am so glad u admit the bolded flowa. then why did u try to use it as argument against me yesterday?

Ah, cfd Flower o'clock
Again, bad idea.
if you are hinting N or L why r u still alive?


just wanted to see something. why would a scum lethal not claim L or N right now?
fair point

If he’s scum, the games basically solved to me, at least within poe range

I don’t believe anyone currently voting him, or ultra who’s willing to vote him are scum if he is

that leaves only psychic (who I don’t think is scum), poyser, doddsy, cp and flower
how did this list evolve after day 2 end? it to a certain extent maybe shows that you are uninformed of lethal's alignment, but its rather easy to fake. how did you establish that say, for instance me who was voting lethal, cannot be partnered with him? i could be voting to bus no? i have barely interacted with lethal this game

Vote Lethal.

Now I‘m not the hammer vote if we vote him.
Can you claim, though?
literally what r u doing that EoD. u haven't asked a single proper game solving question yet.

Thierry Morello, Vanilla Towny

For archiving purposes
That‘s such a minor chara.
what the actual fk was this??

Flower: We shouldn't claim this game
Also Flower: This person claimed their full name, let's backpedal

You've got a death note don't you
my thoughts exactly there


Anyway let the power rangers or whatever they call themselves do their thing, get doddsy and big man to put some tangible stuff on record and then seems pretty straightforward



How did you arrive at this, for example?

Because to me that post you quoted sounded like extreme genuine frustration and not like capitulation at all.

Did you not read the Xmas mafia comparison I did?

he was literally saying the same things as when he capitulated as scum in a previous game lmao


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Fwiw, he accidentally outed himself recently in xmas mafia lol
So you think his read came from the similarities you (or Evans, not sure who of you pulled out those quotes) pointed out which resemble his scum play and that made Gramma pause and change his mind?


part 1 - EoD 1

this is a type of read I attribute more towards tmi or defending a suspected teammate and just brushing it under the rug

why tpein? other than annoying you, do u scum read him?

tpein is right, your steer to him made no logical sense there

did this go anywhere? i don't believe the purpose of this was to really make tpein feel like his wagon was achievable as gram claimed.

also noting - psychic early day 1 alluded that the deathnote could be using votes somehow to work. something of note.

Poyser's post for reference: "Because it makes sense as a leap if she’s town that thinks tpein has slipped and then that I maybe made the same mistake"

how does THIS tell u poyser is maybe town?

your posts r scummy they don't need to be twisted to appear as such. idk how the entire thread is focused on lethal and u r deliberately talking about something else.

i like these posts from posyer. they were uncontested too by the people he scum read in them.

that was basically the extent of bigman's contribution last EoD

this has yet to be established

i am so glad u admit the bolded flowa. then why did u try to use it as argument against me yesterday?

if you are hinting N or L why r u still alive?

fair point

how did this list evolve after day 2 end? it to a certain extent maybe shows that you are uninformed of lethal's alignment, but its rather easy to fake. how did you establish that say, for instance me who was voting lethal, cannot be partnered with him? i could be voting to bus no? i have barely interacted with lethal this game

literally what r u doing that EoD. u haven't asked a single proper game solving question yet.

what the actual fk was this??

my thoughts exactly there

2 things

- I already put you back in poe

- Was basically a gut feel given that most of you had some animus to vote me - you could have just done that rather than unnecessarily bussing

notable that you and dragon both floated the possibility but didn’t commit to it - but I can categorically say you both considered it a plausible option cause it’s there in black and white


So you think his read came from the similarities you (or Evans, not sure who of you pulled out those quotes) pointed out which resemble his scum play and that made Gramma pause and change his mind?
Nah I believe lethals capitulation in play once I started suspecting him led to him changing his mind. Evans posted the comparison and it was so fucking similar. The post that could have been a slip. He also said he liked tpeins posts that day phase despite the fact he’d clown reacted all of them lol. It wasn’t just us either, even Ekko came in saying seems like lethal is open scumming, was much different to last game.

like you say he was frustrated and you relate but I don’t really agree, for a long time he wasn’t showing emotion at all he was straight up trolling, something he has actually said he likes doing when he’s caught scum (which again, evans had quoted)


The Nexus
If scum didn‘t kill him N1 intentionally, don‘t you think this implies they wanted Lethal alive to serve as a distraction? Then why push him D2 and risk his neck for D3 when he could have just defended him and gotten me lynched D2 and Lethal would yet again be a distraction D3? Makes no sense to me tbh.

well I said they used him to couterwagon you so....
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