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Game Death Note Mafia

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The X

Shouldn't Ultra he your main focus here, Flower? He's basically guaranteed to be Light at this point in your eyes.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I honestly just think he should be open at this point. If hes actually town then its very likely mafia shot him last night as I've said. They might have guessed his character wrong, but they'll know it for sure now lol
Yeah. Though obviously he still shouldn‘t flavour claim just in case.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
We are 11 players. Should be 9vs2 now. Which means if we lynch scum this day phase we should be good.


Do Big Man and Ultra have team equity?
I cant immediately think of a reason why not? I was saying big mans name a lot yesterday and it didnt get any bites at all other than some soft agreement from evans iirc

big man hasnt gone after ultra either


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Because I just found it weird he first questioned my read on him, then put him as his Top 2 Town read without elaborating further while talking about Gram and Doddsy of all people.


@Tiara can you explain your town read on ultra please?

These are big mans only mentions of ultra lol. He has him blue but he didnt explain why he put him there at all. He did explain his other 2 town reads tho!

The X

So you're not into Poser or Gran?


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Yeah, this guy can go lol. His ISO is horrendous. Read it again and I don‘t feel he‘s even playing the game.


Mafia God
If you are gonna push Ultra, do me a solid and don't hammer until CP has come on and answered my question on why he put Lethal on L1 early plz

Vote CP

For that sweet sweet implied PRESSURE

Yeah, this guy can go lol. His ISO is horrendous. Read it again and I don‘t feel he‘s even playing the game.
Big Man you mean?

FWIW I would prefer Big Man push over Ultra


Yeah Big Man doesn't look so hot
This was after both me and ekko voted big man
You just had such a strong reaction that it seemed like you had an opinion on him.

The dude has 14 posts and it's day 3.

Its about all i can find so far, will keep looking. Obv interesting he said he doesnt look so hot when me and ekko voted, but he was sussing and voting ekko at the same so yeah bit of a weird one

i dont really see any reason they couldnt be aligned at all


i cant see any other big man mentions from ultra

another thing of note was his play at EOD1. When we were trying to CFD away from lethal, Ultra went on record as saying he doesnt even particularly hate lethal and would compromise on going somewhere else - the only exception is that he would not lynch tpein. He was down for an unclaimed evans lynch

In hindsight, does this not look sus af? What do lethal and tpein have in common here? Its that they'd already confirmed themselves as not a lynchpin. Ultra was happy to go LITERALLY anywhere else

What would you say to compromising on anyone but T Pein? Hypothetically.

I hate the counter wagon more than I hate not lynching lethal if I had to be honest here. I could definitely swap.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I have 4 mentions. yeah im nicked in nicked.
Never did anything with these.
what are you trying to get out of doing these isos? the thread is still only a few hours old and you've been present for all of it so it would be pretty difficult for these to do anything.
I analyze entrances as well. Those are important to me.
I’m here. will vote soon.
Vote Lethal

just wanted to see something. why would a scum lethal not claim L or N right now?
This is the only Townie post I ever saw from him and even that could be NAI.
Mentions Ultra.
not confident he's scum here. how bad would a no lynch be?
Plays for a no lynch.
wasn't aware of that mechanic. happy with leaving it then.
probably scum who thinks not killing him gets him lynched but doesn't want to push it himself tbhtbh

you've probably already said but what is your read on him?
@Tiara can you explain your town read on ultra please?
Here he mentions Ultra.

Here he throws sus at Ultra.
it feels more genuine in comparison simply because wanting him dead so badly last day phase was probably OMGUS. I'll have a look at his posts though.
How, though?
Why not hammer a guy you didn‘t even Town read? No lynch is never good. Not buying this.
can you elaborate in your own words please pal.

even if parity is not the aim he has to play to his meta which is trying to force through getting his scum reads lynched. thing im questioning is why do it on a player you previously read town and apparently have a very good record of reading.
What is this post?
bro what? literally just read the rest of the interaction in the next few posts instead of making this insane leap.

I mean I asked if a no lynch would hurt us because im not familiar with this type of game and ultra (who I believe is familiar) answered saying it would have the same outcome. why did you leave that part out lol?
Just excuses tbh.

uhh what? be honest you didn't read the interaction you supposedely agree with. I didn't even interact with lethal lmao.

you followed poyser on me but have him as a stronger scum read than me? lol

what are you even saying bruv

what specifically do you think it is I said that was TMI

I didn't say that. read properly.

why would that make me vote him lol what are you guys on


who we lynching :garr

k I need to read back

down to lynch tiara? @CraigPelton
Yeah, I don‘t follow this guy. Also why did he want to lynch me at EoD?


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
What bothers me the most is I just don‘t understand why Ultra is Big Man‘s Town read. He just put him there, even after saying there are points against him which can be reasons to suspect him.

Big Man

What are you talking about? You specifically said you think he’s town for the way he jumped on tpeins slip out of “OMGUS” and “self pres” and that his read of tpein on D2 seemed much more genuine

did you forget?
no I quite literally did not say he was town lol. I said it's more genuine in comparison because the scum read seemed like OMGUS/spite since he was quite obviously getting pissed at him.

and there's no reason for me to lie about this at this point because I can justify his change in slip thing you thought was TMI, and I did it in another post. if I was scum and read him town I would just go with that rather than lying about not reading him town which opens me up to being caught and the fact the only person who agreed with you on it in the first place was someone who hadn't read the posts ffs.
ok I've just gone back and seen the post where he admitted he just reconsidered which is different so I can see your point of view here now. I do think the fact he was pissed at T Pein on day 1 matters but pointless arguing with hindsight now as he's already flipped town.
Because people were asking me to lol
I guess. another thing I was wondering is why put yourself forward to be lynched if he had outed himself. I can understand you thought it didn't matter but it's obviously not necessary as he's 100% getting lynched from your pov.

it's why I don't understand just claiming at the start of day. like surely you still want to win the game. claiming without even letting people build a wagon on you just helps scum. you would know it's bad for town if you don't end up getting lynched.



before I comment further on any of this

what’s your read list look like now please


Leprous Monarch
Idk what you mean by put lethal on l1 early but if you mean why did I hammer then I already explained it right after I was told it was the hammer vote
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