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Game Death Note Mafia

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5 - @Black Pegged Dragon - LOCKED town and town leader of town core.
13 - @Ekkologix -Town: Probably my strongest town read? I've been vibing on most of what he's been saying and anything that I've disagreed with, I can still see his reasoning for it. I also understand his approach to this game better than anyone and think we are of a similar mind in what we are trying to do in this game.
1 - @Ultra - Town: Has lead his voice to conversation, hasn't been shy about his opinions, and seems to be trying to solve slots.
2 - @T-Pein™ - Town: I think he's defended himself from a couple of scummy situations well. I don't necessarily see him defending Psychic or his 'slip' being scum moves. He's been had the kitchen sink thrown at him and he's handled the pressure quite well.

7 - @CraigPelton - Town: I kind of think Craig is town here? I think he made some fair points earlier and while I thought he lost his exchange with Poyser, I don't think it necessarily made him scum. I think he just needs to refocus and see where he can be most effective this game.
4 - @Evans - Town: While I'd like to see Evan branch out a bit and get some reads outside of Lethal and Poyser, the fact he's willing to challenge a bit two players shows he's not yet settling into a tunnel.
6 - @Psychic - Town: I personally haven't seen or read anything from Psychic that I couldn't reconcile in my head. I know that may be a bold take, but after watching Psychic play the scummiest town game in the longest time, I have not been pinged this game by her.
11 - @Poyser - Town: I'll give Poyser a town lean here. I think he's defended himself well against arguments and I can see his point of view in a lot of the things he is saying. His thought process has also been easy for me to follow this game. I do have some worries about him being wolf simply because he's been opportunistic and while he's defended himself well, I don't think any of the arguments against him have been bullet proof yet.

12 - @Big Man - Null: With two posts, I got no real read on him, but I suppose him calling Flower out for her early isos can have one town point.
10 - @Tiara - Wolf: This is a tough slot to evaluate. I think Flower is going to end up flipping town, but I can't reconcile why she susses Tpein and voted Poyser. I'll wait to see what she has to say and I don't really feel comfortable lynching her in D1 because I did think she had a strong entrance.
9 - @Doddsy - Wolf: I don't think Doddsy has really done anything this game but complain about certain things. I'm less sure on this slot flipping wolf, but I haven't seen anything townie from it yet.
8 - @Lethal - Wolf: As my iso shows, there's not a lot to like from Lethal's game. I think his reads have been off and there is no confidence behind some of them. I don't really buy his self vote either because I didn't see adequate enough pressure on him to react like that.
3 - @Grammaton - Wolf: I've battled a lot with Gram this phase. I don't think he's shown any genuine scum hunting. I think he's treated a couple of slots, including mine, with prejudice and has not giving a fair shake to solving slots he's having issues with. I see a lot of talk from this slot but no action. I think his defenses against the likes of me, Ultra, and Ekko, have been uninspiring.
I don’t really understand the psychic read. What thought process of hers have you been able to follow, specifically? I also have a bit of a problem with you just playing a game where she was town and played the “scummiest game possible” and not, in your opinion, being all that scummy here and concluding that she’s town for it? Not sure where the logic comes.


The Nexus
Lethal > BPD > Lethal > T-Pein
Tiara > Ultra > None > Doddsy > None > Poyser
Poyser > Ultra > None > Psychic > Ekko > T-Pein > Evans
Ultra > Psychic > Grammaton > T-Pein > None > Craig > Tiara > Lethal
BPD > BPD > Grammaton > None > Grammaton > Lethal
Craig > Ekko > Psychic > Grammaton > None > Ekko > Tiara
Psychic > Poyser > Ekko
Evans > Grammaton > Psychic > Lethal
T-Pein > Poyser > Lethal
Grammaton > Evans > None > Ekko > Evans > Tiara > Evans
Ekko > Grammaton > Tiara > Evans > Lethal

Vote Count - Day 1

T-Pein - 1
(Lethal) L-6
Poyser - 1 (Tiara) L-6
Evans - 2 (Poyser, Grammaton) L-5
Lethal - 5 (Ultra, Black Pegged Dragon, Evans, T-Pein, Ekko) L-2
Tiara - 1 (CraigPelton) L-6
Ekko - 1 (Psychic) L-6

Approximately 2 hours and 25 minutes remain. With 13 alive, it is 7 to lynch.

Ok so this is better..

@Big Man

Do not let it end at no lynch.
Vote lethal


He literally quotes his isolation of lethal and why he is willing to go there...
And asks this
I quoted his isolation of evans :pogba1:

his iso of lethal was just a list of lethals posts essentially saying “this is scummy”. I’d like BPD to summarise exactly why he thinks lethal as scum, because to me he’s using the exact same methodology to read him as he did last game and he got that completely wrong so I’m obviously curious that he hasn’t tried to readjust to his reading of lethal at all. Seems a bit easy


We get it Poyser.
Lethal = good

So why were you throwing shade at him earlier?
Why do you have him as a sus but have problems with others voting there?
Not sure if scummy or his buddying worked.

I thought his reaction with the self vote seemed to come from a town him so I don’t really wanna lynch him no


Tbh I don’t think psychic is scum, on reflection I’m happy to move her into my town column too

annoyingly enough.


I just think her commitment to posting absolute crap goes beyond the line of tolerance any teammate would have


The Nexus
Lethal > BPD > Lethal > T-Pein
Tiara > Ultra > None > Doddsy > None > Poyser
Poyser > Ultra > None > Psychic > Ekko > T-Pein > Evans
Ultra > Psychic > Grammaton > T-Pein > None > Craig > Tiara > Lethal
BPD > BPD > Grammaton > None > Grammaton > Lethal
Craig > Ekko > Psychic > Grammaton > None > Ekko > Tiara
Psychic > Poyser > Ekko
Evans > Grammaton > Psychic > Lethal
T-Pein > Poyser > Lethal
Grammaton > Evans > None > Ekko > Evans > Tiara > Evans
Ekko > Grammaton > Tiara > Evans > Lethal

Vote Count - Day 1

T-Pein - 1
(Lethal) L-6
Poyser - 1 (Tiara) L-6
Evans - 2 (Poyser, Grammaton) L-5
Lethal - 5 (Ultra, Black Pegged Dragon, Evans, T-Pein, Ekko) L-2
Tiara - 1 (CraigPelton) L-6
Ekko - 1 (Psychic) L-6

Approximately 2 hours and 25 minutes remain. With 13 alive, it is 7 to lynch.

Lethal - 5
Black Pegged Dragon,

@Big Man

We need two on Lethal.

Useless votes


I want to sit down and try to figure the game out but tbh i underestimated or had forgotten how irritating certain aspects of the game are

basically no enthusiasm atm
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