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Game Ranked EastEnders Mafia

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Meh, I think you are weighing his posts around you being scummy too heavily, and also not considering that sometimes it requires someone pointing out an aspect that you haven't considered but expect to do so to step back and re-evaluate. I know it's day 1 and all, but if you want my opinion X, I don't think this is a worthwhile avenue. I don't expect this to compltely change your mind, but I would appreciate it if you at least factored it in to your point of view here.

The X

You don't trust me because I pushed someone I thought was wolf? Got it.

The X

I will factor it in for sure. I'm not going to get into an endless circle with Poyser right now. But I think the way he's flip flopped around my slot gets him scummy points.

The X

Fang says I'm side stepping Tweet but wants to wait and see how Flower and xenos resolves first.




How did the timeline go exactly? If you could take even 20 seconds to think about what you’re saying before you say it then so much of the pointless drivel you come out with could be avoided. I said you would look bad BEFORE our interaction therefore the dejavu feeling could not have possibly existed at that point? Once I got it, I flipped from being conflicted to putting you in my town core, something you already said was jarring, and now you’re trying to say that was exactly what I should have been done once I realised???


The X

At the end of the day, I don't trust Flower's claim and think she's bad for town. Wolf, harmful indie, it honestly doesn't matter. Yet, somehow people are trying to suss me for pushing Flower, when I scum read her. Don't make a lot of sense in my mind.


You scum as fuck this game.
No, I am 100% town. I don't like how you also don't try and solve for scum after the Indie exposure of Flower and Xenos but instead you maintain your happy just to sit on that without looking for actual scum. It doesn't work that way, shithead.

I am confident you can still be a wolf. So I don't trust you, simple as.

The X

Sigh, you went from saying I was scummy, to listening to daddy Gram, to putting me in your town core. Guess I've overestimated your ability as a mafia player. Sad!

The X

You fucking said you wouldn't so shit until Flower and xenos is resolved??

The X

Like what the fuck is this bull shut? I've interacted with Flower, xenos, Poyser, Ratchet, and you. You think I'm just sitting on fuckong Flower here??



we talking about the same guy? He’s a tunnelling MACHINE as town?

the rest of this doesn’t really answer what I want to know - specifically assuming they flip Indy, what insight does that give you?
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